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We then left off, and to witness Pucci archive Heaven at last! His whole body started to burst out glimpse of light, as the heaven has chosen him .

Pucci: Just now when Jocelyn threw the spear at me, I felt it! Her actions directed to me in place! The ones who have been raising me up to heaven, for those who share the blood of the Joestar's!

Jolyne, Jocelyn (YN) and everyone witness to see Pucci achieving heaven at the space shuttle, as Anastasia then seals up aside on the space shuttle without Pucci noticing...

Anastasia: It's over Pucci! Diver Down!

As he use his stand to strike a punch at Pucci...he arm started to feel weird...and for it to open wide and a burst of light to pop out as well, and then a stand appear out of it....

Anastasia: Wh-What the hell!?!!

Pucci: My stand C-Moon is no longer! The time for heaven has arrived at last! It has been completed! The gravitational coursing through my entire body!!!

The light out of Pucci's body bursts out more and more...and to shine all over the area...
Afterwards...everything was quiet...and Jolyne and the other were then to slowly rise up...

Jolyne: What the?

She then heard the TV news...

TV: Good afternoon. The accident on the State Highway 405 at Cape Canaveral, with casualty numbers estimated to be between one and two thousands, with initial thought to be caused by a collapse. The situation seems to be more complicated. More updates to this story after the break.

Ermes: Wh-What the hell?! What happen!?

Jolyne: Wait, where is Anastasia?!

Anastasia: I-I'm fine. Glad you're worried about me, Jolyne-

Jolyne: I'm just relief you're okay, nothing else.

Anastasia: But of course.

(YN): More importantly, my dad made a run for! He engulfed in light and vanished. We have to hurry and find that shuttle right now!

Jocelyn: No, I don't think it was the shuttle that disappeared, it was us that move. It seems that we shifted about 200 meters away from it. I don't know how, but we were in that building over there a minute ago.

Ermes: Well, don't mean to be a jerk here Jocelyn, but I remembered if I were to be blown away. No else saw anything like that?

Emporio: My guess is that we were moved by the reversed gravity.

(YN): Good theory, but not likely. The gravitational effect has already worn off back there.

Anastasia: Yes, and I heard that C-Moon is no longer the priest's stand anymore. So where is he? Jolyne, can you sense him??

Jolyne: ...He's here alright, I can sense him, and that's about it.

Jocelyn: So we don't know where he is hiding or what direction he's going, he's around somewhere. *Besides that, he managed to saw the spear thrown at him while I used time stop and Star Platinum to throw it at him. In that split second he saw the spear thrown at and dodged it at the very last second, but how did he do it!?*

Then suddenly, they all felt drips of water from the sky, and to see up and yet to be raining, but also to see the clouds moving in a high speed...

Jolyne: It's raining?? That's fast?

Emporio: But how??! It was just sunny.

(YN) then notices his soaked clothes already dried up...

(YN): The hell!? We were just wet soaking wet now and already dried up?!?

And then, the rain stops, clouds fade awayC and to see the sun already setting down for sunset...

Jolyne: The setting down already?!

Ermes: O-Okay what the fuck is really happening!??!

Anastasia: The hells going on!?

Jolyne then notices the blood during from before with C-Moon began to dry up and crumble down already...

Jolyne: M-My's drying up from the Ik fight with C-Moon?! Why so quick!? What does this mean, and why?!

(YN): ...Soaked wet, dried up in seconds, raining first and stop and is now sunsetting!? ...Wait, Mrs.Kujo, can you check your watch, please!

Jocelyn looks at her watch, and to gasp in shock to see the hands moving at high speed, as if the time was fast forwarding...

Jocelyn: I-It can't be!

Anastasia: So he was telling the truth after all! His new ability was in that space shuttle after all!

Emporio: And now...everything is moving at as faster speed. Everything in this world...and I don't mean the machines, I'm talking about everything!

The sky turns dark as it was now nighttime already and clouds to move in a rush still...

(YN): It's already nighttime and stars lighting up!

Emporio: Does that mean...everything that's going on right now...has to do with the completion of his new ability!?

(YN): So then, this is what my father can do? Somewhat move time at a fast pace?!

Ermes: Damn it! The way the clouds and stars are moving, it's like a special affect in a movie!

Jocelyn: *(YN)'s right, Pucci's new ability has to do with time, speeding up time. The passage of it is going by faster and faster. In under these circumstances, it seems only he's safe. Could he be the only one that can withstand a rapid acceleration of time? It's highly possible, he was able to dodged the spear I threw at him whole time stopped, but thought it might have been unconscious. If he is capable of moving under the rapid passing of time, and can still move around...*
Jolyne, (YN)! We are leaving, it isn't safe here. Staying out here longer is not wise.

Jolyne: ...Huh?!

Jocelyn: Where!?

They both sense something, and to caught a slight glimpse of something that's moving at such high speed and can't tell what it is...

Jolyne: You sensed that too, right mom!?

Jocelyn: Definitely. I felt it. He keeps moving, and hides himself, don't know where but he's coming closer. Not good, let's move! Everyone get out now! Start running now, get a move on!

Everyone then made a run for around the building and Jocelyn to stay behind to find Pucci that he's close by...

Jocelyn: Star Platinum: Za Warudo!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jocleyn stops time, and to catch Pucci behind a pillar with his new stand...then, her time stop ended in a mere second

Jocelyn: My time stop! It drastically shortened!

Pucci moves at a high speed and goes after Jocelyn...

Jocleyn: Shit!!

(YN): Up here Mrs.Kujo!

(YN) uses Fulgore to grab Jocelyn and pick her up at the top of the building with everyone else...

Jocleyn: Thank you (YN).

(YN): You're welcome.

Jocelyn: Where's Jolyne?

(YN): She's with Ermes, she's worried sick about this situation going on. I'll go check on her.

Jocelyn: Yeah, please. I'll keep an eye on Pucci....(YN)?

(YN): Hm?

Jocelyn: ...Is he really your father too?

(YN): ...Yes, I know it sounds weird, but he is. That is why I've came all the way to aid on Jolyne's side to help her no matter what happens.

Jocleyn: ...You're a good man (YN), I'm glad she's found someone like you.

(YN): Hey, I'm lucky to meet her in the first place.

(YN) walks over to Jolyne and to check up on her as Jocelyn keeps a lookout on Pucci...meanwhile, Anastasia started to approach to Jocelyn...

Anastasia Mind: You lost your chance (YN), you had the moment to tell Jolyne's mother how you feel towards her. You lose, now I shall have my chance to offer her permission to let me marry Jolyne.

Anastasia then stands next to Jocelyn...

Anastasia: Mrs.Kujo, it is an honor to meet you.

Jocelyn: ...You must be?

Anastasia: Anastasia, and I'm here to have a crucial talk with you.

Jocelyn: What is it?

Anastasia: *Here goes* ...Back when I met your daughter, I was determined to protect her with everything I have. We've already caught ourselves up with something we can't hold back. But we will make it out alive. So I'd like to ask you...for your blessings to marry your daughter.

Jocelyn: ...What??

Anastasia: I asked you for your blessing, please Mrs.Kujo. Respectfully, I want to marry your daughter. I know now is not the best time to ask, but all you have to do is give me your permission. If I may..have her mother's approval, it'd mean more to me than you'll ever know. I don't expect it to be easy, and it's not like I've always felt worthy enough to marry Jolyne. Sure, I have been brand myself as a murderer, so I'm aware that there's no way Jolyne would fall in love with me right away. But, her sheer determination and pure soul she's inherited from you, is the light that shines upon the darkest part of my heart. And that's the heart that can collapse any moment. She is exactly what I need. Just say yes, please ma'am, that's all I want to hear. I need you to let me marry her when we make it out alive!

Jocelyn stood quiet and to feel confused of what he was saying about marrying Jolyne...

Anastasia: Well?

Jocelyn: Anastasia...your words mean kindness and sweet, and I really appreciate how much you've been on my daughter's side as well..

Anastasia Mind: This is it!! She's finally mine!!

Jocelyn: ...But unfortunately...I cannot let you, I refuse.

After her response...Anastasia gave this utter shock and jaw breaking look...

Anastasia: Wh-What....?!!?

Jocelyn: You heard me son, I refuse to let you marry my daughter.

Anastasia: B-But...But why??! Why?! I-I have so much feelings for her, and she does too! Surely she feels the same way too, I can feel it in my heart.

Jocelyn: ...Do me a favor, and take a good look at her right now.

Anastasia then looks over to Jolyne with (YN), as she and him were standing real close to each other, and (YN) to hug her to comfort her, and Jolyne as well, as (YN) lands a kiss on her forehead as well...and Anastasia to feel...stunned...

Jocelyn: You see it now? Jolyne is with (YN), that is why I won't allow you to marry her.

Anastasia: B-But I don't understand. He...he didn't even gave you permission, nor asked you to be Jolyne's boyfriend.

Jocelyn: It's not about him asking me permission to be with with her or's about who she chose to be with, who she wants to be with, and she's found one already...her and (YN)'s path led towards to each other and were meant to be together, I already seen it myself. That's how I felt with her father, my husband, when he and I first met at our hometown at Japan.

Jocelyn picture her daughter and (YN) with herself and her husband, holding hands together, similar to their relationship, one happy couple...she gently smiles, misses him a lot as well..

Jocelyn: I don't mean to be a bitch about it, but it's the truth. If Jolyne would've led her path towards you, then I'd had no problem for you marrying her at all...but she's now with (YN) now, and she's happy to be with him...I'm sorry Anastasia, truly I am, you mean well, so please understand and don't make this harder for yourself to understand.

Anastasia: ...*(YN)...never would I thought she chose you to be the one to be in love with...and here I was blinded to not even see it myself...lucky bastard. Well...if that's how it is...then I hope You better take good care of her, I'm counting on you.* ...I understand Mrs.Kujo, no need to worry.

Jocelyn: everyone, get close to each other now!

They all gather close together...

Jocelyn: Okay, all of you listen, it may seem like we're cornered up here, but it's the right decision to get on top of this roof. His new ability is to speed up time, and he's the only person who can move it through it. But that didn't mean we can see him at all. According to the hands of my watch moving at such speed, the minute indicates that it takes about two minutes for a full hour to go by. In other words, someone running at 10 kilometers per hour would seem to us as if they were running at the same speed as a bullet train. However, you're still able to see the bullet train yes, so stay calm and observe. We can at least see his moves.

Emporio: But that's too fast! It's like a car is going 60 kilometers per hour, and to feel like 1800! And a 100 would be Mach 2.4!

Jocelyn: Exactly, but lucky for us, the priest is still reluctant to climb up here and join us. He's being cautious cause of me and my ability to stop time in several seconds. is his ability evolved from this point? I'm sure he must've learn his stands true worth. ...Huh?! Star Platinum: Za Warudo!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She stood time and to roam around the roof or look on the floor a she caught some gimps of Pucci moving around at a high speed...

Jocelyn: Where is he?! Where did that bastard go!? Yare Yare, He has to be around, I've saw glimpse of him, and need to locate him and strike him down with all in a span of five seconds!

She then looks behind and see Pucci behind them, she rushes over to him...

Jocelyn: Time resume!

She resumes time and exiting her stand quick..

Pucci: Hm?

Star Platinum: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!

Star Platinum's barrage punches didn't even manage to land those punches to Pucci as he moved and forge them with a high speed and to then land and stand on the edge of the corner building...

Pucci: Before I execute Jocelyn and Jolyne, and your friends, I must first deal with my son first. He will be the first one in line to die since he will be a major problem.

(YN): ...

Pucci: But you know what? You will not be able to fathom it, I will make this clear once and for all. Time will keep racing by. So for your clarification, I did not obtain this ability just so I can dispose all of you, nor did I do it cause I want to be powerful. The true purpose of this ability is to guide the masses of humanity towards everlasting happiness. Allow me to introduce you to my new stand power, my gift to humanity. I shall christen my stand...Meido in Hebun! (Made in Heaven).

Pucci reveals his new stand's name, Meido in Hebun, (Made In Heaven), and to reveals its power, able to speed up time forwards, and will use his stand to take out his own son and then the others...(YN) and and Jolyne now to make sure they work hard together to take down Pucci once and for all!


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