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After witnessing to see Caesar's death, JoJo, (YN) and Lisa Lisa pray for him and will always remember him in the heavens in the sky, and will kiss him as their partner, student....and friend....and will not be forgotten.....And now, Kars and Wamuu are lurking in the building, using it as a shelter to cover themselves from the sun, waiting. And now JoJo (YN) and Lisa Lisa are on their way looking for them as they walk down the hallway....

Josephine: Damn these cob web, it would be nice if they sweep here a bit.

(YN): Look, the blood trail, seems like Wamuu took a good Hamon beating from Caesar after all, and leading us to that door.

Josephine: We won't let him heal up from those wounds! Let's go!

Josephine then rushes to the door, and as she grabs the handle, she felt it all slimy and sticky..

Josephine: Ew!

Lisa Lisa: What is it JoJo??

(YN): You alright??

Josephine: Y-Yeah, it's just that once I grab the handle, it's all icky and slimy somehow. This door really must've been slimy after all-

???: I'm not a door!

(YN): What the?! Who said that?!!

Josephine and them started to look around near them, yet not one has been spotted...then the voice was heard again...

???: Why are you looking around?! I'm standing right in front of you idiots! Like I said, I am not a door!

Suddenly, someone was merging out from the door, and yet to be not just a human, but a vampire...

Lisa Lisa: A vampire!

(YN): JoJo watch out!

The vampire swings a chop towards Josephine as she holds up her clackers as the vampire chops her clackers in half and JoJo tripped backwards and saving herself...

Josephine: Shit!

(YN): JoJo, are you alright?!

Josephine: Yeah!

Vampire: Hehe, if it weren't for those clackers you hold up, I would slice that face of yours! Hehe! The names Wired Back and I'll be slaying you three now! I killed my sweetheart, and busted out of prison long time. Then Kars found me and made me join in his little gang. He's got my loyalty! And won't let you three in to disrupt his sleeping.

Josephine: Nrrgh! So the chaos has begun already!

JoJo gets up and cracks her knuckles...

Josephine Yare Yare Dawa, you're gonna be the rat that'll be having a one ticket way to hell!

(YN): Heh, I think I can help you with that JoJo *cracks knuckles*

Josephine: heh, good, I might need a hand from you.

As JoJo and (YN) were about to fight Wires Back, suddenly Lisa Lisa steps forward and will take him out instead...

Josephine: Lisa Lisa..??

(YN): Master??

Wired Back: Hehe, what a beautiful one you are. Your skin is soft and clear as well, here, allow me to let me drink your blood and porcelain your skin out!

Lisa Lisa: ...Your really not impressing me.

Wired Back: Hm??

Lisa Lisa: I do not have time to waste on your disgusting drivel or look at me with that ugly mug of yours. So ho ahead and do as you please, it'll be the last thing you'll do.

Wired Back: NRRRGH!! HYAAAGH!!!

Wired Back suddenly started to summoned metal spiked out from his body...

Josephine: Spikes!

(YN): All of them are covered in his body, Metallic and razor sharper!

Wired Back: You see, I do not like females like you that talk like that to me, and when they do...they need to be punished!

Lisa Lisa: Oh?

Wired Bcak: I'll squeeze you to death!

Josephine: Oh shit! Coach Lisa Lisa!

(YN): Master look out!

Suddenly, Lisa Lisa started to use her Hamon, as she was quick enough to put on her scarf around Wired Back's neck around...

Wired Back: Eh?? Thanks for the scarf I guess??? But if your planning to capture me with it, it won't happen! I can easily take it off with no problem and-

Suddenly, Lisa Lisa walks pass through Wired Back, and taking her scarf from him...

Wired Back: Ehh?? Hey where are you going?! I haven't punished you yet!!

Lisa Lisa: ...JoJo, (YN), let us go now.

Josephine/(YN): Right.

And so, the two of them walked together and passing right by Wired Back and to follow Lisa Lisa...

Wired Back: Hey! Get back you three! I'm not...not...n-not...

He then felt something in his body, like if his insides were beginning to boil up, and yet his whole body started to burn and melt...

Wired Back: AAAAAAAGH!!! What the hell?!?

Lisa Lisa by passing her Hamon with her scarf, and using it against Wired Back to let her Hamon in her scarf affect it in his body and killing him for good....
They continue to walk down the hall way....

Lisa Lisa: (YN), have you taken it? The antidote, you must not delay on it.

(YN): O-Oh! Well....

Josephine: What is it (YN)??

(YN): ....I was planning to drink it after I defeat Wamuu.

Josephine: What???

Lisa Lisa: ...

(YN): You see, this is no longer represents a promise Wamuu made to me, it's now a promise I made to Caesar, that I go on living and stay on the fight!

Josephine Mind: Wow! So spirited! He is...really great after all! *smiling and blushing*

Lisa Lisa stood quiet...

Lisa Lisa: Very well then...let us continue.

And so, they kept walking down, and as they did, the notice the blood trail growing thinner, they knew well what meaning could possible lead towards Wamuu and Kars. Suddenly, I'm a room, Wamuu was sitting down, healing his Hamon he suddenly felt a sense from the hallway...

Wamuu: I have arrived.

The door suddenly got kicked down to the ground by (YN), as he, JoJo and Lisa Lisa manage to find him....

Wamuu: I've been waiting, I see your powers have grown...greatly.

Josephine: Nrgh!! Bastard!!

(YN): We'll make you pay for killing Caesar-

Lisa Lisa: Cool your heads you two! Look at the floor.

The two notice two set of footsteps that leads another way...

Josephine: So that means Kars is here as well!

(YN): Kars! Show your cowardly face right now!!

Lisa Lisa: Hold it you two! I have a feeling that I can hear a lot of breathing and lungs moving in this area with their breathes.

Josephine: What??!

(YN): B-But Wamuu and Kars are the only ones here Master!

Wamuu: Mmm, so it's you. Fascinating, you are extremely compose and decisive, though you are a woman. I can see how JoJo, (YN) and Caesar were able to to control and learn their Hamon much more better, and feel the lightest respiration, you do tank the highest among the hamons.

Wamuu snap his finger, creating a whirl wing towards the fire pit to extend the fire bigger and brighter, and as he did, JoJo (YN) and Lisa Lisa notice to see a bunch of vampires standing upside down on the ceiling...

Josephine: Woah! There's so many of you!

(YN): I take it their vampires as well.

Suddenly, a bright light started to shine as they notice to look and to see none other than Kars himself sitting on a throne...

Josephine/(YN): Kars!!!

Kars snaps his of the vampires spoke...

Vampire #1: Kars has chosen us to give eternal life, and we have given such loyalty to him. We are number of hundred, and will tear you, all hundred of us!!!

Josephine: D-Damn it! There no chance! We are only three against hundreds of these bastards!

(YN): Damian it what now?!

Suddenly, Wamuu spoke...

Wamuu: Lord Kars, a moment!

Kars: Go ahead.

Wamuu: Back at Rome, I have promise to (YN) that I'll give him a month to train harder on his Hamon and to fight me with my divine sandstorm on our dual. I want a rematch with him, and to avenge Eisidisi. Please allow me to have the chance to fight him.

Kars: ...No. Remember, we are only after for the red stone of Aja. Don't forget that Wamuu.

Wamuu: ...Yes my lord.

Kars: Now minions, kill them and-

Lisa Lisa: Your choice, but if you do kill us, then you will not be able to find the red stone.

Josephine: C-Coach???

(YN): Master???

Kars: Hm hold it. What are saying woman?

Lisa Lisa: You don't think you can be that naive to think I had the red stone around me would you? We are heading back to our destination in a certain time. If we are not there in time to set out the device....the red stone will explode from the bomb I implanted, and you will not have nothing!

Wamuu: Hm??!

Kars: ...*chuckling* You can't fool me woman.

Lisa Lisa: Are you confident that you and your minions will find it in time? The bomb I I planted is very small and not to be seen, but will be enough to damage the stone.

Kars: *grunts*

Josephine Mind: Is she serious?! She never told us about her implanting a bomb on the stone! But...this is part of her plan!

(YN): *So we must play along then!* Heh yeah, if you guys kill us, then the red stone will explode.

Josephine: And you won't be able to find it after all.

Kars: Even if true, we cannot leave you here alive.

Lisa Lisa: ...Then I have a suggestion. (YN) and Wamuu can have their fight, one on one. And Kars, you and I and JoJo will go one on two as well. And those who are left standing...will posses the stone!

Kars: What?!

Wamuu: Mhm.

Lisa Lisa: The Victor will hold onto the stone for good. It'll be very clear, who will be the one and survive to win for the stone. The humankind, or thr pillar men?

Kars: How dare you!

Wamuu: *chuckling*

Kars: Wamuu?

Wamuu. *gasps* Apologies for my laughter, my lord.

Josephine Mind: She is good!

(YN) Mind: Man who would that Master can be such a good gambler and a mastermind! Way the go!

Kars: Heh, you have pluck woman. Very well then, we shall battle each other for the stone then...but know this, don't get too cocky! You have no tomorrow!

(YN): Then so be it then!

Josephine: Let's do this then!


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