Learning To Be A Human

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Two years later Thomas and Martha have been trying to see what they can feed Joshua since he is a dragon and they don't know what to feed him, so they fed him baby food and he liked it.

Martha: Alright Joshua it's time for mommy and daddy to teach you how to be a human

Thomas and Martha taught Joshua how to eat and teaching how to walk and he succeed since he's a dragon it's a piece of cake. Two hours they began to teach to go from his human form to his dragon form.

Thomas: Joshua you're such a fast learn

Joshua: Papa

Thomas: Huh?

Joshua: Papa

Thomas: Yes Joshua I'm your papa, honey Joshua just said his first words

Martha: Really

Thomas: Yes, say it Joshua say it for mommy

Joshua: Papa

Martha: My baby boy you're getting smarter and smarter every day

Martha was right because everyday Joshua would get better and better in every and he was getting homeschooled by both of his parents only in pre k, Joshua finally learned how to be human but as weeks went on by he kinda forgot that he's an actual dragon. One year later Joshua went to school and many students found kinda strange for his green hair but they didn't pay any attention to it that much. Joshua befriended lots of many students but he also got to know bullies.

Percy: Hey you Joshua Lee Jones

Joshua: Huh?

Percy: You're being such a show off and we don't like that

Student #1: Uh oh Percy and his goons are her to make some trouble again

Bully #2: Thanks for introducing us now be quiet

Joshua: You were saying

Percy: We're telling you to stay off our territory or we'll hurt you

Joshua: *Pinches Percy with his dragon strength*

Percy: Ow ow ow ok you win I won't threaten you ever again just don't hurt me again

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