Chp.9 Enter Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

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As we left off, Josephine and (YN) manage to defeat Santana with the help of Stroheim as well, sacrificing himself too, and saving SpeedWagon as well and taking him back to New they did, the two of them and SpeedWagon now has some work to do. JoJo and (YN) told SpeedWagon that there's three more pillar men at Rome, and SpeedWagon knows about it, and knows someone who can be helpful to lead them and take them down for, At Rome, in a restaurant, JoJo and (YN) we're about to eat, as JoJo got herself a spaghetti dish...only to have black noodles....

Josephine: Hey, what's the meaning of this?!

Waiter: W-What?!?

JoJo grab the waiter by his shirt...

Josephine: Okay explain yourself idiot! You think putting black ink on my food is a joke?! Is it?!

(YN): JoJo! Calm down!

Josephine: Calm down?! Look what he put on my food?! I'm not eating this!

(YN): No JoJo, it's not like that! This spaghetti here is a classic one of Rome.

Josephine: ...Come again???

Waiter: Y-Yes, like he said, this spaghetti here is a classic one, it's called Nero di seppia. It's a fresh pasta made with fresh squid flavor. It's delicious.

Josephine then let's go of the waiter, as she sits down and observes the pasta dish, she grabs the fork and gives a taste....and as she did, she started to like it...

Josephine: Say, this is delicious!

She started eating the pasta dish...

Waiter: Phew.

(YN): Heh, apologies signore.

Waiter: No problem.

And so the waiter walks away as JoJo and (YN) sat together...

Josephine: Say, how's you know this dish is good??

(YN): Heh, learn some history back in middle school.

Josephine: Oh, heh, you really must be smart back then huh?

(YN): Heh, yea.

While having a little chat with each other....we then focus on a young blonde hair man, who he happens to be talking with a young lady...

???: This hotel isn't what it used to be, now it's a riff raff of a dinning today. 

Josephine: Hmm??

(YN): ..??

???: Signorita, accepts this as a token of a gift for you.

The blonde gentleman offers her a charming the young lady was surprised and happy...

Young Lady: Oh my, it's beautiful.

???: Not as much as you, when you remove this at night, please think of me, and we shall be together in your dreams.

And that kinda annoyed Josephine somehow...

Josephine: Oh No! Did that cheese really said what I think he said?!?

(YN): ....Uh, Not really.

Back with the young man...

???: Now allow me to give you a little love spell, and you will have no choice but to fall in love with my passion. *Kisses the charm*

Josephine: AARGH!!! You gotta be kidding me this guy is making me sick!

(YN): JoJo, just ignore it please? Besides, he ain't doing nothing towards you at all.

The young man he then holds the young lady's chin, gently and gets closer to her....

???: And may my charming magic connect to you delicious lips~

And so, the young man and young lady both kiss towards their lips...which made JoJo more annoying for some reason...

Josephine: That's just ridiculous! How can a modern woman like her fall for an act like that?!? Disgusting!

JoJo then picks the fork up, with spaghetti in it and to breathe into her Hamon and to harden the noodles....

Josephine: Hehe, a little Hamon prank. This will teach that Casanova! Ha!

(YN): Oh boy...

And so, she catapults harden noodles with the fork towards the young man...until suddenly, the young man stops the noddles with a fork as well, and yet to get stuck between them as he shot them right back at them, as the noodles were going after (YN) as he then grabs a the glass of wine and to stop the noddles from hitting him...

Josephine: W-Woah! What the?! That was close!

(YN): Tch, too close. did he just do that?? It can't be...did he use-

Josephine: Hamon?! Y-Yea, that has too! But how?! And who is this jerk anyways??!

Suddenly, after kissing, the young lady takes the charm and walks away as Caesar says his goodbyes to her....and suddenly, the waiter enters...

Waiter: Pardon the interruption, but you have a phone call from a man name Mr.SpeedWagon, Mr.Caesar Zeppeli.

Caesar: Mama Mía, I'll be right there.

Josephine: Wh-What the?!? N-No way! Don't tell me-

(YN): He's the one that Mr.SpeedWagon told us that he'll help us??! So that's...Caesar Zeppeli???!

Caesar: Heh.

The young man, know as Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, he his the grandson of William A. Baron Zeppeli...and he is also a Hamon he walks off and goes over to get the call from Mr.SpeedWagon....

Josephine: So that's the Caesar we're supposed to meet and help us out??!

(YN): I guess so...*So...he's also a Hamon User. And if I'm not wrong...Master did said that someone related to William A. Zeppeli was a Hamon User as well, and had a grandson here...*

Josephine: Tch, well he could at least stop with the flirting bullshit!

(YN): Eh?? Wait, so...him flirting with a girl was the thing that's annoying you all this time??

Josephine: ..Hmph!

She crosses her arms and looks away...and yet...she looked kinda serious...

(YN): W-Wait, you're serious??

Josephine: I-It's just that...*sighs* it's...Nrgh! Look just forget it okay!

She then looked more angry than just upset...

(YN): JoJo-

Josephine: I said forget it okay?! Besides...why do you even care? You don't know nothing about me...we've barely met.

(YN) stood JoJo walks out of the dining room...and (YN) started to think why JoJo took it seriously about Caesar flirting with a girl...

(YN): ...Why is she upset about it?? Why take it seriously??? .....Unless....she maybe...doesn't get boys to talk to her like that..????

Suddenly, the waiter comes for (YN)...

Waiter: Excuse me signoré, are you (YN) (LN)??

(YN): Yea, that's me.

Waiter: You've also got a call from Ms.Elisabeth.

(YN): Elisabeth??? *O-Oh! Master!* Okay, I'm coming.

Later on...outside of the restaurant, near the water fountains, (YN) was still talking on the phone with his master, while JoJo, SpeedWagon and Caesar are outside waiting for him...and JoJo is starting to be complicated with Caesar already...

Josephine: Boy, the birds here must be smarter than the men here, don't you think?!

Caesar: Tch.

SpeedWagon: Please, knock it off JoJo. We didn't come here to cause problems, the two of you better start cooperating and talk while we wait for (YN).

Caesar: Mr.SpeedWagon...I'm sorry, but no chance.

SpeedWagon: What??

Caesar. My grandfather died tragically 50 years ago. My father took up the torch, spending his whole times hunting down the mask. We Italians have the strongest familia in any culture. We are very proud of that tradition. And that's something she'll never understand! Even is she's a lady, I cannot accept someone like her! And also, you told me she has never knew about her own grandfather until now! A true person knows his history!

Josephine: Oh yea?! Tell me this, history man, is your freaking face a history?! Cause it'll be soon once I punch it!

SpeedWagon: Both of you zip it! Caesar, JoJo didn't knew any of it cause I kept a secret from her.

Caesar: *sighs* I don't think it's any excuse at all. And also, I heard about her fighting with Straizo, and the Pillar man. I was impressed, I wanted to see how tough she was, so I waited in the hotel...and honestly I am utter disappointed on her skills on using her own Hamon. Her Hamon is weak, worthless and she only defeated that pillar man with that utter friend of hers with blind despicable luck! I won't be force you work with her! My grandfather would have been alive if her's didn't gotten in the way! I refuse to accept her kind, her pathetic blood!

SpeedWagon: Stop it now! Now you-

Jospehine: Oh now you e done it you bastard!! Don't dare talk about my grandfather!!!

SpeedWagon: J-JoJo wait!

Josephine rushes towards Caesar and emailing her Hamon and ready to strike a punch at him...

Josephine: Eat this, you Casanova!!!

As she swings her punch, Caesar easily dives it as he suddenly leaps up to the air...

Josephine: What the hell?!

Caesar: Ha! That's nothing! How about you observe my Hamon technique I have up on my sleeve that is a killer and clean move!

Caesar clasp his hand...and yet to open them and revealing bubbles...

Caesar: Behold! My Hamon Bubble Launcher! It's important to keep one self clean! And you seem to be looking dirty, Joestar!!!

He launches several Hamon bubbles to JoJo, as the bubbles strike her face, hitting her and sending her flying falling to the water of the fountain...afterwards, she recovers...

SpeedWagon: JoJo! Caesar enough of this!

Caesar: Apologies, but she must feel how I felt when my grandfather died cause of hers!!!

Caesar again launches more Hamon bubbles towards JoJo...

Josephine: O-Oh shit!!

And as she was about to get hit by them again...suddenly, (YN) surprisingly appeared, as he stopped the bubbles with his hand, smiting Hamon at the same time, as he manages destroy Caesar's bubble launcher with just one Hamon clench...Caesar was surprise, so as JoJo...

Josephine Mind: W-Woah! Where did (YN) come from??! And he manage to stop it with one hand and his cool*

(YN): JoJo, you alright??

Josephine: Y-Yea, I'm fine.

Caesar lands on the floor...

Caesar: Hmph, I don't know how you manage to disperse my Hamon bubble launcher, but I know In fact you too have Hamon as well...and you happen to be that Joestar's friend, aren't you?

(YN): Yea, problem with that??

Caesar: No, not at all, not with you of course, just her. I still wont work with her, all besides her grandfather's fault of mines getting killed!

Josephine: N-Nrgh!! Why you-

Suddenly, (YN) stops her...

Josephine: (Y-YN)..??!

SpeedWagon: (YN)??

(YN): ...If you don't know...I almost heard everything what you said. And to be honest with you pal....your wrong.

Caesar: What?!!?

Josephine: What??!

SpeedWagon: Wha?!? (YN), what are you saying??!

(YN): really didn't told him about what really happen to his grandfather???

SpeedWagon: W-Well...not really, I mean I try telling him the rest...but he cut me off and didn't listen to me at all when I brought up her grandfather.

Caesar: That's right! My grandfather died cause of her grandfather getting in his way!! Such a pathetic and cowardly thing to do!

(YN): ....Again, your wrong.

Caesar: Nrgh! Just who do you think you are?! You don't know anything of what's going on!

(YN): Actually I do. And to tell you the truth...Your grandfather didn't die cause of JoJo's grandfather getting in the way...he sacrifice himself to save JoJo's grandfather.

Caesar: What???!

Josephine: (Y-YN)...???

SpeedWagon: ...

(YN): ...You see, there this...friend of mines who's also friends with SpeedWagon, she's told me much about your and her Grandfather, alongside JoJo's grandmother, your grandfather met her's and was the one who gave both her grandparents Hamon, not cause he wanted to, cause he had to, he had to so he can use some help to find the stone mask and destroy it once and for all, and also defeating an enemy as well. And as they did...your grandfather had to sacrifice his life to safe her grandfather, and either way...his time was coming up anyways, and has lend all of his Hamon Energy to him and his wife, and they mange to kill the enemy...and destroying the stone mask for good....

JoJo was shock and utterly surprised to hear that (YN) somehow knows about her grandparents past...SpeedWagon as well...

SpeedWagon Mind: I gotta hand it to him...he hasn't spilled any beans at all...I guess "she" told him about it as well...I'll be.

Caesar: ....Sacrifice you say...SpeedWagon???

SpeedWagon: ...Yea, that's the other thing I try explain for to you...but you keep cutting me off and ignored me afterwards.

Caesar felt regretted, knowing that at first he didn't trusted (YN) at first...but then again...seeing him discussing about it with a serious face made him feel like he can trust he turns around and says...

Caesar: ...I see. Well...if I didn't cut off SpeedWagon and let him finished about my grandfather and last...then I apologize....Joestar....

Josephine: ...

Caesar: *sighs* Very well then...I'll help you...but, you got to work on your Hamon breathing, think you can do that?

Jospehine: ...Yea, I can.

Caesar: ....Very well then. Anyways...our ride should be here at the moment. So let's wait patiently.

And so...Caesar sits down at the fountain...and as he, and the others waited for their ride or get picked up....

SpeedWagon Mind: Oh dear...what a day.

(YN) helps JoJo getting out from the water...

(YN): You okay??

Josephine: Y-Yea, I'm fine...thanks though.

(YN): No problem.

Josephine: So...SpeedWagon also told you about my grandparents as well??

(YN): ...You can say it like that, heard him and his friend talk about it.

Josephine: Oh, but who's this friend that your talking about that SpeedWagon knows??

(YN): ...She's just a friend I know. I can't say much, sorry.

Josephine: Hmmm. Okay then....oh, and also...

(YN): Hm??

Josephine: *Blushing* S-Sorry about earlier...didn't mean to be that harsh with you at the restaurant...

(YN): Heh, it's alright, no worries, and're looking good today.

Josephine: *blushing* O-Oh.! Thank you, hehe, y-you too.

(YN): Heh, thanks.

The both then sat down together, and waited...

Josephine Mind: No boy has ever gave me a positive compliment...but (YN) has...heh, he really is something.

Later that day, it was night, and JoJo, (YN), Caesar and SpeedWagon are already with their ride, who happens to be Italian like Caesar, and friends with him, his name is Mark, and he's taking them to where the pillar men are located with German soldiers as well...

Caesar: German and Italy have an alliance. And the Germans are interested on researching skills of my Hamon. See you people are lucky to have granted passes to see the pillar men. No need to thank me, hehe.

Mark: Mr.SpeedWagon, we have so many questions for you. And hoping we can stop these pillar man together.

SpeedWagon: We hope so lad.

Caesar grabs a charm and to see a picture of Mark's love one...

Caesar: So, how's the beauty? Now don't lie to me, you have a girlfriend at home, don't you Mark?

Mark: O-Oh, well you see, hehe *blushing* you see I'm going home next week so we can both get married.

Caesar: Really!? Mama Mia, Congratulations mi amico! You see guys, I was his wingman in German when he first try picking her up!

With Caesar and Mark being distracted and celebrating a bit...Mark was driving recklessly and not looking on the road...

(YN): O-Okay, heartwarming and all but-

Josephine: But please don't get us killed!

Suddenly, a huge bump road was ahead, and yet to pass through and causing the vehicle to bounce up, and causing both JoJo and (YN) to fly up, and yet landing on each other together...and as they did...JoJo felt something from her hand, like if she grabbed onto something, and so as (YN)...and they realize...that JoJo was grabbing (YN)'s member...and (YN) grabbing her breast, which were on accident....the two blush hard at each other...and to quickly sit back up and looking away...blushing still...

SpeedWagon: Say, you two alright-

Josephine/(YN): Yes!

Josephine Mind: G-God damn it...! I-I didn't mean to grab it!!

(YN) Mind: I-It was an accident! I didn't mean it at all!!

Josephine/(YN) Mind: I just doesn't get weird with each other...

Meanwhile, in a certain cave, we can see German soldiers surrounding a pillar, and in the pillar, we're three pillar men, strikes in the rock...and one of them seem to be off and different....

German Soldier #1: Look! That one right there has a hole in its head!

German Soldier #2: It wasn't there before!

Detective German: Dorm worry, their stuck in those rocks and we got USV lights if anything, now get a closer look!

German Soldier #1: Yes sir!

And so, some Germans got closer to the pillar men, and to take a look at one that has a hole on its got closer to it...and started to hear quiet wind blowing on the little hole...

German Soldier #3: Y-You heat that??

German Soldier #1: N-Not really-

And suddenly, a huge horn burst out from the hole, stabbing the German soldiers whole face....all the Germans gaps and panic a little....

German Soldier #4: A-A HORN?!!

German Detective: N-No! It can't be! He's suppose to be petrified!!!

Suddenly, they see one of the pillar man opening his eyes...and yet to awake himself...

German Detective: O-Oh no!! He's awakening!!!


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