Chp.47 C-Moon Pt.3

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As we left off, Emporio has received a text message from Jocelyn Kujo, who she currently is making her way down here and has confirm that Jolyne is alive due of her feeling her presence still, and Pucci aware of it too as Pucci makes a run for down the visiting center building to go looking for her...

Pucci: What's going on!? Jolyne Cujoh! Her heart should've been turned inside out! C-Moon's gravitational powers should have destroyed her completely! How in the world she is still alive?! I have to put an end to this for good! The Joestar bloodline is something I must overcome, no matter what it takes! *Im well aware she doesn't have the capability to move her body, but how is she still alive?! Did I somehow miss her vital points by accident?! No, without a doubt I landed on her heart and should've turn inside out! Could this be....the Joestar bloodline and the damn blood of that damn Kujo!? Is that what is trying to hinder the plan that DIO and I been working to achieve!?*

Pucci made it outside of the building and yet doesn't spot Jolyne...

Pucci: It's imperative that I end Jolyne Cujoh here. No matter what lengths I got to. All the times she's interfered  with my plan, have been test to my path to heaven! I know I can do this, I'm Father Pucci. I am the one who walks the path with fate on my side, our plan goes beyond petty feelings of justice, DIO and I will succeed...whether (YN) likes it or not!  There is no soul in this world capable of getting in our way!

Pucci then started to make his way to go looking for Jolyne, he passes by everything that has been hanging on a thread to fall horizontally and people as well...he stops and to spot a piece of rip clothing hanging on towards glass shatters from the window...

Pucci: She's there, that's a scrap of her own clothing. Meaning, it's likely she wound up falling into this for whoever's been sneaking up to me behind, I suggest you not come close.

Pucci looks back, and to see (YN) arriving and appearing to him, he was hanging onto a pole, glaring down at Pucci with such rage and hatred to his own father, Pucci emits C-Moon out, and so as (YN) emitting Fulgore out...

Pucci: If I were you (YN), I would not come any closer or do something foolishness you'll regret. You don't lose a threat to me, not even a little.

(YN): ...But I do.

Then suddenly....(YN) slowly stood up on his feet, and to slowly walk down to the ground, which Pucci then was dismayed to see him walk on to the gravitational force with no problems of falling at all, C-Moon rushes as land a punch, but Fulgore blocks it and gets a hold of it, not letting him go at all...

Pucci: Impossible! How is it you're able to walk on the gravitational force?! You should be falling!

(YN): ...Fun Fact: My stand Fulgore, has the ability to scan the movement and abilities in fighting combat of another stand, he can impress/duplicates the abilities, movements and fighting combat the enemy stand can do, much better as well. You're catching up, right "father"?

Pucci: N-No! No!!

(YN): I manage to quickly scan your precious
C-Moon in seconds, so whatever you and C-Moon can do, I can do it too.

Pucci: ...(Y-YN), please, you don't have to do this, just walk away from this! I don't want to hurt you-

(YN): Oh you hurt me plenty enough "father"! Don't give me that fucking shit, after what you did to me back at the prison, everything you did, and you really think I will expect from you not wanting to hurt me?!

Pucci then started to feel a bit emotional the fact he was trying his very best not to fully hurt his own son, but the guilt keeps holding him much more..

Pucci: ...How did we even end up here? Why does this have to happen between us? Why does god have to do this to me?!

(YN): You brought this upon yourself!! Also, knowing that Jolyne was framed and sentence to 15 years of prison, I take it that you plotted that too as well, didn't you?

Pucci: ....

(YN): Tch, fucking figures. You framed her to 15 years of prison, and to then hire one of your lackeys to go after her and lure her mother as well so you can steal her memory and stand by sneaking.

Pucci: ...Oh (YN), how you've grown much, my sweet little boy.

(YN): ...I ain't your boy any more Pucci...I'm your enemy, remember?

Pucci: Of course I do...and since we are enemies still...then, I have no choice then but to actually kill you, son, or not!!!

C-Moon and Fulgore both started to throw barrage punches at each other...


Fulgore: WRRRRYAAAAH!!!!

As they throw some Rosie barrage punches to each other, Fulgore landed a hit on C-Moon to the chest, sending him and Pucci crashing to a pole as Fulgore rushes, emits his neon blades out as Pucci gets out of the way, and Fulgore to slice the huge thick pole in half and to chase after him with those neon blades...without noticing (YN), he rushes Pucci from behind, Pucci then uses C-Moon to strike a punch to his shoulder and to start inverting, Fulgore rushes over and to then land a punch to Pucci, sending him flying away and to quickly punch (YN)'a shoulder for it to stop inverting and go back to itself..Pucci charges at (YN) with some barrage punches, as (YN) and Fulgore leaps over him, Fulgore grabs both Pucci's and C-Moon's feet and to swing them and toss them to the wall and crashing through to a room...Pucci gets up and to recover from the attacks from (YN) and Fulgore and seeing them slowly approaching to him...
Suddenly, Pucci felt like he is being grabbed by his feet, and to then see two set of hands actually grabbing him down from inside a vent, and to see heart tattoo on those arms, which it could mean only one person has those tattoos...

(YN): J-Jolyne!!

Pucci: No you don't!

Pucci uses C-Moon to punch both of her hands to then see them slowly inverting them ...

(YN): No!!

Pucci: Yes I got you with a direct! Your arms are as good as gone!

. . . But then her arms began to inverts inside...the direct hit C-Moon landed on her arms then didn't do nothing at all, suddenly, Jolyne uses her threads to create some loop of surface circling around none stop, and for the inverting not affecting her at all..

Pucci: Wh-Wha?!? What in gods name is was that?! Both of her arms should've been inverted!

Pucci then sees Jolyne slowly coming out from the vent...

Pucci: What the hell!?!

He backs away and to see her coming out from the vent...she's badly wounded, but is alive after all...

(YN): Jolyne!! You're okay!

(YN) rushes up to her and to then hug her with such relief, Jolyne gently smiles and to hug him too...

Jolyne: It's alright, I'm okay.

(YN): You better.

The two smile at each other, relieved to see each other again and to land each other a kiss as well...afterwards, (YN) notices Jolyne's side of her chest making a weird loop surface with her threads...

(YN): H-Hey, what's up with your body? Why are your threads doing that?

Pucci notices as well...

Pucci Mind: What is that?! What is that shape in her chest where her heart should be!? That's where I landed a punch as well!? So what is it that didnr inverted her heart at all!? ....W-wait a minute...that loop's a möbius strip! That's what she's creating!!!

The möbius strip is a surface that can be formed by attaching the ends of a strip of paper together with a half-twist. Take this as an example: You use your finger, tracing the surface with it, and form there, keep going. If you continue to trace without even lifting your finger from the surface, you'll realize that you've somehow ended up on the other side. After going around entirely with a length of it, you'll find yourself back at the starting point.

This shape with no front side of back side was discovered in the 19th century by a German mathematician. I'm honor of him, the shape was dubbed the "Möbius Strip".

Pucci Mind: Of course! In order for her to invert, you would need more than one surface. But it has no concept of inside and outside. The shape known as the band of infinity! She was able to make one of her threads! But there could been a possible moment where she could've made it, and that's the very moment when C-Moon struck her in the heart!!

Pucci then slowly to approach towards Jolyne and (YN)...

Pucci: The first ever person to eat a mushroom has my respect. It might have been poisonous you know? Was it just luck that he ate it and turn out okay? Or perhaps...was it a final act of desperation fueled by hunger that's spurred this discovery!

Pucci emits C-Moon and to charge after them...

Jolyne: (YN) now!!

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

With (YN) deflecting the punches from C-Moon with his, Pucci backs away and to see the corpse of a guard falling towards him, and to snatch his gun out and aims it at Jolyne and (YN)...Anastasia and Emporio arrive in in time, but in a the bad time as well as Pucci shot serval times and for the bullets to go straight towards them...

Emporio: (YN), Jolyne move!!!

Anastasia: Move Jolyne!!!!

. . .
As the bullets were about to hit them and (YN) about to use his stand to deflect them...
Out of nowhere...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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