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As we left off, both (YN) and Josephine were in a plane, as JoJo was controlling the plane to try and hit Kars, but first she need to get away from SpeedWagon and the rest for her and (YN) to finish him off somewhere else...

Stroheim: Thats one of our German airplanes!

SpeedWagon: JoJo! (YN)!!

JoJo turns the plane around as she and (YN) head towards the ocean to make Kars chase them down, she then gives another turn, facing Kars as (YN) them emits the sun machine gun from the airplane and starred shooting at Kars, Kars was dodging and weaving them with an ease as he chuckled, and then he used one of the feathered to change them into armadillo's armor, and making them as hard lie metal to protect himself from the bullets...JoJo moves the plane away from avoiding getting hit from the armadillo armor's...

Josephine: Shooting those won't do any good!

(YN): JoJo, we have to do a getaway now!

Josephine: On it!

Josephine drives the plane off more faster as she heads up to the clouds as Kars goes after them..

(YN): 240km/h, sounds about right.

Josephine: Yea, even so, I don't care if he's the "ultimate" and the "perfection" this plane got more horse power! If he decried to keep chasing us in the morning, then he better think again, cause we are in a long haul! Or are we?!

They checked on the fuel...

Josephine: 2 hours left of fuel...

(YN): We got time, we just gotta think of something to get rid of him.

Kars kept chasing them as he says...

Kars: You fools. That metal coffin of yours will only protect the both of you for so long in short. Hehe, if your plans is landing somewhere, then I have news for ya, the only way to return back to your friends is being bloody chunks.

Back with JoJo and (YN), the two suddenly notice the radio acting up, and to hear SpeedWagon calling from it...

SpeedWagon: JoJo! (YN)! Do you read me?!

(YN) picks up the radio...

(YN): Hey Mr.SpeedWagon, we're okay.

Josephine: Don't worry uncle, we got it covered.

SpeedWagon: Thank goodness! Listen, it was smart for the both of ya to grab that plane! I know it's not much, but the Germans and I will do everything we can from here. Do you have a map?!

They look around, and JoJo finds a map underneath...

Josephine: Yea, we do!

SpeedWagon: Good! Maintain radio contact and I'll guide you two into safety. First, give us your current position.

Suddenly, it got quiet...and no response at all...

SpeedWagon: JoJo! (YN)! Can you copy?! If you can hear me respond now!

(YN): Don't worry, sorry for not responding back but...

Josephine: (YN) and I found ourselves a jackpot!

SpeedWagon: Jackpot?? What are you two talking about??!

Josephine: Looking at this map gave us an idea. 

SpeedWagon: Idea?! Hey! Don't do anything rash you two! This is no time to act heroes! I forbid to get you two killed, especially you Josephine!

Josephine: Uncle, I know that Kars is the pinnacle of nature and life form and shit, but he was born here on earth...

(YN): And if we are lucky, it will take his life away!

SpeedWagon: What??! What can something take his life away?!

Josephine/(YN): Magma!

Josephine: After all, mahatma is the hottest substance on earth...

(YN): We'll destroy him by knocking him into Italy's Isola Di Vulcano! Even he can't survive that!

SpeedWagon: No! You both can't! Enough taking risks for you life's! Let me and the Germans do the heavy lifting for ones!

Smokey: Don't do anything dumb (YN), JoJo! Kars is gonna kill the both of ya!

(YN): Heh, too late guys, but we are near at the volcano already.

Josephine: It's now or never!

Back with SpeedWagon...he drops the radio, as he started to tremble in fear, and yet to feel worried for (YN) and Josephine...

SpeedWagon: N-No..not again...Lord Joestar....Part 1 (YN)...and his son George...two men of the Joestar family, and one being part of it are all cut down far too soon...not again! Why do they always have their life taken! JoJo, survive for Lisa Lisa's sake! JoJo, listen....Lisa none other than your mother!

Back with JoJo and (YN), Josephine couldn't hear what SpeedWagon was talking about, neither does (YN)...

Josephine: Huh?! What did you say?! You're breaking up uncle!

(YN): Wait, JoJo! You hear that?!

Josephine: Hear what??

Suddenly, a piranha appeared on top of the ceiling plane, and to bite JoJo's shoulder...

Josephine: AAAGH!!

(YN): JoJo!!

(YN) takes off the piranha off her shoulder and slams it to the ground as two more appeared and biting his both shoulder as he took them off...

Josephine: Piranhas!?? How the hell did they got here?!

(YN): It's those feathers that Kars shot, he manage to turn them into piranhas!

Josephine: Motherfucker!!

(YN): O-Oh shit! This is bad!

Josephine: What now?!

They realize looking outside, a huge octopus tentacle from the left engine of the plane stops the engine to work, and destroying it and causing it to explode as the plane started to fall straight towards the volcano....
Suddenly, the two of them jumped out as they used the parachutes to glide onto the air, and Kars finding them, perfect timing for him to kill them...

Kars: Hehe! What morons! Those parachutes aren't gonna help you at all, all they do is seal your fates! Hahaha! Now you two, time to split you two to sunder!

He glides towards them and was ready to kill them...but as he got closer and closer, he realizes that it wasn't actually them on the parachutes, their were more like dummies...

Kars: What?! Decoys!? Then...that must mean...

He turns around, and to see the plane falling towards him and to get a closer look inside that JoJo and (YN) we're actually in the plane the whole time...

(YN): We don't go down on a fight!

Josephine: And you have a date with that volcano!

Kars: AAAAAGH!! Damn you!!!

Josephine and (YN) manage to hit Oars with the plane, and bringing with him falling towards the volcano...

Kars: N-NRRRGH! You both are insane!

As JoJo and (YN) bring Kars with him to the volcano...Josephine started to talk herself in her mind about her grandmother and grandfather...

Josephine Mind: Granny Johanna...a long time ago, you told me about my grandfather. You said he died on the Atlantic, to save you, father, and Lisa Lisa from the ship being exploded. Trust me...I don't mean to be a copy cat....maybe...this is the hand of my blood dealt me.

(YN) notice JoJo worries and yet not reacting at all, so he places his hand onto her shoulder...

(YN): JoJo, is everything alright??

Josephine smiles softly...

Josephine Mind: of matter of fact...I still have one special person in me, and he's right there, starting at me.

Outside, Kars then turn his wings back to his regular arms, and holds on tight...

Kars: Really now?! Did you really think I will foil myself from this contraction?! Hehe! Know this you two, you are dead!

Josephine and (YN) had to focus on taking down Kars for good....and as Kars was about to go after them, suddenly, a robotic hand appeared and to stab straight to Kar's neck...

Kars: NNRRGH!! I-Is that a hand...wh-who in the-

He then sees Stroheim, who he's somehow and surprisingly was hanging onto the plane as he came to help out...

Stroheim: What a surprise, your coffin will be on this plane for good.

Kars: D-Damn you!

Josephine: Von Stroheim?!

(YN): How the hell did you got here?! And when!?!

Stroheim: Hehe, I wasn't sure you two could have handle this battle alone, next time, I should stall away in the propel.

Josephine: Hehe, typical you.

(YN): Thats Stroheim for ya.

Stroheim: More importantly, times up your two! Jump when I give the word!

Josephine: Not with your life!

(YN): Ans FYI, these damn piranhas are our parachutes!

Stroheim: Do as what I say! Jump!

Josephine/(YN): Damn it all!!!

As the plane got closer to the volcano, both JoJo, (YN) and Stroheim jumped out from the plane, as the plane crash towards the magma, (YN), JoJo and Stroheim were falling towards the garden ground of the volcano as (YN) manages to hold JoJo around his arms to protect her from falling, and so, they fell to the ground hard, Stroheim as well as his robotic legs broke into pieces....afterwards, they recovered from the fall, and JoJo realizes behind held by (YN) for protecting her...

Josephine: (Y-YN)! Are you alright?!

(YN): Y-Yea, I'm fine...I just...I think I broke my keys, hehe..

Josephine: *giggles* idiot.

(YN): Stroheim...I gotta admit, you're really just as crazy as anyone else I've never met, you really got guts, and I'm relief your okay as well man.

Stroheim: Same goes for you two...but the question is...did Kars fell towards the lava??!

The lava erupted as the ground started rumbling...they stood up as (YN) and JoJo were holding onto Stroheim, and to see at the bottom of the lava, Kars was being burnt alive...

Kars: D-Damn you bastards...!!!! I'm still...alive...!!! *must...create armor..!! Something of a crab...a harden shell...!!*

Kars tried to create an armor shell to protect himself from the lava...but it wasn't enough as the lava kept burning him...

Josephine: Alright! Take that Kars!

(YN): Yeah! No way in hell you'll survive with that! Lava is thousand times more hotter! You'll be burn to death!!!

The lava burns Kars more and more, as the lava caused another eruption....afterwards, JoJo and (YN) takes a closer look...and Kars was nowhere to be seen, as he was sent drowning towards the lava deep....and is no more.

Josephine: Th-That did it!

(YN): It work!! Oh hell yeah!!

Josephine: At last, the last member of the pillar men...

(YN): Is defeated!!!

Both JoJo and (YN) stared at each other, as they started chuckling and laughing together knowing that they have finally finished Kars for good, they were happy and relief with each other, hugging and celebrating together, tears of joy and excitement for their victory...when hugging, both stare each other towards their eyes, as they softly smiles at each other, blushing, and placing their forehead towards each other...and yet to get closer and closer....until Stroheim interrupts...

Stroheim: Uh sorry to brake your moment here, but we need to get out of here! Your celebration can wait, let's get to safety first!

Jospehine: O-Oh! Yeah!

(YN): Of course! Come on, let us carry you.

Both JoJo and (YN) help Stroheim, carrying him onto their arms to walk to safety beofre the volcano starts to erupt again.......
But suddenly....the ground stared to two cracks started to lead towards Josephine and (YN), as a blade wind slices Josephine's left whole hand...and the other, cutting (YN)'s left whole feet...the two gasped in pain...and Stroheim was terrifying of what he saw...and suddenly and shockingly, Kars merge out from the Lava, as it would seem he is covered in armored all over his body, immune to the lava...the armor started to crack as he comes out from the armor.....JoJo and (YN) can feel the pain from what happen to their body parts, JoJo's left hand cut off, (YN)'s left feet cut off, as they drop down to the ground, grunting and screaming in pain...

Kars: *chuckling* Music to my ears, oh how long I've waited to hear you shriek, JoJo and (YN)!

Stroheim: K-Kars! You're alive! B-But how!?

Stroheim then takes a closer look at Kar's shell armor with his robotic magnifier...

Stroheim: Now I understand!...*the shell he covered himself was still organic when being burnt wasn't up to the task...he somehow had the idea to be lucky to create a second layer of protection! Air bubbles! And while being buried alive in the lava, he took his time to be quick enough to dig shield out from the lava...the earth gave birth to life...but...Kars has conquered the planet itself!* H-He's a god...unstoppable and yet immortal...w-we can't do nothing about it! It's useless!

Both (YN) and JoJo were still in pain, grunting as well as (YN) stood up, with one feet on him, and grew angry to see Kars hurt Josephine...


Josephine: (Y-YN) don't!!

(YN) rushes to Kars, and tried landing a kick towards him, but Kars blocks it and to strike a brutal punch towards his leg, injuring it badly and sending him flying towards JoJo...

Josephine: (YN)!!!

(YN): D-Damn!!!

Josephine realizes to see his leg being melted...

Jospehine: Y-Your leg!! It's melting!?? But how?! Th-This can't be! Why!?! How!? This is impossible!

Stroheim: Th-Then does that mean-

Kars: Denial will get you nowhere! Hamon did that! I conquered the sun, why would Hamon even hurt me if I am immune to sun! I am super immune against Hamon as well! And I was wondering, how does it feel like to have a taste of your own medicine?!

(YN): D-Damn it!!

Josephine: KARS!!! You bastard!!

Kars: Heh, don't even bother girl, just stay down  with him, I'll dispose with you quickly.

Kars was slowly approaching towards JoJo and (YN), Josephine was thinking hard to find a way, but couldn't think hard, seeing (YN) in pain in her hands doesn't help her at all thinking, she felt really worried and awfully bad for (YN), her partner, her best friend...everything about him means a lot to her! She doesn't want him to die onto her hands...
Kars approach to them, and breathes to create his own Hamon technique and his own skills to kill Josephine and (YN)...his whole body started to give off red volts around him, and grins as he was ready to end JoJo and (YN) for good...

Kars: Let me show you two your way to the abyss! This is the end for you two!!

Kars strikes his hand towards them, as Josephine shuts her eyes, holding onto (YN)'s hand tight...and (YN)...he suddenly got something in his mind...he knew that Kara's Hamon is stronger than his and Josephine', he did the unthinkable....he pulled out the red stone from JoJo's pockets, held it onto his palms, and facing it towards Kar's hand that was about to land a hit...

Kars: What?!? The red stone!


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