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After the tragic disaster happen, and defeating Kars for good by sending him to space and is gone for good thanks to JoJo and (YN). The rock that the two were on started to fall all the way to the ground as the huge rock caused a huge splash towards the ocean...then suddenly, a fishing boat saw the huge splash so the fisherman sails towards where the splash was he arrived, suddenly, JoJo and (YN) both merge out from the ocean..

(YN): O-Oh man!

Josephine: That was one hell of a splash!

Fisherman: H-Hey you two! Are you alright!?! What the hell just happened?!

(YN): Oh hey! Yea we are alright.

Josephine: Hey sir, can you do us a favor and help us out here and take us to Venice??

(YN): If it's too much to ask??

Fisherman: U-Uh...

Josephine: Hey, you deaf or something??! Help us Damn it!

Fisherman: R-Right!

And so, the fisherman helped them out by having them on his boat and giving them a blanket to cover themselves up, and so the fisherman sails away to Venice for JoJo and (YN) to get nursed by Suzi Q, who she is still at Lisa Lisa's residence. As they arrived, Suzi Q helped them out by healing their wounds, and also calling some back up doctors on top of that, but later, Josephine Decided to make a call to Stroheim to help her and (YN) he arrive, he was utterly shocked, and surprised to see JoJo and (YN) alive, he have thought they died during that eruption and battle with Kars, but was relief and happy yo see them alive, so with the help of Stroheim's German terrific and ultimate science technique engineering, he was able to make JoJo a robotic prosthetic left hand, and (YN) a robotic prosthetic left feet. And afterwards, he said his  goodbyes to his two dear friends as he and his men were gonna go at War.
And so, Two weeks have passed now, JoJo and (YN) both were still nursed by Suzi Q, as JoJo and (YN) told her to send a telegram message to Lisa Lisa and the others that they are okay and alive and will meet them soon at New York....
One day, it was sunset, (YN) was standing outside the balcony, looking at the sunset, as he was then holding onto Caesar's gloves, and starting to have flashbacks of him during his and JoJo's journey of defeating the pillar men, and his sacrifice of saving his life by retrieving the antidote for him...he smiles as he places them at the table, and then he notices JoJo appearing...

(YN): Oh, hey JoJo.

Josephine: Hey...Caesar's gloves...they can useful for the future if we ever encounter enemies.

(YN): Heh, yeah.

Josephine: Still miss him??

(YN): Yeah...

Josephine: It's alright, I miss him too, sure he was a jerk and an ass at first, but more over...he was our partner, our friend.

(YN): Heh, he is, and will always be our best friend. *looks up to the sky*

Josephine: Yea, but hey...

(YN) approaches to (YN) closely, and hugs him as she smiles and blushes...

Josephine: You still have me, no?

(YN): *smiles softly and blushing* Heh, of course. You still have me, and I still have you.

Josephine: Heh, good to hear.

(YN): ...*sniff 2x* Uh, JoJo...not gonna brag, but you kinda stink a little.

Josephine: O-Oh right! Hehe, haven't taken a shower for a while.

(YN): Heh.

Josephine: Hehe, well I'll see you in a bit then.

(YN): Sure, I'll be here.

Josephine walks away slowly to go and take a shower....but she then stops, and turns around to face (YN), seeing him looking back at the sunset view, and as she does...she blushes at him, and to place her hand towards her chest....and so, she walks back to him and calls his name out...

Josephine: (YN)...

(YN): Yea-

As he turns around, Josephine was already near him, as she suddenly land a surprise kiss towards his lips, moving her tongue inside his mouth as she slowly backs out and tasting his saliva, leaving (YN) blushing and surprised...

Josephine: Well....I came back to tell...if you wanna join with me~?

(YN): J-Join you...??

Josephine: Heh, I didn't stutter did I~?

(YN): Heh, no, no you did not~

Josephine: *giggles*

JoJo gave (YN) a smirk look on her face, as she places her finger towards his chest, and slowly sliding it down towards his member and to walk away, she stops again, slowly turns to (YN) again, and to slowly pull down her shirt, revealing her shoulders from behind....

Josephine: I'll be waiting for you then~

Josephine then walks away and heads over to the shower...and (YN) wipes his Louth from Josephine's saliva, and gives a little taste as he chuckles and smiles...

(YN): Hehe, you bad, bad girl~


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