La Vatican

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The next day.

Joshua and his parents woke up early to go to Italy. Thirty minutes later, Joshua and his parents arrived in La Vatican in Joshua's dragon form.

Thomas and Martha told one of the guards that their son is a mythical creature and took them to see the pope at once.

They saw the pope praying at the monastery and then he turned to see Joshua and his parents.

Pope John II: What's wrong my children?

Martha: Your holiness, our son is a mythical creature

Thomas: A Chinese dragon, one of the enemies of his biological parents found and we need you to keep him safe

Pope John II: I understand please come with me

Joshua and his parents followed the pope to secret room and saw other mythical creatures and religious groups working together.

Pope John II: As you see, the enemies come and go but we have been keeping humanity save since time and memorial, mythical creatures from around the world had come to us for protection and redemption, his parents came to us when they were young, they made us proud and soon their son will, your son will be safe here we us, we will teach him everything we know in knighthood

Martha: Thank you

Thomas: Son you'll be living for a while but we'll visit you if they allow us

Pope John II: Of course

Joshua: Ok mom and dad, I'll make you proud

Thomas: We already are, son

Martha: But before we leave, we want to give you this

Thomas: We were going to give you this for your birthday but here

Joshua: Wow just like the ninjas use on tv

Martha: We remembered how you love old ninja movies as kid and we asked an old friend of ours who's a blacksmith to make one for you

Joshua: Thanks

Thomas: Good luck son but before we leave, we want to tell you something

Joshua: What is it?

Martha: Son don't be a Hollywood hero, be a real hero, real heroes are brave enough to show emotion, they're brave to be gentle giants, be the greatest hero you can be

Joshua: I will, I promise

Joshua hugged his parents one last time and saw them leave La Vatican.

Pope John II: Come son, I'll take you to your room

Joshua followed the Pope to his new and saw that it's been ready for his arrival.

Joshua: So this is my room?

Pope John II: Yes

Joshua saw another picture of his biological parents and himself when he was a baby, he also found another katana that made by his biological parents.

Joshua: Wow my biological parents were warriors

Pope John II: Yes, they were the greatest of Justice but one day their enemies joined forces to kill them but when they found out that they had children, they became determined to find them and kill him

Joshua: Wait, wait I have siblings? I thought I was the only one

Pope John II: You have a sister, she was adopted by a rich family, she didn't learn the truth until now like you

Joshua: Wow

Pope John II: Get some rest, tomorrow you'll meet your sister and begin your training

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