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Back with Jolyne and them, (YN) was going to deal with Yo Yo Ma once and for all, until he realize he was starting to fade away from dust and no longer alive anymore...

Anastasia: Well, seems like FF pulled it off, good.

Then, Jolyne notices (YN) giving off this worried look on his face, yet a little concern as well too...she walks up to him and places her hand to his shoulder and let's Hmm know what was up..

(YN): ...I...don't know...for some reason, I got this, gut feeling now, this if something wrong just happen, like...something is gonna show up, and I'm not going to like it at all....

Jolyne: ...

(YN): *shakes head* Never mind of that, let's focus on getting that green baby, now that the freak is dead, it may have left it here with u-

Suddenly, they notices the pod that the green child was is no longer there...

(YN): What the?! It's not in there anymore!

Anastasia: Where did it go?!

Jolyne then spits something and gave them their attention, they look over at a pice of the pod that's been moving at the edge of the boat, and to see two green hands pop out...

Anastasia: I-It's alive!!?

(YN): Has it been born already?!

Jolyne Mind: So, is this what White Snake has been after the entire time? What is it?? That thing has a star shape birth like mines, just what purpose it conceived to serve, and why it has to be here specifically?? Back at the cell we're the inmates were turn into trees and Palms so that thing can be born? And what's weird is that I've stop being a plant cause it was born now. Doesn't matter anymore.

Then, the boat they were on hit a log, and to realize they arrive to this small island, with the boat bump into, the green child falls to the water...

Anastasia: Shit!

(YN): No, help me find it damn it!

Meanwhile, back at the cell, FF was trying to flee away and to go after Jolyne and then to let them know that White Snake is Pucci after all this time, White Snake wouldn't let her go as he then swings a chop and to cut her in half...

Pucci: Now FF, tell me this, truthfully and I'm curious; Did you happen to get a good look at a miracle that was just born at this cell? What kind of organism was it, plant? Animal? Was it beautiful?

FF: You tell me bastard! What's a priest like you doing here in prison?! I'm sure it ain't noble!

White Snake: Hush now, I am simply asking the questions here, thank you! You see, I simply take your memories and read them, and soul know the nature of what was born immediately. However, I would rather hear your personal account of it.

FF: ...Ah, I see now. You're worried if that thing is gonna run away and disappear on ya, huh?

Pucci: Huh? What are you saying, has it moved already?!

FF: Maybe, who knows?? If I were you, I'd be worried about it not being killed. Actually I take it back, maybes it's dead by now. I mean Jolyne isn't alone you know? She's with a guy, who can be a dick...and also she's with (YN), who he told me much about you, and happens to be your son, right?

Pucci: Wh..WHAT??!!!?

Pucci gave this reaction of shock ness, and fear to hear Jolyne is with (YN), he was breathing heavily...and to try count prime numbers...

Pucci: 4-4...56...4...450...n-no wait! 4...4...4-490, Damn it!

FF: Oh boy, seems like you don't want your son to find out either? What a shame, but you tell me this, Father Pucci; ....Will he see you as his own father still? knowing you're White Snake all this time, and also, the one that you will hurt him if he gets in your way?



FF: Jeez, are you willingly to take me out for good, or just let my half of me get away and let him know?

White Snake: WHAT?!!

White Snake notices FF's half body running away with the disc of her, before she does, she spots a drain that has water for her to recover...

FF: Yes water!! Which means I can go finally tell (YN) all of it!!

She turns it on, and for water to splash all over her and regain her full body at once....Pucci then remains calm for once...

Pucci: ...You're not the one who decide to be intellect. These powers belong to someone else. In fact, it's the one who graciously gave you your stand power with a disc. Me!

White Snake: You sentient bag of plankton! You're exposing things to me with unearned triumphs arrogance!?! How dare you!!

Then suddenly, the water FF is being splashed started to ruin her body, burning her and causing her body to melt...

FF: AAAAGH!! What the Fuck is happening!? My body is like melting and shit!? Is this even water?!!? S-Som of a bitch!!!

Pucci: But of course it is water, but rather to be boiling too. The highest temperature all aquatic life on Earth can withstand safely is about 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit. I have placed a stand power that can boil water before you reaching for that drain.

White Snake: So I will repeat myself, I am the one where to decide to intellect. Any water you touch is instantly and reliably going to boil with your power.

With alot of water pouring on her, the boiling of it began to increase the pain of her, her body began to react more and more and melt as she screams in pain...and with that said, she then explodes into pieces and her disc to fly away and drop to the floor...
Even her little parasite stands were to blown to dust for to say that no longer here anymore...Pucci was a little relief to finish her off...but then also worried the fact he now knows Jolyne is with someone else, and of course with (YN) too...which can mean he will find out about his plans.....

Pucci: ...What now? How am I able to tell this to (YN)?! ...Oh dear god, and to think things will go out as I thought would, I must not give up! He will surely understand why I'm doing this, he has to...he...has to.


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