Chp.28 Battling For The Red Stone Of Aja

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As we left off, the battle for the red stone of Aja has begun! (YN) versus Wamuu, in a one on one chariot duel!

Kars: The time is upon us! When the full moon once's again merges behind the cloud, the battle will begin!

And so the minions started chanting and cheering for Wamuu, as Lisa Lisa hoped for (YN) to win this duel, especially JoJo...

Josephine: Come on (YN), you got this.

In the arena, Wamuu says...

Wamuu: (YN), one lap is 960 meters around. It takes approximately one minute for these beats to complete a lap. Now, do you see that pillar over there? Each lap, a weapon will be hanging from it.

(YN): Weapons??

Wamuu: Different ones depending on which one they will give out. One at the time, one of us will have to rush there and one of us will get the upper hand to get the better weapon. Do you see the first one? It's a giant sledge hammer.

(YN): ...Yea, I see it. *Damn, if he gets a hold on that hammer, he'll pulverize me with it like nothing, but if I manage to get it before him, I'll conduct it with oil and Hamon and hit him for good!

Wamuu: I am looking forward to this exemplary fight (YN).

(YN): ...Yeah, me too.

Kars: The moon approaches on the clouds edge, when the light falls upon us, the contest begins!

Everyone looked up on the moon for it to appear behind the clouds, Wamuu as well, as they look up to the moon to come out, JoJo heard rocks moving on the ground, and to see (YN) off his carriage and yet seeing him moving rocks on the ground...

Josephine Mind: (YN)! What the hell are you doing?! The race is about to start any second!

(YN) looks up to JoJo, and smiles at her as he moves his mouth

"Don't worry"

Josephine was confuse on what he meant by that, she looks back at the moon as it was about to appear in near seconds...

Josephine Mind: Hurry!! Come on (YN) get up there now!!!

And so, (YN) was done doing what he was doing as he hops on his carriage, as the full moon has been cleared away from the clouds...

Kars: The contest begins...NOW!

Wamuu: Hya!!!

(YN): Let's go!!

And so, both of them rode their horses on their carriages, and suddenly Wamuu's has stopped for some reason and wasn't moving at all in the beginning...

Wamuu: What's this now?!

Suddenly, they all realize to see underneath Wamuu's wheels being blocked by a pile of rocks...

Wamuu: (YN)! So you did this!

Lisa Lisa: Clever cheeky boy.

Josephine: And a sneaky one too! *so that's what he was doing to those rocks, hehe*

Kars: Bastard! You Sabotage Wamuu's Carriage while our attention was towards the moon!

(YN): Hehe, sorry, as far I'm concerned, there are no rules right?? Hehe!

Wamuu: Hmph! Hya!!!

His horses with brute force manages to break free as Wamuu started to ride and to go after (YN)...(YN) was close to achieve the hammer...

Kars: He's about to reach for the hammer.

Josephine: Hell yeah! Go (YN)!!!

(YN) goes faster and faster as he manages to grab the hammer with one hand...

(YN): Ha! Got it! And now all I need to do is-

Suddenly, he looks back at Wamuu, and to see himself smiling all of the sudden...

(YN): Hey! What are you smiling about??!

Wamuu: Hehe, you can have the hammer, that was my plan all along in the beginning.

Kars smiles as he knew Wamuu has a plan in his mind...Lisa Lisa and JoJo were concern as well and to see Wamuu slowly down...

Lisa Lisa: Wamuu starting to lose speed.

Josephine: Does he not realize he's gonna lose this race??

Kars: *chuckling* It's not a race you see, it's a fight to the death. The keys to win this dual is fighting in arms, tactics and strategy.

Back at the race, (YN) stared to slow down as well as he conduct the hammer with oil and his Hamon and ready to strike it to Wamuu...

Josephine: (YN) don't slow down!

Lisa Lisa: Keep going (YN)!

(YN) didn't heard them, as he was about to hit Wamuu with the Wamuu grins and says to him...

Wamuu: You may have the hammer, but I have much bigger than that!

Wamuu then gets near the pillar, to to strike it down with his bear fist and taking it with him and using it as a weapon as well...

(YN): O-Oh fuck!!!

The minions laughed and cheered for Wamuu...

(YN): Well he sure plans ahead!

Josephine: (YN)!!! Go faster and get away from him!!!

It was too late, Wamuu strikes the pillar towards him as (YN) manages to dodge and jump off his carriage, and Wamuu destroying it for good and the horses spreading free nd (YN) on the ground as he landed hard...

Lisa Lisa: Oh no!!

Josephine: (YN)!!

Wamuu: Heh, you no longer have your chariot.

Kars: Heh, down already? Things have seem to be finished up early I see.

(YN) was on the ground as he was barely getting up...

Wamuu: *chuckling* He must rethink about his plan. The probability of him being ran over by my beast horses carriage is 90%! The chance of him attempting to dodge to the left is 5%, and to jump on the right is 5% as well. So now then...what will the human warrior gonna do now?

(YN) was up, as he seemed wobbly and yet fizzing for a moment as the minions laughed at him and cheered for Wamuu at the same time...

Josephine: Shit!! If he dodges, Wamuu will go after him and hit him with his Divine Sandstorm!

But as (YN) gets up and holding onto the hammer, he did the y thinkable! He holds onto it, and rushes straight towards Wamuu's carriage.

Lisa Lisa: Well done (YN) good thinking!

Josephine: Yeah (YN)!!! You got this!!!

(YN) strikes the hammer towards the horse's harness with it, and yet ending up braking the harness and splitting the horse and setting them free as (YN) moves out of the way, Wamuu's Carriage was being dragged to the floor as well as he leaps out from it as the carriage crashes towards the wall.

Lisa Lisa: It would seem the race is over, and now it is an actual fight.

Josephine: Come on (YN)!! Pummel him with that hammer!!

(YN) rushes towards Wamuu from behind with Hamon conducted...but as he got close to him...Wamuu turns around with red eyes...

Wamuu: And now you will taste, Divine Sandstorm!!!

Wamuu with his divine sandstorm, he manage to hit (YN), (YN) suddenly blocks the wind with his hammer, and yet was blown away, as he got a direct hit of it and blown away as he manages to recover himself from that Divine Sandstorm...

(YN): D-Damn it! He barely got me, get any closer then I'll be done for good!

Josephine: Oh shit! (YN)!

Lisa Lisa: JoJo, don't worry, (YN) can win this, remember, he'll fight for us, and also made a promise for Caesar to avenge him....and you even said it yourself, you'll root him and cheer him out fro good.

Josephine: Y-Yeah! Yeah!! (YN) got this! *Lisa Lisa is right! (YN) is a brave fighter, and I always believe on him on everything!*

Kars then started chuckling as he sat down...

Josephine: Hey! What's so damn funny!?

Kars: I know what you are thinking "(YN) will take the upper hand and defeat Wamuu with every Hamon he has." Hehe, wrong, you see Wamuu here is a true fighter, a legendary mental power.

Josephine: Tch, just what the hell you're talking about?!

The very best athletes uses knowledge technique calling a "switch comeback" when the warriors are brought low to shock, they can flip a mental switch and bring out their all out fighting spirit for one last Hercule...and Wamuu will be that warrior, to win with any cost! And so he did the unthinkable like....gauging his eyes out!

(YN): What the ?! You gauged your eyes out?!

Wamuu: Yes, cause I was foolish that my eyes thought to see I manage to take you down for good by ramming you over, but I was wrong, you exploited my weakness. And now...

A drill horn appeared out from his forehead...

Wamuu: With this horn on me, I shall see by wind, and not light!

Josephine and Lisa Lisa were worried now that Wamuu has now have a forehead on, and Kars chuckling...

Kars: He flipped the switch by removing his eyes off,  ow he is one physiologically invincible. He sense the wind on that horn he has, sensing the wind better than light.

Josephine: N-Nrrgh! Just what are you saying!?

Back in the fight, (YN) can see Wamuu gauged his eyes out...

(YN): I don't know what was that reason for, but it'll give me a chance to defeat you now!

(YN) rushes to Wamuu, as Wamuu grins...

Wamuu: Don't underestimate me (YN)!

Wamuu rushes to (YN) as they once again collide their fists each other, they started singing punches, Wamuu dodging them, and (YN) as well, (YN) goes for a knee strike, but Wamuu quickly dodges it as he grabs his knee, and to squeeze it with brute force...

(YN): N-Nrrgh!!

Wamuu then grabs his leg, and to slam him to the ground hard as (YN) bounces and to spat blood out, and Wamuu swinging a brute kick towards his side gut, sending him flying as (YN) somehow manages to recover in the air and to hold onto a he does, he sees Wamuu rushing towards him as he swings a punch towards him, and (YN) dodging away, Wamuu instead hit the pillar and breaking it down with just one powerful punch, after that Wamuu picks up the pillar, and to suddenly swing it towards (YN), directly hitting him, (YN) spat more blood out as he was sent flying crashing towards a wall again, and was hurt badly as he coughed a lot of blood, and JoJo worried badly for him...

Jospehine: N-No! No No! (YN) can't...can't lose..!! Not like this!!

(YN) is wounded badly, coughing blood, and yet several bruises...

(YN): D-Damn it!

He then sees Wamuu approaching to him, and as he does, he stops, glares at (YN) and says..

Wamuu: I would say this is how it ends. Prosper for your final moments (YN).

(YN): N-Nrrrgh!!

Wamuu: Divine Sandstorm!!!

Wamuu emits his Divine Sandstorm against (YN)...and as he does, (YN) surprisingly stood up, points his arms out, emitting his Hamon as he suddenly and surprisingly stood his Divine Sandstorm it his bear hands...

Josephine: W-Woah!! H-He stop it with his hands!

Lisa Lisa: And not just that, he is also using Hamon against it as well, come on (YN), don't you dare die on me!

JoJo was worried for (YN) baldy now...Wamuu was surprised that he manage to stop his Divine Sandstorm...

Wamuu: I'm impressed! You utterly surprised me on this one (YN), but how long will you be able to hold onto it!

His Divine Sandstorm got faster and stronger, as it started to injure (YN)'s both hands, and yet he can hear his bones cracking as (YN) for JoJo....
She can tell he is in a bad position right now, she can see (YN) is having a hard time dealing with Wamuu at this point...

Josephine Mind: N-No!!! Not like this...I-I won't be able to belive he'll lose like this...I-I won't! I-I've seen him busting his ass, training himself hard to go on his rematch against Wamuu...I-it seen everything from him! I-I won't believe it!

Josephine suddenly got emotional...seeing (YN) about to be not just defeated, but about to be killed by Wamuu....she didn't wanted to see another friend of hers die...but (YN) is different from Caesar to her, she's met her more than him, she's known him a lot as well, the way they two are always together, having each other's back, always depending on each other, and it's not just that, the fact (YN) has always been for her on her side, and always supporting her for everything, and caring for her much...and now she is seeing him about to be killed by Wamuu....
She suddenly broke downs tears, as she gave out a scream...

Josephine: (YNNNNNNN)!!!!

(YN) gasps, and to hear her screaming voice as he looks towards her direction....

(YN): J-JoJo...!


Lisa Lisa was shocked....and Kars chuckles on it and so as the minions as (YN) gasps again...

(YN): J-JoJo...!!!

And suddenly...
He heard a close voice, like if someone was with him....

???: Come on (YN), I know you have everything what it takes to defeat Wamuu, do it for JoJo at least.

(YN): W-Wait! That voice...c-could it be-

He slowly turns around...and surprisingly and shocking...he sees a spirited ghost of his lost friend, Caesar Zeppeli...

(YN): C-Caesar...!!?


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