Final Chapter

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A month pass by...everything has remained the same, Jolyne and (YN) together as one happy couple, and having Ermes and Emporio as well...things around have been going very good as well, they been living all happy all together in Florida.
One day, they all throw out a barbecue cookout, and Jolyne to invite her family, her grandparents, auntie and uncle, and someone who her grandmother has invited someone else that is somewhat related to the Joestar family as well the backyard, her family were already there and just waiting for the visitor her grandmother invited from Italy, we see Emporio spending some time with Josephine and (Part 2 (YN)'s daughter, Shizuka as (YN) and (Part 4 (YN) were grilling the Patties and sausages for the burgers and hotdogs as Jolyne, her auntie, Josie, and her grandparents, Josephine and (Part 2 (YN) were gettin along well and Ermes getting along with Josephine and (Part 2 (Yn) too as they sat down togther in the bench...

Josephine: It's quite nice to have a nice, quiet and relaxing moment, haven't felt like this in a minute.

Part 2 (YN): Yeah, it's nice to have something like this.

Jolyne: Oh come on now grandma and grandpa, it's not like you had a relaxing moment all day at your house with grandpa.

Josie: Besides mom, you and dad are always home and spend quality time together.

Josephine: Heh, yeah, you have a point, but this one feels...different, you know? Spending time with my great granddaughter, my two daughters, my husband, her cute sweet kind boyfriend, and friends, it's real nice having this...well...almost...

Josephine looks up at the sky...and to think of her best friend...and her granddaughter especially...Jolyne comforts her...

Part 2 (YN): I know hon, I miss him as well, just as Jolyne misses her parents and friends.

Jolyne: ...I know you and mom were close grandma, I can tell how much you love her, as much as I do too.

Josephine: Ohh Jolyne, I'm sorry you had to go through all that and witness it too, I too have been there as well, your grandfather as well.

Jolyne: Really?

Ermes: What happen?

Josephine: ...Our friend, Caesar Zeppeli... heh, he was one cocky bastard, always so amateur too...

Part 2 (YN): but besides that, he was one hell of a guy, a great friend.

Jolyne: Oh...I'm, sorry to hear that.

Josephine: Thanks sweetie, the ones we lost may be gone from our sight, but never in our hearts, always remember that Jolyne.

Jolyne: I will, always.

Josephine: ...Your mother and father...boy, I remember back then how those two have always cared for each other, heh, you should've seen your mom's face how she would always react when I tease her a lot with your father...those two were like peas in a pod.

Jolyne: Heh, yeah.

Josie: Your mother can be one hell of an ass kicker, heh, boy, she sure was something.

Jolyne: Heh, I've seen it alot from her too.

Then, (YN) and (Part 4 (YN) approach with huge plates of burgers and hotdogs on their hands...

(YN): Alright, the foods ready.

Part 4 (YN): We did our best to make them taste delicious and for us to enjoy.

Jolyne and Josie approach to their live ones and giving them a kiss...

Ermes: Alright then, Emporio, come on, foods ready.

Josephine: Shizuka dear, the burgers and dogs are ready to lunch.

Emporio/Shizuka: Yay!

Jolyne: But wait, grandma, didn't you say you invited someone else who's somewhat related to our family as well??

Josephine: Ah but of course, she'll arrive any-

Giorna: Buonasera, Good Evening.

Part 5 (YN): Hopefully we made it in time.

Suddenly, they all see two of the guests Josephine invited from Italy, one was (Part 5 (YN) and the other who is related to the Joestar family, and alongside with his wife, who happens to be a mafioso, Giorna Giovanna, and with their son as well, Jio Giovanna...

Josephine: Ah, you made it in time.

Giorna: Of course, wouldn't want to miss this.

Everyone gathered around to meet Giorna and her family...

Giorna: It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Giorna Giovanna.

Part 5 (YN): Ciao, I'm (YN) Zeppeli. And this is is our son, Jio Giovanna Zeppeli.

Jio approaches and to introduce himself...

Jio: Ciao, it is a pleasure to meet you all.

Josephine: Aww, isn't he a cute one.

Giorna: Heh, sure is. And again, we appreciate you inviting us, I just hope I don't make you all guys feel uncomfortable knowing...well...

(YN) then approaches to Giorna...

(YN): It's alright, Mrs.Joestar has told us about you, and how you're related to father.

Giorna: ...I take it you're...his son that I've heard?

(YN): Yeah, but more like "raised" son.

Giorna: Oh, I see...Well, I hope we get along very well in the end.

(YN): Of course.

(YN) hugs Jolyne, Emporio with Ermes, Josephine, (Part 2 (Yn) and Shizuka, Josie and Part 4 (YN) as well..

(YN): We're all a family, together.

Giorna and (Part 5 (YN) smiles with relief to hear about being part of their they all gathered at the table as the burgers and dogs were ready to eat, Emporio, Shizuka and Jio sat down together and to get along with Jio, Ermes, Giorna Jolyne Josephine and Josie as well, as well as (YN), Part 2 (YN), Part 4 (YN) and Part 5 (YN) as well...

Part 4 (YN): You know, it's weird the fact we almost have the name name.

Part 5 (YN): What makes you say that?

Part 4 (YN): I don't know, I mean...isn't it odd the fact we four have the same name, but differently?

(YN): Hmmm, now that you think of it...we do. you're (YN), you're (YN), you're (YN), and he's (YN).

Part 2 (YN): Huh, well would you look at that, really bizarre.

They all laugh together, and enjoying together too...

Part 5 (YN): Ah, Mrs.Joestar, I've heard that you and Mr.Joestar we're friends with my great great grandpa, Caesar Zeppeli, please, I must know, how was he?

Josephine and her husband look at each other and gently smile...

Jospehine: Well, hope you're sitting comfortably, cause this will be one interesting story about your grandpa.

And with Jolyne and (YN) sitting together, the two smile and hugging, seeing their families getting along very well...

(YN): Seems like everything turn out well.

Jolyne: It sure of that, you have a sister, brother in law and a nephew.

(YN): Heh, yup

Part 4 (YN): Hey (YN)! Mr Joestar and Part 5 (YN) is gonna show us how to use this technique called Hamon!

(YN): O-Oh! Come on Jolyne!

Jolyne: Heh, I'll be right there.

As (YN) runs off with the others, Jolyne stood there, and to look up at the sky, and to picture the clouds as figures of the friends she's lost, FF, Weather, and Anastasia...
And she then picture the clouds as her parents, smiling down at her, as she smiles and to tear up a bit...

Jolyne: Mom, Dad....I love you, you'll be in my heart forever.


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