Chp.7 Fighting Against Santana Pt.1

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As we left off, JoJo and (YN) manage to sneak into the facility, and to save SpeedWagon in time, also Stroheim of course, and yet they found themselves up with the Pillar Man, Santana...

Stroheim: ...You...girl...I know you, you're Josephine Joestar...I've heard so much about you...but I don't know about your friend there, but listen. That Pillar Man, Santana, uses a mask to turn everyone into vampires! He does this to make himself stronger, and devours them! Destroy him!

Josephine: You don't say?

JoJo then started to get closer to Santana...

SpeedWagon: JoJo don't! He's dangerous!

(YN): Josephine don't do it!

JoJo gets closer to Santana...and yet to boo his nose...and jumps back..

Josephine: Tag! Your it, hehe.

Santana: ....

Josephine: Oh I get it, your those silent strong type guys, ever try modeling before? Come on, let's see that big smile of yours.

(YN): ...She...must be joking...right??

SpeedWagon: J-JoJo, stop playing around...!

Josephine: Oh lighten up uncle, I'm just having a little fun here. Now come on you, be happy! Give me that smile of yours! Come on big guy.

Stroheim: JoJo! Stop with this nonsense immediately!

(YN): Josephine, this isn't the time to play games, you do realize your up against a man who we don't know what he could do!

Josephine: Oh please, you all assume he's a bad guy, and he doesn't seem that bad after all. I'll proof it to y'all that he's a good guy okay? He may look dangerous but isn't so bad. I don't want assume him as evil just because he killed some brainless Germans.

(YN): ...Well...I don't think I can argue with that after all...he hasn't done anything bad once he got close to him-

Stroheim: Are you two insane?!? He killed all my men cause he's evil!

(YN): Really? Cause it seems like you Germans might have provoke him and had him counter attack against you German bastards.

Josephine: Yea, you guys were the ones that were experimenting him and trying to blast him at the first time...not that we care at all, look the only thing we've come here is to take SpeedWagon back to New York safe and sound. Anyway, I don't think I wanna fight against come on big guy, how about that-Huh?!

Suddenly, Santana started to pass by Josephine...and yet ignoring her...

Josephine: Well that was rude, he walked pass me and ignoring me, just who the hell he thinks he is?? *Hehe, or maybe tripping him over might teach him a lesson.* Have a nice "trip"!

JoJo emits Hamon from her leg, and to kick Santana's leg to trip him over, but as she does, Santana's whole leg went through her kick, and yet JoJo's pants got ripped and yet she felt an enormous sensation..

Josephine: W-Woah! What the hell was that?! That was the weirdest sensation I've ever felt!

(YN): JoJo, look!

Santana walks towards a sub machine gun weapon, and to observe it carefully .... And yet, he started disassembling the whole parts of the weapon...

Josephine: H-Holy shit! He disassemble that whole weapon like some sort of gun clock maker!

Stroheim: I-Impossible! Soldiers only take hours to master that kind of training!

(YN):And the fact he's using his intelligence to learn things quicker!

SpeedWagon: Oh bloody hell! That means that we not only weren't observing him, but he was watching us! us no matter what!

Josephine: Hmph! Then let's see he can counter this!

JoJo rushes towards Santana behind...

SpeedWagon: JoJo wait!!

(YN): Josephine!

As JoJo rushes behind Santana and ready to hit him, suddenly Santana grew huge pair of ribs from his sides and yet to try extend towards JoJo...

Josephine: What the?!?

JoJo manages to block them with her Hamon, but the ribs that pop out from Santana were super strong for her to hold a grudge onto them, their known to be called Ripping Ribs, their capable to be manipulated in any direction...the ribs sends JoJo flying up to the air, and yet crashing to the ceiling and falling afterwards...

SpeedWagon: JoJo!!

(YN): I got you!

(YN) manages to catch her from falling herself to the ground...

(YN): Josephine, you alright??!

Josephine: I-I am, thanks...!

Suddenly, Santana started dating to himself...

Santana: Sparks...Energy sparks...came out from that girl...she's different...I tried absorbing her body...but those sparks of energy kept me from doing that...and just repels her away...but her leg is fine...this one is something.

Suddenly, JoJo recovers herself as (YN) puts her down...

Josephine: Okay you bastard, now I'm in the mood to fight! Come on big guy!!!

(YN): Wait JoJo! Don't rush reckless!

Josephine: Have a Hamon sandwich!!

JoJo with Hamon in her right hand, strikes a punch towards Santana's gut, but then again, she started to realize that her Hamon punch didn't do nothing at all to him, and also the puddles of blood started to float...

Josephine: Wh-What?! The blood around me is starting to float?! And my Hamon isn't affecting him at all?!

Suddenly, Santana's gut open and yet to grab and snatching JoJo's whole hand away...

(YN): JoJo!!

Josephine: WHAAA?!? My hand!!! What have you done to it you fucker!!'s...

She suddenly pops her hand out...which it wasn't cut off at all..

Josephine: Still there.

SpeedWagon/Stroheim: !!!!

(YN): ...

Josephine: Don't worry, I manage to inward my wrist just in the nick of time...but seriously, he's immune to Hamon.

SpeedWagon: Thats not true JoJo!

Josephine: What??!

SpeedWagon: The Hamon was protecting you!

(YN): Mr.SpeedWagon is right! Somehow it kept your body away from being absorb from him!

Josephine: I see...well then I have to think something fast then. Maybe we can plan on our emergency escape-

Stroheim: You can't do that! The escaping of Santana is too high! No one leaves until he's dead!

Josephine: Oh shut the hell up you! You released this monsters at the first place and now you want to clean up the mess!

(YN): JoJo look out!

JoJo looks back at Santana as she realizes he running up towards her as (YN) steps in and yet to clench his fist and to use his Hamon to strike a punch towards Santana, he mange to land one, but did no affect at all, so he leaps up and glides behind him, but Santana was so quick he quickly swings a kick towards (YN) and sends him flying crashing to a wall...

Josephine: (YN)!!! Nrgh! Okay you bastard!

JoJo emits her Hamon and swings her punch against Santana...but as she did, her hand got stuck into his body...and yet Santana started to slowly absorb her...

SpeedWagon: AAAAHH!!! JoJo!! You gotta breathe! Breath damn it, breathe!

(YN) recovers from that hit and realizes to see JoJo in such a terrible position..

(YN): Oh crap JoJo!!!

He goes rushing to her to save her...

(YN): Don't worry, I'll-

Josephine: No don't worry (YN), it's all right!

(YN): Wh-What??!

SpeedWagon: J-JoJo??!

Stroheim: Wh-What the hell are you talking about??!

Josephine: I figured, my attacks won't work on the outside, so let's try it inside, send him some Hamon for his meals. Hehe, I knew you would start to absorb me, enjoy your Hamon blood!!!

Suddenly, With JoJo emoting her Hamon inside of Santana's body, she manages to split him apart and freeing herself, afterwards, body parts of Santana started to spread everywhere...

(YN): Phew, thank god your okay, you got me worried...

Josephine: Heh, no need to worry at all, I've seen and felt everything from his insides.

(YN): His insides??

Josephine: Yea, his whole body is nothing but a digestive system. His cells digestives fluids to devour his preys. Looks like he's absorbing them. But Hamon was the only key from be being avoided from getting absorbed.

Suddenly, the upper half of Santana's body started to move...

SpeedWagon: JoJo, your Hamon wasn't strong enough! You need more to defeat Santana for good!

Suddenly, Santana leaps and goes rushing after JoJo, and luckily, (YN) manages to grab a long chain and to toss it towards Santana, and managing to tie him around and stopping him...

Josephine: Phew, that was close, thanks (YN).

(YN): Your welcome. Seems like he's trying to rebuild himself back to his other half of his body.

Jospehine: Just like Straizo...we need to end him now, Vin Stroheim, quick since you know more than us, does this have any weaknesses??!

Stroheim: O-Oh! Yes it does! It's sunlight! It was there at the walls of the cave, sunlight it's the natural enemy for him, the reason he made the masks is to conquer the sun.

Josephine: Sunlight you say??

(YN): Hm, seems like the outside of the sun is the key...perfect.

Josephine: Very perfect.

And so, Josephine and (YN), dragging Santana with them approaches to a heavy metal door as JoJo opens it and a path leading upstairs to the outside...

Stroheim: H-Hey! Are you two mad insane?!

Josephine: On the contrary, I think our little friend here needs some light for himself.

And so, Bohr of them started dragging Santana upstairs, and yet they were close to reach outside....
But suddenly, they stop for some reason...

Josephine: H-Hey, why did we stop???!

(YN). I-I was gonna ask you the same thing...

Josephine: Wh-What??! W-Wait...why do I feel so...heavy??!

(YN): Come to think of it...I feel...heavy as well..?!

Suddenly, they both look and to see their legs beating attach to some human flesh meats...and they belong to Santana, as they are known to be called Meat Invade, foul flesh...and yet they are starting to cause them to lose balance and to fall down...

Josephine: Sh-Shit! Not..good..!!

(YN): Th-Their...draining us..! Son of a...bitch..!!

Santana: Heh, never would that humans like you exits while on my slumber.

Back with SpeedWagon, he was already worried for them...

SpeedWagon: O-Oh no! Their in trouble now!! Oh no, no no!! This can't be happening!

But suddenly...
Stroheim takes a step forward....

SpeedWagon: S-Stroheim??! What are you doing???!

Stroheim: ...Stay here SpeedWagon...let me help them out!


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