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As we left off, Jolyne and Jocelyn manage to escape from the illusion from Johngalli A's stand from the visiting room, they make run for down the they do, suddenly they heard somebody following them, by footsteps...

(YN): Hello?! Hello!! Anybody here?? I'm kinda lost here and need a way out of here please!

Jolyne: Wait hold on! That voice...I know that voice!

Jocelyn: Jolyne??

Jolyne takes a step and slowly walks the hallway...

Jocelyn: Jolyne!! What are you doing-

Jolyne: It's fine, don't worry. H-Hey!! We're down here! Follow my voice.

She heard the footsteps getting louder and closer, as if someone was jogging it's way here...and as whoever this person was following them, he gave a turn and to reveal it was (YN)...

Jolyne: I knew it!! It's you again!!

(YN): Jolyne?! Hey!!

The two ran up to each other...

Jolyne: It's great seeing you again!

(YN): Hehe, I wasn't gone for that long you know?

Jolyne: *blushes* Heh, sorry, but what the heck are you doing around here??

(YN): Beats me, I was making my way down to make a call, but the alarm went off and went on lockdown and got lost, and that's when I spotted you and some other lady with you, thinking you're some ordinary visitors-

Jocelyn: Is this a friend of yours hon?

Jocelyn approaches...

Jolyne: O-Oh! Uhm...I guess...well not really, we just met, but he's nice, this is (YN), (YN), this mom.

(YN): O-Oh, OH!! It's..nice to meet you, JoJo's mom.

Jocelyn: Nice to meet you too, here I thought Jolyne has gotten a boyfriend already-

Jolyne: MOM!!! *blushes hard*

(YN): *nervously chuckles*

Jocelyn: Sorry, Sorry, just sayin...anyways son, if you're looking a way out of here, stay close by with us if you wanna leave this place.

(YN): Wait, Jolyne, you're escaping with your mom??

Jolyne: Well, yeah I am, she's helping me, why?

(YN): Cause I'm trynna bust you outta here too!

Jolyne: W-Wait really?! But...why??

(YN): When you told me that you were framed and set up...I felt bad for you, and being here for 15 years for doing nothing?? That's bullshit, so to do a favor for you, I'll help you escape...but I guess your mom has it covered up, but still, I wanna help too.

Jolyne: O-Oh. That's really *blushing* sweet of you, (YN).

(YN): I just wanna help you out, that's all...besides, you seem like a good person to me.

Jolyne blushes and smiles at (YN), and so does he...

Jocelyn: Look, I hate to break up your little moment here, but I think we have a problem.

Jolyne: Wait what??

(YN): What is it??

Jocelyn: ...Someone's coming.

The three lean besides a wall, hiding from whoever was coming towards their they did, they see a guard coming...although to say this guard rebels himself as none other than Johngalli A...

Jolyne: Oh shit!! It's Johngalli A, he came to take care of us by himself!

(YN): Wait, you know him??

Jolyne: Long story short, the bastard is trynna kill me and my mom cause of our family bloodline tradition.

(YN): Woah, bizarre.

Jolyne: Yeah, totally bizarre.

Jocelyn: ...(YN) right?? Listen, take Jolyne with you and head to the windows to brake out! I'll deal with him!

Jolyne: What?! But-

Jocelyn: Juts go with him Jolyne, if he wants to help as well, then I'll trust him! Go now!

Jolyne: ...O-Okay! Just be careful!

(YN): Come on JoJo!

Johngalli A: You're not getting away from me this time!!

Johngalli A shoots a gun, 7 bullets shot and we're going after Jolyne...then, Jocelyn notices his stand appeared too, as the bullets ricochet and to go towards Jolyne...

Jocelyn: His stand! Are we..dreaming still?!

(YN): Watch out!!

Jolyne: (Y-YN)!? What are you-

(YN) steps up front of her and holds her, covering her from the bullets...and are close to hit him...

Jocelyn: No it's not! It's happening! Time Stop!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jocelyn uses her stand to stop she does, she notices something was off...she looks around, and to see yet another enemy stand...

Jocelyn: There's two of them! It conjures visions for Jolyne and I! And even went so far as to put Johngalli A's actual stand! Everything has been a setup , and led to this! I only stop time to keep my daughter safe! Their target...was always a me!! Times about to start!! Jolyne!!!

Jocelyn rushes to Jolyne and (YN), as time resumes, she shoves them as they drop to the floor and her to use Star Platinum to deflect the bullets...


But then as she did...the unknown stand appeared I didn't of Jocelyn...and to talk..

Unknown Stand Looks like you were one step too late, Jocelyn Kujo. Oh how I've waited for this, wish I could take my time.

Jocelyn: What the-

The unknown stand, strike a punch to her it does, suddenly, it's ability manage to create disks off from her face...taking them off from her, one disk of herself, and the other of her stand...meaning this stand has stole Jocelyn's Star Platinum...

Unknown Stand: Perfect. Even the Invincible Joestar couldn't stop me at all to attain what I want, you are not match for the power of my stand, White snake!

The stand, White snake runs off with the Disks, fleeing away for Johngalli A to then shoot at Jocelyn, right at her shoulders, and chest...she spat blood and to then lean against the for Jolyne and (YN), Jolyne was on top of him and (YN) on the floor...

(YN): okay??

Jolyne: Y-Yeah, I'm fine, wait, where's-

Jolyne sees her mom leaning against the wall, shot and hurt badly...

Jolyne: MOM!!!

(YN): Oh no!

The two stood up and to rush over her...Jolyne grabs and holds her and checks up on her...

Jolyne: N-No No!! Shit!! Mom, are you okay?! Answer me!!

Jocelyn: J-Jo...Jolyne...!

Johngalli A relies his weapon and ready to shoot more at Jolyne and Jocelyn...

Johngalli A: I have you both!! Say goodbye Jolyne Cujoh, and you too as well, Jocelyn Kujo!!

Jocelyn: N-Nrgh!!

Jolyne: Fuck no!!

Johngalli A shot several bullets more to Jolyne and Jocelyn, Jolyne summoned Stone Free to try punching the bullets away from her and her mother....
But as she even tries to do so, (YN) yells out...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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