Love Blossoms pt.1

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-Based on: Yandere Simulator-
-The uniform is a white shirt, black tie, black pants, and black sneakers/any black shoes.-

Type: Semi-Fluff
Tw: Murder, Gore scenes (later) Dark thoughts, and a bit of cussing


It occurred to him that he was running late to his last class before lunch. He had spent too much time at his locker. He ran as fast as he could until he tripped over his own shoelace, dropping his english binder and falling onto his stomach.

As he was getting up he saw a hand being held out to help him. Laff looked up from the floor to a boy with bright blonde hair that was covering his right eye. "You took quite a tumble there, are you alright?"

Laff stopped for a minute just staring at him with a light blush creeping along his face under his mask before taking his hand. Pulling him up, The boy kneels back down to grab Laff's binder and gives it to him. "Thanks..?" Laff stops talking to see if he could get the boys name. "Joocie. My name's Joocie. It was lovely to meet you."

The boy runs off, also trying to get to class. Laff looks at Joocie as he quickly goes inside classroom 102. Right next to 103 where Laff was going.

Sitting at his desk, Laff stares off into space thinking about that one boy. He recalled Joocie wearing a red hoodie around his waist. He probably would of worn it if the school didn't tell them they had to be psychically showing that they had the uniform on without anything covering it. He wore a pink and an orange bracelet on his left arm meanwhile his right, had 3 red rings and a few thin red bracelets.

The lunch bell rung after a while and Laff realized he hadn't written any notes when he first got there. He ignored the notes, he just wanted to meet the same boy from before again. Laff grabbed his binder and raced out of the classroom to see if Joocie had already left his classroom.

He saw Joocie going outside where most of the students were going. The rest of the school was going to the rooftop. Laff stayed behind a few people and finally got outside. He walked behind a tree and after making sure nobody was watching, peered from it watching Joocie sit down at the fountain and read a book. He couldn't see the title but he was sure it was a fantasy.

Laff watched as a another boy with thin green and yellow string necklaces and a Mr.Krabs headband came in front of Joocie and started yelling at him. "Wanna tell me why you were late to class?!"

Joocie chuckles nervously and adds, "Sorry Tbh. I didn't realize what time it was." The boy potentially named Tbh rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. "Well don't do it again! I was starting to get worried Baka!" He sits next to Joocie and leans his head on his shoulder, his neck right on the curve of it, looking at the book.

Laff stared at the boy with jealousy and anger rising from his chest. He couldn't help but think of dark thoughts that would remove his fragile, snappable neck from the perfect boys shoulder permanently.

It took a while until Tbh finally got up and from what Laff heard, he was going to the locker room to take a relaxing break. Laff came out from behind the tree and followed Tbh, making sure nobody saw him or were seeing him go with Tbh.

Tbh opened the boys locker room door and started the water to the shower. He picked out his clothes and a towel, undressed, put on bathing suit shorts just in case somebody came in, and stepped into the shower.

Laff wanted it to be a quick snap of the neck or choke him with his own necklaces but he decided this would be the best option for now, no fingerprints on the body and no struggle. He took Tbh's towel quickly and threw it above the lockers. He quickly and quietly went away towards the light switch and pulled out a screwdriver from his pocket, quickly removing the screws, pulling a few wires out of it, put it back, and turned the lights off. He quickly hid behind a few lockers.

"What the hell?" Tbh muttered. "Who turned the lights off?" Tbh stepped out and reached for his towel only to realize it wasn't there. "Gosh, whoever's there this isn't funny at all!"

Tbh quickly walked to the lights to turn them on. He didn't even see the wires so when flicked the switch the wires touched his wet hand. Screams of agony went throughout the bathroom as well as sparks that lightened the room. Laff was just glad the door to the boys locker room was closed so nobody could hear the screams as loud as he heard them.

When Tbh finally stopped screaming, Laff looked over from his hiding spot to see the boy on the ground, some parts of his chest and up were burned and his hair was staticky. Laff went over and dragged his body in a locker and shut it. He quickly left the scene just in time to hear the bell.

Laff walked into history class and saw Joocie sitting in the back of the room flipping to a page in a history book. Laff saw an empty seat next to him and sat down next to the boy. Joocie looked over and saw him. He waved and smiled brightly making Laff's heart beat faster. He lightly blushed and looked away. Of course, nobody could see it because of the gas mask.

The bell soon rung once again. Laff watched as Joocie enclosed his notes off into the history book and got up. Laff grabbed his history book as well and followed.

As he was about to gain the courage and talk to him until two boys came over. One with an anime like headpiece on top of his dirty blonde head and a few pins on his shirt that all had the same anime characters on them, and the other which he had his pants rolled up showing rainbow socks. He also had things like space clips in his hair and his nails were painted with stars. The anime boy's blush was very visible as he started talking with Joocie.

The boy with rainbow socks went over to Joocie and hugged him with a tint of red on his face. "Hello there Socks, Blaza." He could only think that they had been friends for a while. Joocie was just too oblivious to see both boy's crushes on him.

The anime boy named Blaza looked over at "Socks" and glared for a moment. The boy soon let go of Joocie and Blaza quickly grabbed Joocie's hand in a huff and started walking away with him. Of course the wannabe spaceman wanted to be there to so he followed, "Blaza, Joocie wait for me!" He yelled, everybody could probably hear him from outer space.

It had been a few weeks since he had seen Joocie by himself. He was always with those two whenever Laff saw him. And he was about to snap.

He would take care of them sooner than later. Laff was walking upstairs until he got a text message. He brought his phone out a read the message.

???: Hello there, my name is Info-Kun, or for short, Ł4FF.

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