Chp.39 Heavy Report Pt.1

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We then left off that Versus has stole Weather's memory disc from Pucci, and to retrieve to Weather, and he did, with Weather regaining back his memory, he is now a different person than he was before, ruthless, cruel, utterly angry, and harsh and with a attitude as of the medics try to stop him by hurting the patient, until Weather uses his ability against the medic, inserting the clouds in his body and to fill his whole body with water and killing him...

Anastasia: Weather! The hell you're doing!? What's gotten into you!?

Weather: Me? Hehe, what does it look like idiot. I'm finally myself now, and feeling a whole lot better.

He then started to walk away...

Anastasia: Wait! Where are you going Weather!?

Weather: Weather? Who do you think you are? ...So I take it my new name was Weather Forecast, but I really don't give a shit about it nor have a problem.

Anastasia Mind The hells up with him!? He's like a different person!

As he goes following Weather, we take a look back to the tunnel, and to see Jolyne and them surrounded by Weather's rainbows...

Versus: The rainbows around us are getting closer!

Versus then free himself from the threads as Ermes spots him...

Ermes: Oh no! You're not going any where cabron!

Ermes rushes and to emits Kiss to attack Versus, but then a rainbow passes throw her arm...and for her whole arm to bits a lot of these shaped look alike eggs from her hands all of the sudden...

Ermes: My arm!!

And for it to regenerate back and no problem at all...

Ermes: Huh?? It's okay? Or am I just seeing things?

Versus: It's only gonna get worse! Sure you're in trouble, but aren't the only one! Take this as a warning, whatever happens, do not touch the rainbows. Father Pucci tried to stop all this, these are Weather Forecast's rainbows. His stand has the ability to control the weather. Now that his memories are back, he could now finally destroy the ozone layer if he wants to! The ozone layer is way up in the sky. If he messes with it, we will be screw and we all die for good! And I use it as a gamble to use him as my advantage so I can continue to live!

Ermes: So what the fuck does that have to do with my arm that just happen!?

(YN): Hey you piss ant! You're telling me these rainbows here are here cause he got his memory back?!

Jolyne: That doesn't make a difference though, how does that make sense?!

Pucci: ...It's his subconscious.

Jolyne/(YN)/Ermes: !?

Pucci: Weather's stand sometimes functions unconsciously. The climate can be quite difficult to control. So there are instances where it manifests on its own without him even noticing. The fact of the matter is he should have never had his memories return to him. I'm order to stop his either need to kill him, or find a way to extract his memories from him once more. Although, I don't believe you, Jolyne, are capable of taking Weather's life. And if you cannot, everyone will die before the new moon arrives. That is everyone except me of course.

Pucci then walk away through the tunnel still to make his way to Cape Canaveral...

(YN): Hey! Get back here!!

Pucci: ...If I were you my son, I wouldn't let Versus get away.

(YN): Huh?!

(YN) and the girls look and to see Versus fleeing away...

Jolyne: Fuckers getting away!

(YN): Get him!

But as they rush to go after Versus...they suddenly stepped out from the tunnel, and yet to find themselves back in the room with the two officers in as well...

Officer #1: Hey look, two women and a guy down here!

Jolyne: The hell!?

Ermes: Was the hole this shallow??!

(YN): No! Once that little bitch made a run for, he deactivated underworld! Hey you officers! Have you seen a guy and a priest run out here?! If so, which way?

Officer #2: Wait hold up, I know these two women. You're faces are in some mugshots. You two are from-

Suddenly, more rainbows appeared in the room, and they manage to hit on the officers bodies, and to tear apart and to burst out more layer of look alike eggs and to collapse on the floor...they notice that whatever Burt's out from their bodies are more to be like living snails, and find more of them all around the wall, and even at the hallways, they see patients and medics covered in snails, and to roam around like zombies...

Jolyne: Unbelievable! The living fuck is going on!? If you touch those rainbows, you burst out snails out from your body!

(YN): Wait! now that you think about it, I've heard back at the prion, Weather was able to make frogs rain down to the sky, but this is nothing like that. What does it even have to do with Weather having to control the weather!? And how does it connect this??

Then suddenly, they heard groaning behind, as they turn and see the two officer's bodies transforming somehow...they slowly starting to transform into giant living snails as well...

(YN): Okay, what the actual living fuck!?

Jolyne: (YN) look out!!

Jolyne shoves (YN) away from the rainbow that was approaching to him, and Jolyne's hand to slightly touch it...

(YN): Shit! Jolyne! Are you alright?!

Jolyne: Y-Yeah, I'm fine for now...but you know, it could be that Stand Users have a higher tolerance to this phenomenon than everyday people.

Ermes: Okay now, so who exactly are we even going after?? Father Pucci before he reaches to Cape Canaveral? Or go after Weather, which he can our new enemy now? Whatever Weather Forecast has become now, he's now our enemy now that he's got his memories back!

(YN): No, Weather is still our ally, but let's not forget about Versus! When my dad warn us about not letting him out of our sight, he meant that he's going to dig up the past with his ability and to excavate Weather's memory disc and out an end to this apocalypse!

Jolyne: But if we are going to catch up to him, we have to find a way out of this hospital first!

As they come up with something to get out of the hospital without being touched by the rainbows and snails...outside of the hospital, Versus makes a run for to go after Weather's disc and to achieve heaven before Pucci as well.

Versus: I want it-no! I need it! I need it more than that damn priest! I need to get my hands on that power to go to Heaven! And then I can finally be happy like I've always wanted! Now all I have to do is dig! Go for it, Underworld!

Underworld digs down the dirt and to find the memories of Jolyne and them arriving at the hospital and hearing them talking about looking for Pucci in the hospital, also hearing that Emporio has Jocelyn's memory disc and to make his way to contact the Speed Wagon Foundation to receive it to her...

Versus: So that friend of hers she was talking on the radio goes by Emporio. I have to find him then, not even Father Pucci knows about him. I haven't dug up this Emporio kid's face yet, so I don't know what he looks like. But thanks to this mess, he hasn't had the chance to contact and meet the foundation, which means he's still in possession of Jocelyn Kujo's disc. And from what I heard from the priest, she learn how to achieve heaven! If I can get a hold of her disc, I'll be able to do so! Mark my words, I'll make Jocelyn Kujo's disc mine!

Back at the hospital, Jolyne (YN) Ermes make their way out the hospital by climbing by the walls and ceilings without touching the snails...

Jolyne: God damn it! These little shits keep speeding all over the ground layers!

(YN): Just how many are them!?

Ermes: It's more like a one giant snail orgy! The freaks are protecting one after another. Fun Fact: snails don't have gender at all, whenever they pierce each other with those tentacles on their heads, they start popping out babies all over the damn place.

Jolyne: Tch, Yare Yare Dawa, so it's an organism that can send with anything it encounters, huh? Honestly, I'm a little jealous...

(YN): ..... Hol up Wha??!

Jolyne: I-I mean that's actually disgusting!

.. . . . . Anyways, they are close to make their way out of the hospital and to go after Versus to stop him going after Weather's disc, or to say he's now going after Jolyne's mother disc. But still, they are concern the fact that Weather can only control the weather with his stand ability, so if that's the case, why are rainbows happening around, and why when someone touches it, you turn into a living snail and get infected by it???


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