The Knights Of The Holy Order

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After Joshua learned that he's a dragon, he decided that it should remain a secret from his friends and the rest of his family members because he doesn't want them to fear him.

Five weeks later, Joshua went on a school trip to ancient history museum. Joshua was super fascinated by the stuff and culture of the past centuries but the weirdest thing for him is that there's a poster of a dragon and a phoenix together. It's like he met them before.

The trip continued on until his teacher wanted to talk to him and went to the other room.

Joshua: Um ok, what's up Mrs Trunchbull? Did I do something wrong? Huh? Where did she go?

Mrs Trunchbull: We found at last

Joshua: What are you talking about?

Suddenly in that moment, the teacher transformed from her human form to her true form of a demon.

Demon: Don't play games with me, you're the one that they tried to protect

Joshua: I don't know what you're

In that the demon was by a couple of arrows by a unknown archer.

Knight Of The Holy Order #1: Not so fast demon

Demon: You're too late Knights Of The Holy Order, he's mine now

Knight Of The Holy Order #2: Let him go or we'll tear you to shreds

With the demon distracted, Joshua had his chance to killed her by piercing his pencil deep into her heart.

Knight Of The Holy Order #3: Good work son

Joshua: Thanks, what was that thing and why was she after me

Knight Of The Holy #1: She was a demon, she's been looking for you for years

Joshua: What do yo mean and who are you guys?

Knight Of The Holy #4: We're the Knights Of The Holy Order, an organization founded by the lord Jesus Christ to protect humanity from the demonic forces that try to take over the world and enslave humanity

Joshua: Woah

Knight Of The Holy Order #5: We saw your action on the news and we would like for you to join us, here's our card

Joshua: Thanks

The Knights left and told him that he hasn't seen nothing. The school trip ended and all the students went home, while Joshua was looking at the card that the Knights Of The Order and the coat of arms.

Joshua: Hmmm? Oh well, I'll research them later

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