Chp.52 The Righteous Showdown

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And the time has now come, Pucci and (YN) are about to settle the score towards each other, and (YN) made sure he won't hold back, hold a grudge on his father, nor will hesitate at all, and that goes for Pucci as well...the two had their stands out, and to float up to to the air more higher, stop, glare at each other...and then to charge at each other and to cause a huge collision towards each other...



They started throwing rapid barrage punches towards each other as Pucci manage to land a punch to (YN), (YN) quickly shoves off the punch and to spin and land a kick towards Pucci's neck, sending him away and to go after him, Pucci recovers and to then fly away as (YN) started chasing him down...Pucci turns around and to pull out knives from his clothing...

Pucci: Have this!!

Pucci tosses the knives to (YN) with an in steamer speed (YN) barely see them, he uses Fulgore to deflect them away, but to have one of them stab him on the shoulder, but shrugs it off and goes after Pucci, the two again clash towards each other and to start flying around the ocean and to then rush over to the city of Orlando, the two again throw rapid punches to each other, as they land a punch towards each others fist, it cause a huge impact and sent each other flying crashing through buildings, Pucci was the first one to recover as he then falls and lands on the ground on feet and to pull more knives out and tossing them at (YN), (YN) manage to dodged them, which gave him a little distraction and Pucci to rush behind him, (YN) quickly turns around as Pucci swings a brutal slice cut as (YN) manage to block it but to have his arms get cuts and bleed them...Pucci again goes for another but (YN) then tackles Pucci through a building and then another and another and then to toss him to the ground, Fulgore opens his chest and to then charge up a laser beam and to blast it out and to try hitting Pucci as Pucci rushes around the roads to avoid the laser beam it's chasing him...

Pucci Mind: Damn! The attack I gave him should've weaken him, and still fights!!?

Pucci kept rushing away from the beam as it then stop, he goes rushing to (YN), but not to be seen at all...

Pucci: What?! Where did he-

(YN)/Fulgore: Muda!!!

He appears behind him without noticing and lands a punch to Pucci's face...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Fulgore throws rapid punches to Pucci and to throw one last punch to his chest, sending him flying crashing on the road...(YN) goes after him, as the smoke clears away, he already notice he isn't around after crashing to the floor, he then sense several knives rushing towards him behind, he quickly turns and to Use Fulgore to deflect them away, but again it was a distraction for him as Made In Heaven rushes at (YN) and to strike a brutal punch to his chest, and can here the bones cracking and to spat blood out, and Pucci floating above him...

Pucci: Do you really think you still got what it takes, (YN)?!

(YN) then glares at Pucci as Fulgore rushes towards Pucci behind and to move away, but to realize (YN) then quickly flips and lands a kick to to his face...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Pucci was blocking Fulgore's punches, and they became to feel more aggrieve and more faster than before, he can barely keep his guard up, but Fulgore manage to break his defense down and throw some punches at Pucci and Made In Heaven, afterwards, he emits his blade out and swing it at Pucci, as he only manage to cut his chest slightly open...

Pucci: AGH!!


(YN) tackles Pucci again, and to then drag him with full intense speed all around the world as the weather started to change more quicker, the clouds as well, the sun and moon kept coming out every 5-8 seconds, (YN) and Pucci were still chasing after each other around the world, crashing through buildings, vehicles, trees, mountains...
As (YN) and Pucci continues to move and fly all around the world while fighting each other as well....

we then take a look at New York City, at a building residence, there we see two old senior people, in their huge home apartment building, sitting and having a relaxing moment, and have been witnessing weird stuff going on on the news, about how and why the weather has been changing quicker, they are none other than Josephine Joestar and her husband, (Part 2) (YN) Joestar. Then, their daughter that their raising, Shizuka Joestar, who she is 14 years old, and to warn their parents about what she saw outside...

Shizuka: Mom! Dad! Come take a look outside, it's getting night and sunny every second.

Josephine and (Part 2 (YN) didn't like how worried she sounded, so they take a look out the window, and to realize everything was true that his going on, the sun and look started to appear every seconds...

Josephine: Oh my god...what is even happening right now?

Part 2 (YN): I don't know honey, but...I just hope this doesn't keep going and ends soon.

Shizuka: Is everything gonna be okay?

Josephine and (Part 2 (YN) comfort their daughter and not try to scare her at all...

Josephin: Don't you worry my little girl, it'll go away when you know it.

Part 2 (YN): We're here for you sweetie.

Shizuka hugs both her parents, as Josephine and (Part 2 (YN) look at each other with a worried reaction, hopefully to know this goes away...

Josephine Mind: Jocelyn, wherever you are...please be safe out there, and that goes for you too Jolyne, and my precious Holyu.

Next, we take a look at Japan, and to see a mother in her 50-60's, looking outside as well, this lady happens to be Jocelyn's mother, who is sick worried for her and her granddaughter...

Holly: Oh dear, I don't know what's going on, but I just hope my Jocelyn and my little Jolyne is okay out there, please be okay.

Then, we take a look at Japan again, it this time, we go and look a little town called Morioh, as we then take a look at someone else familiar as well. In a house, inside we then see two grown adults, late 20's, they're none other than Josie Higashikata and (Part 4 (YN), they live in their own house in Morioh, living together alone, as one happy married couple still...until their door gets kicked down by their friend, Okuyasa...

Okuyasa: OI! Josie, (YN)!!!

Josie: Shit! What the hell Okuyasa!?

Part 4 (YN): You could've at least knock!

Then, their other friend, Koichi appeared too..

Koichi: G-Guys!! Come outside!

Josie: Koichi?!

Part 4 (YN): What is it!?

Koichi: Just come out and see the sky!!

Okuyasa: Some crazy shits going on! It keeps turning light and dark every seconds!

Josie and (Part 4 (YN) then rush outside with them, and then to see what was going on. And to see the sky changing into day and night, stars gazing everyone too, and the clouds moving with such speed as well..

Josie: What the..hell!!?

Part 4 (YN): Wh-What the fuck is going on!?

Koichi: We..don't know..! This happen a while ago..!

Okuyasa: ...What can we do!? I mean, Can you use your Crazy Diamond, Josie!

Josie: How!?! I literally don't know how to fix this, nor don't know what cause it!

(YN): Not even Cinder can deal with it too.

Okuyasa: ...I just...don't want to see this anymore, it's literally freaking me out.

Josie then comforts Okuyasa...

Josie: Don't worry, maybe it'll sort out soon, just give hope.

(YN) holds Josie's hand and comforts her and Koichi as well, and for them to give hope about this situation ending soon...

And lastly, we go to the south side city of Italy, Naples, and to take a look at a huge mansion house, which it belongs to a mafioso , a mafia boss, alongside with friends and husband and child, her name is Giorna Giovanna, as she, her husband, (Part 5 (YN), hugging and holding their son, Jio, with Their friends, Bruno Bucciarati, Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo, Vinegar Doppio, and Trish Una, outside at their yard, seeing everything that's going on...

Bucciarati: Miseria...what is this monstrosity?!

Trish: The keeps changing!? Dad!

Doppio: It's okay sweetie, I'm here!

Mista: Aw man! This is some fucked up shit here, I knew I shouldn't have ate 4 slices of pizza!

Fugo: Don't be ridiculous Mista! This is real! We gotta do at least something about this!

Mista: And how!?

Fugo: ...That...I don't know...damn it!

We take a look at Giorna and (Part 5 (YN), as the two were holding their own son as he was shaking in fear to see what is going on..

Jio: Mama, papa, I'm sacred, make it go away.

Giorna: It's okay son, just don't look at it.

Part 5 (YN): Just don't look back no matter what my little Jio.

Then, the two look at each other...

Part 5 (YN): there anything we can do to stop this?

Giorna: ...I don't think so...I don't think GER is able to make this stop, I don't even know how this started or where to land a direct hit to restart all this.

Part 5 (YN): ...Mama Mí, all we can do is..wait and for it to go away?

Giorna: ...That's all we can do my love.

They both comfort each other with their son, and to let this happen until it stops any time soon...

Now, we go back to the fight, as Pucci and (YN) kept flying around with their intense speed acceleration, kept throwing barrage punches to each other, Pucci manage to land some on (YN), but (YN) shoves them off as he then lands a brutal kick to his gut, and then an axe hand above his head and to send him flying down, crashing towards the ground. Where Pucci crash is somewhere around the wetlands, which means Jolyne and Emporio aren't too far away...Pucci slowly gets up fro the crash landing, and then to see (YN) lands on the floor, having Fulgore out as well, as the two then started marching their way towards him...

Pucci: You..You just don't give up, do you son!?

(YN): ...No way I'm hell I'm gonna give up like that, not until your done for good.

Pucci: Don't forget (YN), the oath has chosen me to lead to heaven, not you! So I still have an advantage to do so!!!

Pucci rushes at (YN) to land a hit, (YN) quickly dodges it within inches and to strike a jab punch to his face...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Fulgore kept throwing barrage punches to Pucci and Made In Heaven, the last one send him flying it the air and to fall down to the ground, Fulgore and (YN) rush to Pucci as Pucci then flees away again out of his sight...

(YN): Damn!! He's flee away! I have to-

Suddenly, as he tried using Fulgore to gain speed to go after Pucci, he couldn't use the speed acceleration like Made In Heaven anymore as the time limit has reach its end already of the usage...

(YN): N-No!! Already?! Not good, not good! Damn it, I more focus on figuring him other than to mimic his stand again...!

Pucci again rush back again, and to fly circles around (YN) and to stop and float behind..

Pucci: What's the matter (YN)? Why aren't you chasing me?

Fulgore was about to swing his blade at Pucci, but was too slow knowing he ran out of time using Made In Heaven's ability, (YN) kept using Fulgore to try landing a hit on Pucci, but kept dodging around in circles, and Pucci to then strike multiple punches to him, and leave some tiny gaping holes around him and blood splatter around as (YN) drop down to his knees...

(YN): N-NGH!!!

Pucci: Face it, you're done for.

Fulgore: Muda Muda!!

Fulgore again tried throwing some punches to Pucci, but Pucci stroke first as he then cuts (YN)'s left arm open and to again drop down to the ground...

Pucci: It's over!

Pucci then rushes around (YN) to gain more speed to finish him off for good...

Pucci: There's nothing you can do (YN)! You're finished, you don't have speed acceleration to gain up to me, just give up! Once I end you here, I'll make sure to take care of your precious Jolyne too!!

(YN): !!!

(YN) open his eyes wide, and to have flashbacks of the memories he and Jolyne had together, and how their relationships grew more and more the day they've met...and he made sure he goes back to her after this...afterwards, he then slowly tries to get up as Pucci then rushes far away and then to come back towards him with such speed to end him for good...


(YN) clenches his hand to a fist, emoting Fulgore out and to turn and swing that punch to Pucci...

(YN)/Fulgore: MUDA!!!!!!!!!!!


As (YN) swing that punch, it landed directly to Pucci, but it wasn't just an ordinary punch, he use Fulgore to emit a neon blade out to directly stab Pucci through his chest, and can see his whole arm through him, trembling as well, Pucci was gasping rough and can barely talk...

Pucci: ..A-Ack...(Y-Y...(YN)...

(YN) look at Pucci, with such an emotional upset look, the fact he manage to take Pucci down for good...

(YN): Why...did it had to be this way?!

Pucci: F-Forgive..Me, (YN)...but you know...I wanted this, and I don't...blame ego of me reaching to heaven...has got to me...but now...I can able to reach heaven now...

(YN) gently pulls his arm out, and to then place Pucci on the floor and tears running down from his eyes and to hold onto Pucci's hand...

(YN): It's okay, father, it's okay...everything's gonna be alright...even if DIO...isn't up there...
you still have a sister, you've told me about it back then...I'm'll be happy with her up there...

Pucci didn't realize how sorry he felt for what he has done, and the fact his son he raised still cares for him after....he too smiles at him, gently touching his face one last time...

Pucci: Oh (YN), my sweet little boy, my Angel...have I ever told're always good for a smile?

(YN) then became more emotional what his father told him...

Pucci: Please, take care...of yourself...I'll always be watching you from up here, and be on your side...and that's a promise, my son.

(YN): *sniffs* I-I know you will...and...I'll always...remember you...and miss you, dad.

Pucci: *smiles with tears* ....Goodbye, my son....

With that said....Pucci's hand slowly drops down, as (YN) catches it, and to place it onto his chest, and so as his other hand, and to see his father's face with a smile on it...and to die peacefully...(YN) then stood up...and to let the waves reach and to take him away...
Also, he then realizes the weather has stopped for a moment, and to then suddenly rewind the time change back to its original time that left off knowing Made In Heaven is no longer, and to be sunset...

(YN): Guess the weather is back to its original time.

(YN) looks around and to spot something from far away...and to see Emporio and Jolyne still...

(YN): Jolyne, Emporio!


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