Chp.3 End Of Cry Cry Dolls: Gwess Pt.2/Stone Free

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As we left off, Jolyne finds out that the bird Gwess has is none other than a living small human disguise as one...and that's not all, Jolyne also realizes that she herself somehow have shrank and is now tiny, just like that tiny human that Gwess has...and now, Gwess finds her and find out about her stealing her bird...

Gwess: So the culprit is you, bestie.

Jolyne: Oh shit!!

Gwess: How did you took my copy-chan away from me!?

Gwess grabs Jolyne and to walk over to their cell...and to sing her name...?


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With Gwess tossing little Jolyne to a table, Gwess slowly approaches to her...and to make sure nobody sees this...

Gwess: Oh Jolyne, I'm starting to like you more and more, like we are more than just besties.

Jolyne: H-Hey! The bell did you do to me?! How did you shrank me this tiny?!

Gwess: Hey Jolyne listen, stop talking okay and put this on.

Gwess tosses Jolyne a dead rat, see an open gape from its neck, and yet to realizes it's blood and guts, everything inside the rat is empty...

Gwess: You're going to put this on, don't worry, I removed its guts and all. The parrot had some disadvantages, the poor thing couldn't handle it much longer. But rats are better, they got four for the person in that parrot? He was a guard, who got fired for being a lazy ass. The chief and everyone thought he left home after being fired...I know I told you not to speak, but I'll let it slide if you do it in a cute way like "See you later" or "Mommy I'm hungry pwease feed me"

Jolyne has no other order to come up with a plan to get back to her regular size, she has to play along with she puts on the rat costume on...

Gwess: Awwww! Look how adorable you look! Now let's begin our training shall we?

Gwess grabs couple of books, puta them on top of Jolyne as she began to struggle holding them...

Jolyne: D-Damn!!

Gwess: Okay, now lift them up, Chorokichi.

Jolyne: Ch-Chorokichi??

Gwess: Everything has a name you know? "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was god, and through him all was made. And without him, nothing was made that had been made". So this power I obtain that cause you to shrink deserves a name. How about...Cry Cry Dolls? Yeah that's it, Cry Cry Dolls shall be the name of my mental ability. Now come on, I think you're ready now.

Jolyne: R-Ready for what??

Gwess grabs Jolyne, exits the cell and to walk down the hallway, no guards to be seen, so Gwess puts Jolyne onto the cage door..

Gwess: Okay, see the other side of the cage door, at the far end of this corridor? You're going to find the control center. Your objective is to get to that switch over there. It can unlock at the cells and doors in this prison. I know you can make it, understand? If we do work together, we can escape for good. Anyways, for some reason I can't use my own ability to shrink myself, though luckily I have you now. It's important to trust each other. For this mission, you just need to investigate everything beyond that corridor.

Jolyne: I think we can escape like that-

Gwess: Hey Hey Hey!! Don't forget I told you to speak in a cute way!

Jolyne: *sighs* ...This conwol cento? How exactly am I suppose to cwawl ova to it?

Gwess smiles with joy and to pet Jolyne...

Gwess: Aww you're such a cutie little thing!! That's my adorable rat girl! ....but don't ask me dumbass, figure it out yourself, it's your job, careful though, there's a surveillance camera above ya.  You'll be in a blind spot if you go under the handrail, so go straight below it, and keep the rat corpse on. Now go!

Jolyne with the rat suit on crawls her way to the other side of the room, she rams under the desk, to see three guards here...she takes a peak...

Jolyne Mind: Four steel doors here, I wonder which one leads to the control center? And cameras in the corner, two of them-h-huh?!

Jolyne then felt her body...react..and she suddenly is stuck under the table somehow...

Jolyne Mine: Wh-What the!? Suddenly...I'm stuck!? N-No wait, my feels like-

She then began to slowly grow all of the sudden, and to rip off the rat suit, making a loud snap sound, causing the guards to hear it...

Jolyne Mind: Oh shit Shit!! It's not good my body's getting bigger!  Damn it, why is it happening?! ....wait, Gwess isn't here nor her ability, so...distance! ....Is distance her related ability?

Her body began to grow more, and causing the shit to snap louder, she panicked as the guards started to wonder what's as that sound, she sees one of them approaching to the table...she quickly makes a run for it and luckily escapes and make her way back to where Gwess dropped her...

Jolyne: Screw this bullshit investigation! I have to fit through the bars now before body grows any bigger!

Then suddenly, she felt someone is chasing her behind...she looks and gasps to see a little weird creature thing chasing her...

Cry Cry Dolls: Cry...Cry...Dolls!

Jolyne: Wha-What the bell is that thing!?!

That creature, Cry Cry Dolls leaps up and to attack Jolyne...

Jolyne: AUGH!!

Cry Cry Dolls: Wawawawawawawawawaa!!

Jolyne: Th-This thing is...

Cry Cry Dolla again goes to attack Jolyne, but Jolyne emits the string from her finger, tying Cry Cry up, and makes a run for to the bars, and goes through them, and climbing up, Cry Cry Dolls frees itself and to go after Jolyne still...

Jolyne: This's a creature doll alright, but transparent, almost like the same as my thread, it's a physical manifestation of Gwess energy that no one can see too! ...this is the fucker that shrank me! I'm willingly to bet that Gwess has no idea about her ability weakens when she's far away. So she doesn't know my body's growing back! Now I got this shit chasing me! And gonna kill me!

Jolyne leaps towards a pole on the wall, as Cry Cry Dolls grabs her leg, stabbing her with its then began, Jolyne can't do anything at all...Cry Cry Dolsl was about to slice her.....but as it does, suddenly, something made Cry Cry Dolls crash to the again goes after Jolyne, and this time, a fist comes and strikes at Cry Cry Dolls again...

Jolyne: Wah?!?...a thread?! No! A whole clump of them!

Jolyne notices the threads from finger started to react, and to create something...and this something was creating her own stand...

Jolyne: This...This must be the form my energy takes! When they gather and clump, it becomes three dimensional! What a concept!

Her stand grabs Cry Cry Dolls and doesn't let go...

Jolyne: Alright you monster child! Call Gwess over here now if that's enough to ask!

Then she heard...

Gwess: J-Jolyne...

Jolyne sees Gwess approaching, beaten up as well knowing her manifestation...

Gwess: I..didn't realize you too have your own ability.

Jolyne: You bitch!!

Jolyne uses her stand to attack Gwess...but she begs...

Gwess: No No wait a sec! Give me a sec I'm begging! Please stop strangling my Cry Cry Dolls so tight!

Jolyne: Okay focus then will ya?! Try to shrink my body to get out of these bars okay!?

Gwess: O-Okay Okay, you can even have the bottom bunk too! I know we've been through a lot but please don't hate me!

Gwess uses her ability to shrink Jolyne, freeing from being unstuck...

Jolyne: Okay now hand over the stone, it wasn't in the charm when you give it to me!

Gwess: Okay Okay...that'll be two hundred-

Jolyne: Shut the fuck up you bitch! I don't wanna hear that shit! Besides, who did you bought it from!?

Gwess: Okay Okay, and, not sure, but her names something like...Ermes?

Jolyne: Ermes?

Gwess: Yeah, oh and also...gotcha!

Gwess grins and to push Jolyne, shrinking her and to push her in the little hallway behind the bars...

Gwess: Oh guards~!!!! Get over here now! There's a prisoner that's past through the gun point! Hurry!!

Jolyne: Nrgh!! You fucking-

Guard: Hey you!! The hell you're doing!?! How did you get pass through!?! Prison Break! Code 999!!

The guard sounds the alarm for Jolyne and goes get backup...

Gwess: Hahahah!!! This is going to be the end of you! If you don't know, the guard wen to go get his shotgun and since you're behind that door, he's got the right to shoot your sorry ass! No questions asked!! Joooolyyyne~~!!!

Jolyne: ...

Gwess: And this is all because you desires this for breaking my heart and feelings, and you'll die for it and-

Suddenly, Jolyne's stand strikes a brutal punch to Gwess...

Gwess: A-AUUGH!!!?

Jolyne: Tch, Yare Yare Dawa Gwess, look shut up and listen, you said everything has a name right? Then I'll name my ability'll be Stone Free, cause somehow, I'm gonna free myself from the sea of stone. You hear me? Stone Free! That's the name!!

Jolyne's stand, Stone Free started throwing barrage rapid punches to Gwess...

Stone Free: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora
Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!

Aftee that, Stone Free ties her up with her string threads...

Jolyne: If there's some sort of hierarchy in this prison, then I'll follow it as much as I need to, but I'll be the one giving orders shrink me down and get me the hell out of this hallway!

Then, the guards showed up, singing their weapon to shoot Jolyne...but as they do, she was gone, and so as Gwess too...

Guard #1: Huh?? She's gone..?!

Guard #2: What?? Hey, you sure there was one here??

Guard #1: Y-Yeah I did! Must've...seen things I guess, probably she want inside here after all and... I don't really know anymore...

Later that day, it was night already, and lights are out, in Jolyne's Cell, Gwess is bandaged up, sleeping on top of the bunk bed, as for Jolyne, she's now sleeping on the bottom one...but she stood up night for a bit, looking at the charm and stone in it..and the picture of her parents...she looks at her dad again, smiling...and as she sees her mom...she gave a concern look, about the gift she's gave her to manifest a stand power...

Jolyne: Old hag...what are you up to now?


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