Author's note!

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I'll have to confess that this story has been my most favorite, compared to the other two I'm drafting. I've already published so many parts, so just wondering:

1. Any specific scenario or leap you guys want to include? I'm happily opening up the box for your suggestions. DROP THEM IN THE COMMENT BOX! 🌺
2. I recently read on of the suggestions to publish the story on India Forums. But since I dont have much time to spend on this work, is there any volunteers who could upload it to IF on behalf of me? (I need some honest and sincere volunteer who'd give me due credit, and work just as a publisher 🤗)
3. Since I am not on instagram, any volunteers to promote the story there as well? By posting the link, or screenshots of interesting chunks of the story.

Hope to see some good suggestions! ♥️

Mya! xx

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