Chp.41 Heavy Report Pt.3

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Now, you're probably wondering, how are Weather and Pucci brothers in blood, why did Pucci stole Weather's memory in the first place?? Well my friends, let me tell you a quick tale about how this all happen...

Weather was originally born to the wealthy Pucci family, the younger of fraternal twins. He was stolen from the clinic nursery by a woman whose own baby had died the same day, soon after birth. In his teenage years, he worked as a juice delivery boy. One fateful day, he stopped a thief from stealing Perla Pucci's bag, Perla is Pucci's young sister, and within two week's time, the two began dating. Enrico Pucci, discovering that Weather was, in fact, his twin brother, sought to separate them in a manner that would least harm his sister. However, the "private detective agency" he used to accomplish this was actually run by some...... "White Ghosts" if y'all catch my drift here....

(If you know what "White Ghosts" I meant, then you know)

Anyways, who subsequently looked into Weather's family history and found that his "mother" had married an African American man. When the "White Ghosts" members saw Perla give Weather a goodnight kiss, they attacked the pair and ultimately lynched Weather, hanging him from a tree to die. Perla cut him down and, not realizing he still had a faint pulse, jumped off the nearby cliff to her death.
Not long after, when Pucci was stabbed by the Arrow, Weather gained a Stand ability on his own as well. After regaining consciousness, he sought out the head of the "private detective agency" for information on Pucci. Weather was filled with rage at both himself and the world, but his Stand made it impossible for him to kill himself. He tried jumping off a cliff, but winds blew him back to the cliff side. He tried drowning himself, but the waves pushed him back to the shore. He even tried shooting himself, but the gun chamber filled with water and refused to work. On the fourth day after his regained consciousness, snails began to rain from the sky as a result of his Stand. Pucci then confronted Weather, revealed that they were brothers, and removed Weather's memory disc using Whitesnake.
So yeah, that's the story of it, bizarre right? Now that their story is all covered up, we again take a look back at Weather and Anastasia, who then are warned that Pucci is close by.

Weather: He's close. The only reason why I'm living is to settle the score with him!

Anastasia: What are you saying? They've come back to you? You can remember everything now? Then what are we doing here? We should go looking for Jolyne! I only came with you for Jolyne, I don't give a damn about your past!

Weather: ...You don't wanna go where she is currently. It'll be useless, anyways I need you by my side, so you can kill me and take my life...I beg of you, Anastasia.

Anastasia: ...Weather, what the actual fuck did you say?! You want me to kill you?!

Weather: I do.

Anastasia: Cut the bullshit! Why?! What is even happening to you either way?!

Weather: ...I remember this happening around me once before, my hometown in 1988.

Anastasia: Say what?

Weather: It would seem, this freak show represents the dark side of my heart.

Anastasia: ...Well shit, you're memories are back. So you remember now? Everything? Then get your shit together and do something about it!

Weather: I have no control over this ability, though if you do kill me, that stands powers could stop. I do feel bad for the snail people, but a part of me hates living even more, and that part is enjoying the hell out of this.

Anastasia: But she's nearby, could she be turning into a snail too?!

Weather: ...I have no idea how this works, but judging from what I see, it's likely that touching these snails is the trigger to this apocalypse. More over, if you turn into one, then there will be no one to kill me.

Anastasia: God damn it! I don't know what kind of fucking bullshit you're saying, and I don't care! Just tell me where Jolyne is!!

Weather: Jesus fine, not like she likes you too-

Anastasia: Huh?!?

Weather: Nothing moron. But before that, we need to settle things with Pucci, like I said, he's nearby around.

Anastasia: Wait, really?! Where??!

Weather: I don't know, but he's close. And I want to settle things between us once and for all. From what happen to FF, to dealing away Jolyne's mother's memories for his own selfish desires to come to fruition, I'll settle it all, I'll be the one to kill Pucci. And once I take cared of him, you kill me, got it?!

Anastasia: ...Tch, fine whatever, I still owe FF a big one anyway. I'm with you. So where is he? Which way he's coming towards us?

Weather: It doesn't matter where he's coming from, he's already here, and is within 20 meters from us.

Anastasia: Well just letting you know, I've already done a quick sweep under ground with Diver Down, and out here is nothing but snails. You sure he's close to all this?

Weather: Yes I am sure of it Damn it. Let's mo-

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a surprise attack led towards Weather, chopping off his right leg and drops down to the floor...

Anastasia: Weather!!!

As Weather was on the floor, in pain of loosing a leg, he sees a pile of snails aside of him, and to see someone on them...and it was Pucci hiding underneath them!

Pucci: I am already aware of how that weather controlling ability of yours functions now. This phenomenon that turns anything, man or beast, into snails. As long I understand the secret behind why it happens, I have no reason to be afraid of them being touched on my body! I've uncovered this works! Although it took me a while, I've already overcome it once before when I removed your memoirs back in 1988!

Weather: Y-You son of a-

Anastasia: Damn you! Pucci!!!

Anastasia rushes over to Pucci, as Pucci moves aside, as the reflection of the mirror hits Anastasia fork the rainbow, and to be affected by it and collapses on the floor...

Pucci: It's all over for you now as well.  You should've have stayed out of my business and away from Jolyne. But instead, you chose to escape prison and end your life here!

Anastasia Mind: What the !? How is he not unscathed by the snails when he got out by them! They don't make a damn lick of sense. What is going on?!

Pucci: With this, we shall call it good. If you are planning to die soon, brother, hold off for a while, I cut your leg off so it take a few hours for you to bleed out. With this phenomenon you caused still played, it'll be the perfect weapon for putting an end to all nuisance who attempts to appose me, even if it takes my own son to stop me as well....I now know who will be praising me up to attain heaven. It turns out to be you, Weather. With that said, we still have three days till the new moon arrives, and will finally begin! The moment that the green baby desired will come to pass, and the manifestation of heaven that DIO strives for, will take route inside my body!

As Pucci was gonna leave...he then felt puddles of blood dripping to his face, and to turn quickly and see Weather in the air and to dive down towards him, and with Anastasia giving him a leg with Diver Down...

Weather: Weather Report!!!

Weather emits His stand out as Pucci does as well to block his attack, Weather Report's punch send Pucci flying crashing to a car...

Anastasia: Okay! Wrap the priest and bring him closer Weather! Don't let him get away!

Pucci then quickly rushes to Anastasia, and to use White Snake to inject his finger to his neck, reading his mind and for his stand to be weaken and Weather to drop down on the floor again...

Weather: No! Anastasia!!

Pucci: There are eyes for me to see out of from all over, that's how I was able to come here. Anastasia, may I use you for a moment? You shall act as an substitute for my eyes. Would you kindly relate to me what you see in-front of you? Which are specifically dangerous to me. What is Weather doing?

Anastasia: ....He's hardening his own blood to create a few dozen spears all over the ground around you. There are three of them placed directly behind you, then to your right there are four more lying in wait.

Pucci looks around and to see the blood spears appearing from the ground around him, just like he said...

Pucci: Ah yes, very good. Now, be a good boy and guide me out of this maze of blood spears, okay? Please continue.

Anastasia: ...If you take six steps, you will meet six of them. From there, you're gonna want to take a hard left.

he drags Anastasia with him still to guide his way out...

Pucci: Weather, from the very moment you were born, a curse has afflicted you. Stay there silently, just as you are! No matter what you attempt to do, there is no salvation for your life. The memories I sealed away from you should have never returned to you in the first place.

Anastasia: Continue moving five steps, then face right, and you will be free to go.

Pucci: Splendid, five more steps.

Anastasia: And there is something I've realize. I sight it, so I should tell more spear still remains. I was looking at the ground so I didn't notice before....there is some blood on your shoulder form Weather's attack before...and right about now, he's hardening it with another spear!

The blood Pucci is covered turn into a spear and to stab him on the neck, letting Anastasia go...

Pucci: Nrgh!! You planned these dirty tricks!

Anastasia: Like hell if any of this is dirty! Weather is far stronger than you!! That is why he's gonna win!

Weather emits his stand, and to surround Pucci with air wind pressure around him, and  to pull him towards as his stand strikes a brutal punch to his chest, weakening him and to then get a hold of him and not letting him go....

Weather: I got you now!

Pucci: N-No wait! Don't do it, Weather! Wh-While you were in Green Dolphin Street Prison, I could've finish you off any given moment if I truly wanted to! Except...I had it in my head that one day I could save you, which is why I stole your memories! This isn't an excuse of me begging for my life! ...L-Listen to me brother, I must tell you...I'm a father, in terms I am a dad! I have a son who I raise on my own, and you know him, he is none other than (YN)!

Weather: Yeah, I know...and I don't care.

Pucci: Think about it brother! With me working hard on trying to achieve this immense power I'm getting so that all three of us can prosper! It was fate to happen that I need to achieve heaven! I had no choice...!

Weather: ...What a shame. How sad. The kind of evil that doesn't even realize it's the most disgusting kind of them all! You really think I'm going to fall for that, after what you caused my life, after what you did to my beloved girlfriend Perla, your own sister?! And let's not forget that you're "son", (YN), to think he will even forgive you with the slightest after the shit you pulled behind his back?! ....You make me sick! I'm ending you now!

Pucci: N-No! Stop this Weather!! You are the one that is wrong!! All that happen, cause you're the cursed brother!!! And I'm the man that kept you alive after all this, and this is what I get-

Weather: it's over! Die, Pucci!

As Weather was about to end Pucci right there for good...
Suddenly, a car appears and to then crash towards another one, flying towards him and Weather...and for the car to crash again....and that car, in it, was Jolyne and her friends, alongside with Versus driving it...

(YN): God damn it! I told you if you try something funny I'll cut you!

Versus: N-No wait!! There was a sudden cloud of dust and then a straight nail or something stabbed through the tire, that's why I lost control!

Jolyne: Wait, he's close! Weather is somewhere around, and Pucci too! Although, the is it due seems to be off.

Emporio: You're right, by the looks of it, the ground is covered in tons of blood and spears too.

Jolyne: Weather! If you're out here, say something! I know you're here!

. . .
No response....not even one.

(YN): ...Somethings off. We need to get out and search for him.


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