chapter 1

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-Raisa, look! We're here," said her mother.

"They both shifted in their seats, and Raisa had to nudge her sister to wake her up.

-I'm coming, Raisa," said her sister in annoyance.

They both took off their backpacks, and Raisa looked around.

They were in a large forest with very tall trees, their branches lush with leaves and fruit. The vegetation was abundant, accompanied by the sounds of animals and the reddish glow of the sun at dusk.

- It's beautiful, isn't it?" her father asked, admiring the scenery.

-Yes, it's beautiful," Raisa replied.

The family began to set up the tents, making sure not to crush too much vegetation.

"Circe, you and I will go get water," ordered her mother.

"Why me, why me?" the young girl protested.

"Because Raisa will go for firewood," her father replied.

All right. But next time, you will go for water," Circe told Raisa.

"Be careful! And Raisa, don't go too far," her mother said.

"The little girl nodded and began to gather dry branches and leaves for firewood. She didn't want to cut down any trees because they were so tall that she looked smaller than she really was.

Besides, they were splendid and she didn't want anything to happen to them.

She had always imagined that there was a life in every tree, like the Ents in The Lord of the Rings. It was something she had always respected. She remembered that a few years ago, on her first camping trip, her mother had told her, "Trees, plants and flowers are living things and they are special. They provide us with oxygen and shade, so we shouldn't cut them down or mistreat them."

The girl sighed. It was the first time in her life she had ever seen a forest. The first time she felt the cool breeze of the wind gently caressing her hair, and nature became very special to her....

A kind of screeching sound interrupted her thoughts. The girl thought it was some animal until the noise was repeated, this time louder and stranger than before. Raisa took a few steps back and took the small flashlight out of her pocket.

She thought for a second. It seemed dangerous, but a little voice in her head overcame her conscience. She turned on the flashlight and started walking through the trees until the noise repeated itself. This time it was clearer and she knew immediately where it came from.

She headed towards to a sequoia tree, perhaps the first one she had stopped to look at, and saw it. A small creature no taller than she was, with chubby cheeks, pointed ears, and a layer of hair on the soles of his feet. Judging by its appearance, she thought it was a man. He was dressed in an emerald-colored traveling cloak, but he wore a long branch entangled around his neck. They were unmistakable to Raisa, but it couldn't be.... or could it?

'Hobbit! You're a hobbit!" exclaimed the girl, somewhat frightened but amazed.

Raisa ran to him and carefully untangled him.

'Thank you so much for getting me out of there. I think I would have died if you hadn't taken that branch off my neck. And to answer your question, yes, I am a hobbit.

-I can't believe it! Are you for real? What's your name? -Raisa asked, very excited.

My name is Caelan, what's yours?

"My name is Raisa, pleased to meet you," she answered with a smile that seemed the sweetest in the world to the hobbit.

The pleasure is mine, Raisa," Caelan replied, holding out his hand.

Raisa accepted it without being able to help herself. She walked over to the hobbit and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry, but you look too adorable in that cloak," Raisa said, gesturing affectionately.

"Well... thank you. We're not used to hugs, but I think I like them," Caelan said.

Raisa laughed, and the hobbit couldn't suppress a smile.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but would you help me find my brothers?" asked Caelan.

"Of course! Do you know which way they went?" the girl asked, picking up her flashlight.

"Yes, that way," replied the hobbit, pointing towards a clearing.

They both walked that way, and Raisa turned on her lantern. She knew that the hobbits' tracks would not be visible, but it was late and the darkness was too much.

"Look!" exclaimed Caelan, pointing to a small lump on the ground.

" The girl pointed the flashlight at it and, to her surprise, realized it was another hobbit, lying on the ground huddled in some bushes.

"Gladius! Are you all right?" asked Caelan, bending down to examine him.

The hobbit looked at Caelan and very surprised, got up.

"Yes, I'm fine, who is she?" he asked when he saw Raisa.

She saved me from being strangled by one of those horrible branches. Her name is Raisa," Caelan explained.

"Nice to meet you, Raisa. My name is Gladius," the hobbit replied politely.

-Glad to meet you, Gladius...

His words were interrupted when a shout echoed from the depths of the forest.

"What was that?" asked Caelan. "I think it's... it's.... Zephyrus

" replied Gladius, alarmed.

"Both hobbits broke into a run, and Raisa tried to follow, but it took her a while to catch up. They came out of the clearing, and Raisa saw with amazement a river running down a slope. Water lilies grew around it and the stars seemed to cast a silvery hue.

The girl looked down into the river and noticed another hobbit trying to get out on the opposite bank.

"Zephyrus!" shouted Caelan, trying to swim toward him.

"Seeing that the little hobbit was sinking even deeper, Raisa did not hesitate for a second and jumped into the stream. Her father had taught her to swim, and crossing it was not difficult for her. She reached Zephyrus, took him by the hand and dragged him to the shore. Caelan helped Raisa pull him out of the water, and Gladius helped him stand up.

Raisa, he is our brother Zephyrus. Zephyrus, this is our friend Raisa," Caelan introduced.

- Are you... are you human?

- Yes," answered Raisa, "and you are a hobbit, aren't you?

- Yes, I am. Thank you for saving me, Raisa," said Zephiruz.

- Wow, you saved two hobbits, and in one night! - exclaimed Gladius with what sounded like admiration.

- Well... I... it's no big deal," replied Raisa, blushing.

- Yes, it is. You've done more in one night than many of our bravest children," replied Caelan. Raisa smiled at them, and the four of them returned to the forest clearing.

- What are you doing so far from the Shire? - asked Raisa.

- Well, we have no idea how we ended up in this forest. We were strolling quietly in our garden, and suddenly Gladius saw a red light and went towards it," said Zephiruz.

- That's not true, it was you who saw it! - grumbled Gladius.

- No, it's not true! It was you! - replied Zephiruz.

- Are you implying that it's my fault we ended up here? - Gladius asked, very annoyed.

- Will you stop arguing? - Caelan said irritably, "She's just a child, for God's sake! The two hobbits looked at each other intensely, and Gladius sighed.

- Well, as I was saying... Zephiruz saw a red light, and we followed it with our swords. When we saw it up close, it looked like a sphere engulfed in flames, and Caelan raised his sword and pierced it. The three of us shot up into the air and started spinning around, and just when we thought we were going to pass out, we landed in this forest. We've been wandering around here looking for the sphere, but we haven't found it anywhere.

- Do you know where the sphere came from? - Raisa asked.

- No, no idea. We don't even know where we are," answered Caelan.

- This is Secollas forest...

- Raisa! Raisa! Where are you? interrupted Raisa suddenly. Her mother was calling her.

- I have to go! - she whispered, "I'll help you get back to the Shire. Try to follow me as quietly as you can. The hobbits were surprised, but they did as the girl suggested. Raisa gathered her firewood and headed for the tents.

- I'm here! - he shouted when she was still a few meters away.

- Raisa! You had us worried sick! - her father scolded her.

- I'm sorry, Dad. I was looking for good branches for the fire and got lost looking at the stars," Raisa replied as firmly as she could.

- Next time don't stay out so long, okay? - her mother advised her, now calmer.

- Yes, okay," answered the girl, somewhat resigned.

She hated to lie, but she had the feeling that her parents would not let her help the hobbits.

Raisa helped her parents light the fire and Circe brought out the marshmallows. When they were ready, the Grant family ate and enjoyed a pleasant night of camping. With stories and songs under the moonlight and stars.

When they went to sleep, Raisa picked up the marshmallows she hadn't eaten and poured water into a cup to take to her new friends.

Making sure her parents and sister were asleep, she turned on the flashlight to look for the hobbits.

- Zephiruz! Caelan! Gladius! Where are you? - she asked in the clearest, softest voice she could muster.

A hand emerged from the roots of an elm tree, and Raisa saw them, huddled against its branches.

She motioned for them to follow her, and the four of them entered her tent.

- These are for you," she said kindly, handing them the marshmallows.

- Thank you, Raisa," said the three in unison.

- You are welcome," replied the girl.

The three hobbits ate and drank, and when they had finished, Raisa wrapped them in a blanket and placed them gently in a corner of the tent. Meanwhile, she got into her sleeping bag and wished them good night.

And so, Raisa fell asleep, with a mysterious happiness. After all, she was about to embark on a great adventure.

¡helooo! I'm happy be cause I was finally able to update the translation of this story. I hope you liked it.

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