Chp.38 We Meet Again

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Johanna rested her eyes for a bit, and wanted to sleep forever and never to wake up...but as she open her eyes again, she suddenly found herself sitting underneath a tree, surrounded by grass as she stood up and looks around to notice that she's in a familiar area...

Johanna: Wh-Where am I??

She notices her voice sounded was different, and she checks her hands, legs and her body, and to seem like she's back being young again, a teenager I say, 19 years again...

Johanna: I-I'm...young again?? B-But how?? This place...this seems...familiar...

She looks around, and to see her own home, the Joestar mansion home...

Johanna: That' home..! Which means...father!!

Johanna rushes down the hill and to go to her home, as she then arrive, she stopped for a moment, and to hear barking...

Johanna: That that-

She turns and to see Danny running up towards her and to drop her down, licking her face...

Johanna: Hehe! Danny! Oh good to see you boy! Oh how much I miss you pal!

She then got up and was happy to see her pet dog again...and then came her father, George Joestar, and he wasn't alone, there came alongside her mother as well, Mary Joestar...

Geroge: Sweetie, there you are.

Mary: Why, what is that you're doing darling??

Johanna eyes were widen shock to not only see her father, but her mother as well, she smiles emotionally, as she rushes towards them, and to hug them both...

George: Heh, why JoJo, everything alright??

Mary: What is it dear??

Johanna: I-It nothing really, I don't know why I'm like this...but I miss you two both! I'm so happy to see you both again!

George: Heh, we are too sweetie, we both miss you and love you a lot JoJo.

Mary: Don't you ever forget that.

George: Oh by the way, you have some visitors at the back at the house, they seem to be friends of yours.

Johanna: Visitors?? Friends??

Mary: Why of course, they seem to be good people after all. Why don't you go and see for yourself?

Johanna: I will! Come Danny!

Danny: *Bark*!

Johanna then runs around the house as Danny follows her....
As she arrive at the back of the house, she started looking around, and yet no one to be seen...

Johanna: Weird, mother and father did say these friends of mines were here to look for me, but I don't see them. Where could they-

???: OII!! JoJo!!

She then turns around, and to see someone running up the hill, calling for her, she got a closer look, a man with long beautiful blonde/gold hair, and with a top hat as well, and surprisingly, she notices her good ol friend, pal (AND THE BEST WAIFU) SpeedWagon...

Johanna: Mr.SpeedWagon!!

The two run up to each other a gave a huge friend hug...

SpeedWagon: Johanna! Oh boy! It's so damn good to see you again friend! Long time no see dear friend!

Johanna: It has been! And look at you, you look better than ever!

SpeedWagon: Hehe, what can I say, the gentleman don't got nothing on this! And you look good as well JoJo!

Johanna: Thanks!

???: And don't forget about me as well, Signorina Joestar!

Johanna: That accent..! Is that-

She then looks above the tree, and surprisingly to see her Hamon teacher and friend, Baron Zeppeli, as he leaps up 40 feet in the air, lands on the ground safely...

Johanna: Haha!! Mr.Zeppeli!

Baron: Johanna! It's good to see you again amica! By far you look young and outstanding as ever!

Johanna: And you look good as well Master! Oh boy am I glad to see you two again here!

SpeedWagon: We both are JoJo!

Baron: Hehe, we came here to tell you if you wanna join us with a picnic, look I've brought a bag of delicious triangle sandwiches I made, we are just waiting for-

???: Hey, Johanna!!!

She then looks up ahead, and to see none other than her very first friend, Erina Pendleton, running down with a basket in her hands and arrives with them...

Johanna: Erina, you're here too!

Erina: Hehe yup! I'm so happy to see you Johanna!

Johanna: I am too Erina! Say, what you got there??

Erina: Oh! Why I brought me some delicious apples and grapes I picked up on my way here, here have some!

Johanna, SpeedWagon and Baron grabbed an apple and took a bite...

SpeedWagon: By god! They taste so good!

Baron: So delicious!

Johanna: So tasty too!

Suddenly, Danny started hogging on Zeppeli's bag of sandwich's...

Baron: WAH! Danny, this isn't for you!

They all laugh together, and we're enjoying this happy moment together...

Erina: Hehe, say, why not we set up the picnic already while we wait for him.

SpeedWagon: Good idea, he should be here any second now.

Baron: Yea, and I hope he likes my delicious sandwiches I made for him and everyone else.

Johanna: ...

While they started setting up the picnic, Johanna was curious about who they were talking about and waiting for, and suddenly, on the tree they are standing underneath....she walks up to it...and to see a carve on it, which had a huge heart shape, and in the heart, it hade her name on it...and his name too...

Johanna Mind: This the one he carved up...wait...d-does that mea he-

Suddenly, someone approach to Johanna behind, covering her eyes with its hands and the person chuckles and says..

???: Hehe, guess who?

Johanna gasps to hear that very familiar voice she has always heard before...

Baron: Ah, you arrived!

SpeedWagon: Good to see you here my friend!

Erina: I'm glad you arrive in time brother!

???: Heh, of course I did, I wouldn't miss this picnic out with you guys, and especially you, Johanna.

She started to get emotional, as she knew that voice before, and was surprise to hear it again, she holds onto his hands, and to slowly turn around, and with such shock, her eyes widen with surprise, watery, and she slowly smiles emotionally as she finally gets too see her best friend, and not just that, her love at first sight....and that is (YN) (Part 1 ofc)....

(YN): Heh, Hey JoJo, good to see you again, my love.

Johanna started sobbing quietly, as she was also happy and joyful to see him again, in his arms around her, as all she can do, is hug him and never letting go...

Johann: (Y-YN)!! I miss you so much! I'm so happy I'm with you again!!

(YN) lifts her chin up with his finger, smiles at her and replies...

(YN): I am happy to see you too love, and now...we can both be together, forever.

Johanna smiles, (YN) as well as the two slowly landed a soft SpeedWagon, Baron, Erina and Danny were happy for them...
And so, they all set up the picnic, and they all sat down together, enjoying their picnic, Baron and SpeedWagon talking and enjoying themselves tighter, Erina and Danny eating together as Erina was giving her little pieces of the sandwich...and as for (YN) and Johanna, they were sitting down together, eating their apples and sandwiches, as the two smile together, happy to be togther, forever...

But everything flashes we go back to senior Johanna again, where she is sitting on her chair, eyes close....and isn't moving nor responding at all, as some of the SpeedWagon Foundation doctors came to check up on her....and isn't moving nor responding at all, Josephine shedding tears, Holly as well, and of course (YN), as Johanna Joestar, peacefully passes away, with a smile on her face....
Till this day, Johanna Joestar Passed Away.


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