"Guess So." (Among Us)

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Among Us AU
Joocie and Woolf are imposters


The two 15 year old were walking down the halls when suddenly a vent opened. Two people came out and killed the two 15 year olds. Both were too in shock to scream. "Nice Woolf." Joocie high fives Woolfster who wagged his tail. "Let's get out of here before somebody notices." With that, they both hopped in the vent. Not even a minute later, the bodies were reported. They were all teleported to the table.

"The children are dead!" Socks shouts holding the microphone above his head, "We see that now!" Meme says slightly frowning. "Well Well Well? Self report Socks?" Socks rolls his eyes and the two start to argue. "I'm skipping, this is fucking stupid." Blaza says and skips. "I'm sus on Woolfster." Dino says and votes him. "WHAT DID I DO?!" Woolf asks and votes Dino back. "Your a furry, we don't like those things here." Woolf rolls his eyes, "Oh please, says the true furry." He mutters and looks back at the two who still bickered. "OI OI!" The two stop and look at the British man. "This is no time for fighting! This is a time for a peaceful conversation. Now has any of youse seen somebody go by the bodies or found any evidence?" The whole table goes silent. Joocie looks over at Laff and smiles as he skips. Laff notices Joocie staring at him and turns towards his British friend who looked away quickly. "Huh.."

Everybody has skipped except for Dino and Woolfster who voted eachother and Oompa who had randomly voted for Socks. Socks glares at Oompa when the meeting ends and they run off. Everybody scatters as well leaving Woolfster and Joocie who walk down the medbay hallway then see Laff and Meme chatting inside the room. Woolfster is about to step in to go for a double kill but is stopped by Joocie who puts a hand out in front of him and shakes his head. Woolfster is about to ask why but before he can ask the two inside medbay notice them. "Joocie, Woolfster! What are you gentlemen doing here?" The two look at Meme who had his arms crossed and then at Laff who's expression was almost unreadable if it weren't for the confusion and happiness in his voice. "No reason we were just leaving bye!" Woolfster says and quickly pulls Joocie away down the hall.

"Dude what the hell? We're going to look sus now." Woolfster looks almost insulted, "YOU stopped us from getting a double kill!" A small gasp erupts next to them and they turn to see Blaza and Socks standing in security with their hands over their mouths. "You two ar-."Woolfster and Joocie look at eachother and after a moment, they grin. "Here's my apology to you Woolfster." And they both rush into security and stab the two. Joocie pulls out the map of the ship and closes the doors to security and electrical and they jump into the vent. Woolfster goes into electrical while Joocie looks through the medbay vent. Both Meme and Laff were no longer there so he hops out. "Uh.." Joocie looks up and sees Laff standing at the doors. "I-" Before Joocie could respond, the bodies were reported.

"It's Woolfster." Tbh points at him who raises his hands in defense. "IT WASN'T ME I WAS NO WHERE NEAR THERE!" Tbh shakes his head and points at him, "I WATCHED you hop out of the electrical vent. I think Dino here can back me up." Dino nods and votes for Woolfster. "YOU'RE JUST AGREEING WITH HIM BECAUSE YOU HATE ME FURRY." Dino chuckles, "Yeah but I still saw you vent and now I have a real reason." The rest of the alive group start chatting among themselves and deciding who to vote for except Laff and Joocie. Joocie stares at Laff pleadingly to not say anything. He puts his hands up in a pleasing way, barely visible between under the table and above it. "Goddamnit.." Laff mutters. "What?" Oof questions and looks at Laff. The rest of the group turns to him raising an eyebrow at him. Laff looks at Joocie who was still pleading, this time with puppy dog eyes. "Sorry.. I was just wondering how Woolfster's this bad." Woolfster looked insulted. "WHY I AUGHTA-." The voting session ends and Woolfster is thrown off the ship. The gang smiles when it says he was one of the imposters and they run off leaving Laff and Joocie.

"Than-" "Why don't we go talk." Laff interrupts him. He worded it more like a demand than a question. "Yeah.. why don't we talk?.." Joocie replies nervously and scratches the back of his neck. Laff motions Joocie to follow him which he does. They walk into security and Laff motions Joocie to sit in the chair. Joocie sits down and instantly Laff is looking down on him. "So.." Joocie says slightly sweating from the gaze he was being given.

"Wanna explain you hopping out of the vent? And the fact that I saved your ass from being voted out this round." Joocie fiddles with his fingers as Laff takes off his mask to give him a view of his face which was dead serious. "If looks could kill-"

"I'm sure that's obvious.." Joocie responds and looks down. Laff grabs his chin harshly and lifts it to face him again. "Don't be a smart ass Juice." Joocie looks him dead in the eyes, "You know I could kill you at any moment right?" Laff grins, "You wouldn't."

Joocie smiles lightly and slowly reaches his hand into his pocket, gripping a small knife. "Try me." Joocie slashes at him but Laff backs up in time for him to miss. Joocie pulls out his map of the ship quickly and closes the security doors. "We both have our own advantages." Laff shrugs, "So it's fair." Joocie lunges at him to which Laff grabs his hand and holds it high above their heads and starts twisting his hand slightly. Joocie's grip on the knife loosened and he soon dropped it. Laff grinned but stopped when Joocie kicked his ankle and pushed him to lay on his back against the floor. Joocie gets on top of Laff and picks the knife back up, raising it high. Before he swings it down, Laff flips them over and pins Joocie's hands to the floor. He takes the knife and tucks it into his own suit pocket. "Wait until the gang hears about this one." They both jump slightly and turn towards the figure in the doorway. Meme was standing there grinning. "The British men are gay!" He shouts and runs off. They freeze for a minute before looking at each other and their position. "Well.." Laff starts but gets cut off by Joocie gripping his shirt and pulling him into a short peck on the lips. Laff sits there wide-eyed before coming back to reality. He leans down and kisses Joocie lightly. This time wanting it to last a little longer. "HE WASN'T JOKING!" Laff leans up and groans, getting annoyed at their antics. He takes the knife out of his pocket and throws it at Tbh, headshot. His body falls to the ground. The doors close and Laff looks down at Joocie who grinned, holding the map in his hand. He smiled and got up then held a hand out to him which he took.

Joocie looks at the vent and then back at Laff. "I think I'll let an innocent slip by." Laff chuckles as Joocie holds the vent open for him. "Funny how I'm the mayor." He says and hops into the vent and then is followed by Joocie. "Well mayor or not your technically a third imposter." He shrugs and starts walking to the medbay vent. "Guess so."

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