18.2 Just Talking...No, Really. Just Talking.

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A/N: In which Jonna finally grows a brain, sort of...


She smiled widely. "And so what if I am? We're not dating."

Zachary looked hurt, but his response was interrupted by a chirping phone. Everytime he opened his mouth, the ring grew more insistent.

"You're wrong, ya know," was all he pushed out before lumbering for his phone. "Hey, I can't talk right now," and he set the phone back down.

He cupped her face in his large hands, swallowing her protests with his mouth. Slowly, deliberately, his tongue delved into her mouth, occasionally tracing teasing patterns across her lips.

"That what you want?" he murmered against her mouth. She nodded, her breath ragged. "Or this?" And he brought her hand to his lap, forcing her to touch his hardness before kissing her again.

She moaned, doing her best to work the clasp on his pants. Her maneuvers were interrupted by another phone call. Zachary paused, reaching for the device.

"Yes?" he obviously struggled to hide his irritation. "No, it's not." Zachary shifted away so she couldn't see him.

It took Jonna a moment, but she realized he was speaking to his wife. She flashed back to all his talk about having an open and modern marriage, seeing his lines for what they were: bullshit. Instead of care, she was merely annoyed, with a bit of second-hand embarrassment to boot. He lied to her, his wife, and probably himself, and not for much gain.

Laney had never displayed falseties, and seemed like she didn't have it in her to do so. Zachary, on the other hand, wasn't who she thought he was. While he stuttered into the phone, she waited patiently, intent on ending things like an adult. For once.

After a small eternity, he mumbled "Me too," into the mouthpiece, stashing the device in his back pocket. "Whew," he graced her with his easy smile, "that's over with. My bad."

"It's cool, man." She stuck out her hand, and though he looked confused, Zachary accepted the handshake. "Be seein' ya."

Jonna beelined for the door, nearly laughing at the dinner set-up. It all seemed so ridiculous now.

"Wait, why?" he piped up, following close behind.

From out on the stoop, she adressed him, slipping on sunglasses. "Look, I'm getting out of one wrecked marriage, and I'd rather not stumble into someone else's. Good luck."

The image of Zachary's mouth hanging open had her laughing all the way home.

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