Chp.1 Enter Josephine Joestar

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In New York, the year 1938, it was fall, as get to see a young man walking down the street, missing his business, eyes peels for mark...his name is Smokey, as he found his he sees a young teenage girl buying a bottle of soda, as he slowly approaches to her aside, and as she took out her wallet...Smokey rushes to her and snatched her wallet, and started running away...

Man: Hey! Get back here! Say, aren't you gonna chase him down and get your wallet back?!

The teenage girl he ignores the man and walks away with the bottle of soda she bought....back with Smokey, he runs down the alley way as he thought he lost her for good...

Smokey: What a pasty, easy as pie, like always, now let's-

But suddenly, unlucky for him, two offices appears behind him, as one far one grabs him by the head behind...

Officer #1: Hehe! Heya Smokey! Caught you this time, you brat! Now tell me, what the hell you think you're doing on my street, you trash!

The officer hits Smokey with his staff behind his head as Smokey falls to the ground, hurt as the officer hit him without any hesitation...afterwards, he picks him up and pins him towards the wall...

Officer #1: I'm gonna make sure they lock you up for 20 years, ya hear me?!

Smokey: T-Take it easy, please sir! I-I only stole a wallet! Don't you think it's a little harsh?! And also 20 years for a stolen wallet?! That's not fair!

Officer #1: Ha! I hate bottom feeders like you! But you see, I'm kinda nice, so I'll do ya a solid okay?! I'm gonna make you bring $20 very week, and everything you have as well!

Smokey was helpless, and realizes that these two officers are nothing but smug pigs....and he thought it was it for him for good...
until suddenly...

???: Hello there.

The teenage girl that got her wallet stole appeared on the scene...

Officer #1: Hey look, it's that chick that got her wallet lifted. Listen sweetie, this is evidence, so I'm gonna be keeping it on my pocket.

She took off her hat and reveals her face...

???: Well, how should I put it like this? Here's what happen...there's actually is no crime at all, that wallet was a gift, constable.

The officers were confused, as well as Smokey too..

Smokey Mind: G-Gift??! But I snatch it from her...why is she lying to them??

It would seem that this young teenage girl was covering for him, and helping him of course...

???: So then, sir, will you please return both wallet and boy?? If that's enough to ask.

Officer #1: Tch, you're joking right??

???: As I said, it was a gift, he and I are...good friends, so let him go, please.

The officer drops Smokey down as the two started approaching to the girl..

Officer #1: A good friend you say?? Well why don't you tell me what's your good friend's name is?

The two of them got close to her as the fat one puts his hands on her and picking his nose...

Officer #1: What's the matter sweetheart?? You wanna see what a New York porky does, Eh?? Here, a gift for you.

The officer then places a booger onto the girls cheek as the two officer laugh and Smokey worried for her...and then, the girl cleans the booger off her cheek...and replies...

???: Thats curious, but help me understand, why would you do something like that?? It's such unsavory thing to do-

Officer #1: There ain't no reason! I can do whatever I want and feel like it you hag! When someone puts a booger in your face, you-

The girl suddenly strikes a brutal punch towards the offices face, braking his nose and bleeding out...

???: You made the wrong move, you fucking pig!

The fat officer drops down to the floor, in pain to have his nose broken by a punch from a girl, Smokey was surprise...

Smokey Mind: W-Woah!!! He punched him so hard she manage to brake that officers nose!! No other girl can throw a punch like that!

the girl then pulls out her soda she bought as the other officer pulls out her gun and pints it at her...

Officer #2: You shall resist and under arrest!!

???: Tch, please, try to shoot me, but I'm warning you right now, before you even pull the trigger, I'll break you finger, like a rotten matchstick!

Officer #2: Not from over there! I'll blow your damn brains out!

Smokey: O-Oh no! Hey look-

Suddenly, Smokey started to realize something from the girl, she started to give off some glow from her body...and then, the soda started to react, as she pints the soda cap towards the the cap was launched straight to the officer, and ending up snapping his finger, fast as a bullet...

Officer #2: AAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!

Afterwards, she then chug the whole bottle of cola and finishes it...
.but after she does and sees the two officers down and beating them up...she started to get worried and scared...

???: A-Ah shit! I gave in to my damn temper again! Shit! I'm in for it this time! Granny Johanna is going to be furious!

Smokey Mind: ...She beat down to officers...but is scared of her grandmother???

???: I-I'll just explain it to her, yeah! Granny Johanna will understand if I explain! Alright! Mr.Pick-Pocket, why say we high tail it out of here yea??

Smokey: Y-Yeah, sure!

Smokey gets up as he and the girl started to make a run for...


After being saved by this teenage girl from those officer...I told her about how she manage to give that glow from her body...but she told me she didn't realize how she manage to do that nor blasting that cap to snap the officers finger, she said she can always do things like that, apparently her grandpa and grandpa can do the same thing as well, but her grandpa died in a young age, and her grandma is with for her parents, her dad died in a war, didn't have any talents like for her mom... she was gone, not dead...but disappeared and doesn't knows her at all...

Smokey: Say, I owe you big time. Everyone here calls me Smokey, so nice to meet ya...Uhm...what's your name??

She then looks at me, and does this pose...weird... and says her name...

Josephine: It's Joestar...Josephine Joestar...but, you can call me JoJo, friend.

Smokey: Heh, nice to meet you, Josephine.

Josephine: Nice meeting you too smokey, say why don't you come with me and meet my grandma, and she'll might invite you to dinner later on.

Smokey: O-Oh! That's nice to hear, I'm honor and glad to meet her and coming with you two for dinner as well.

Josephine: Nice, then let's go then.


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