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Sophia jumped up and down on the bed while Neil was getting ready for the function. Avni was preparing dinner. "Avni!? Did you see my cuffs?" Neil called out. "Avni is very busy, Daddy." Neil was startled. "What did you say?" He turned around to Sophia. "Avni is very busy.." she repeated. Neil broke into fits of laugh. He caught her hand and pulled close to him. "Who taught you that?" "Mommy always answers her phone and says its attorney Avni." Sophia made a puppy face thinking Neil was mad. "Haha! So if Avni's busy, can Sophie help daddy to get ready?" Neil asked sweetly. Sophia nodded her head in excitement.

She brought a stool and climbed on it to reach Neil's height: but it was barely up to Neil's shoulder. He thus lowered himself to Sophia's height. "Do you know to tie my tie?" Neil asked. "Huh?" Sophia was confused on how Neil put out the words. "Haha! Lets fix my tie." He put it on pretending to get help from Sophia. "Now, pull this strap down a bit... aaand its done!" Sophia clapped in excitement! Neil laughed and kissed on her cheek. "Oh you are ready." Said Avni, who walked in, removing her apron. "I made him ready!" Sophia jumped into Neil's arms, hugging him tightly. Neil laughed and hugged her back. "Is that so? Fine then, Mommy would be all free now." Avni teased. "Thank you!" He kissed Sophia and tickled on her sides. She squealed and jumped out of Neil's arms and ran outside. Avni shook her head and was about to leave too. But Neil grabbed her hand and turned around. "Mommy isnt free.." he whispered to her ears. Avni crooked an eyebrow at him. Neil gestured to the suite kept on the hanger. Avni narrowed her eyes at him and brought the suit. "Fancy being very classy, don't you?" She teased, adjusting his tie. "That I am." Neil winked at her, making Avni laugh. Neil moved his face closer and kissed on her forehead. "I love you so much." Avni smiled, caressing on his face. Their moment was broken by Sophia and Marshall, who came in running. Neil realized he was running late. Waved a goodbye and rushed to leave.

Mature content! (18+)

Avni tucked both her babies to bed right after dinner. The busy schedule of the day was finally taking over her. She took a quick shower and slipped into a shirt of Neil and a short. She took some of the toys of Sophia left in the balcony and was about to close the door, when Neil wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled on the side of her face. "When did you come back?" Avni asked, moving more into his embrace. "Just now.." Neil mumbled. He was too occupied in something else. Neil buried his face on the crook of her neck. "Neil..." Avni tried saying. "Please let me... I've missed you so badly.." Neil's voice was husky, turning up Avni so badly. He slowly lifted up Avni's shirt and ran his fingers on her skin. Avni moved her head to look at Neil, and ran her fingers along his lightly grown beard. He turned her around to face him. "Eight years, and I'm still as addicted to you as I've ever been." Neil said, tucking her hair behind her ears. Avni smiled as Neil kissed on her forehead. "I want you.." Neil smiled this time at her words. "Didnt think you'd ever say that.." he whispered. Avni cupped his face and tiptoed to reach his lips. Neil's voice came as a huff as she kissed him passionately. He threw the suit in his hands to the couch, and lifted her up into to his arms. Avni wrapped her legs around Neil's waist, balancing herself. Neil swayed her in a circle and Avni let out a hearty laugh. He gently lowered her to bed, capturing her lips again. Avni's hands moved to the back of Neil's hair and pulled him in more. Their clothes all discarded while their lips tirelessly discovered each other. Neil's lips moved lower to Avni's chest, lingering his lips on her skin. Avni's fingers never letting go off Neil's hair. Their breaths were urgent, as they gasped for air. Neil then moved up again, this time seeking for her permission. With one soft gesture from Avni, he explored her in the most purest way. Each movement of them evidenced how much they love each other. How content and happy they were. How much they need each other in every second of their life.
"You'll leave tomorrow.." Avni mumbled softly. She was resting her head on Neil's chest, his arms tightly wrapped around her. "Just for a few more weeks, baby." He replied, kissing all over the side of her face. "But I'll miss you." Avni buried her face on his chest. "Ahh.. you think its easy for me to stay away from you? I miss you in every split second.." "promise you'll come soon?.. and no affairs with any Delhi girls!" Avni warned him, punching him playfully. Neil laughed at her words. "How would you know even if I did?" Avni narrowed her eyes and moved on top of him. "I'll have sources.." "oh? Better than us police?" Neil was in a mood to tease her to death. "Yes! And my instincts too. I would know when and if you try another woman." She pulled onto Neil's cheek. "Ouch! This is domestic violence.!" He made a puppy face and Avni broke into fits of laughs. She wrapped her hands around him. "I love you so much!" Neil responded by running his hands all over her body. She was his. Only his. And he cannot afford to lose her at ant cost. Neil kissed on her neck and lower. Avni moaned in pleasure. He then moved to sit, bringing Avni up in his arms. She held his face and kissed him again, they werent even nearly done with each other. Neil's minds was all cray, as he feels her soft skin against his. "Lets take a shower and get some sleep. You're gonna have a long day with the kids tomorrow, all alone." Neil said, caressing on Avni's face. She didnt respond, just looked at him. Her eyes filled with complaints of him leaving. Neil could see her eyes welling up. "Ahh.. dont make it so difficult for me, please please.." He nuzzled on her face. "I wont be able to leave you like this.." Avni quickly controlled herself and hugged him again.

Neil woke up a bit late, almost at 9am. Avni wasnt around, so he quickly took a shower and walked out. Sophia was standing on a stool and Marshall was next to her. "Who created this mess?" Avni inquired, pointing at the container of cereal spread all over the floor. "Sophie did, Mommy." Marshall quickly. "Did you?" She asked again. Neil moved closer. "Did you do it, Soph?" Neil asked, but Sophia shook her head. Marashall's eyes widened. "Telling lies was forbidden on dinosaurs age too!" Neil pursed his lips to prevent a laugh. "Did you see her do it, Marshi?" Avni asked. "Yes. Sophie got on to that chair and took the container. She wanted all the nuts in it, so dropped it down to find them." Avni widened her eyes at Sophia, who kept on shaking her head. "I wont be angry, Sophie. But if you tell the truth." "I didnt do it.." she kept saying. "You didnt?" "No.. um, Barbie did it!" Sophia said, pointing at the little Barbie doll of her on the table. Both Avni and Neil laughed out loud, but Avni controlled hers easily. "Do you want to go on a time out? Or silent time in your room?" She narrowed her eyes at Sophia. "No no..." Sophia jumped up and down, screaming. "Aye! No screaming!" Neil raised his finger and picked her in his arms. "Just tell the truth. Or... silent time." Sophia's face was all red, tears rolled down her cheeks. Neil felt really bad, but it was necessary. "I did.." she whispered in a baby voice, and buried her face in Neil's neck. Avni sighed loudly. "So lets do this. How about you cleaning it up with Mommy?" Avni asked, taking Sophia from Neil. "And I'll help! Sophie and I can do it." Marshall quickly volunteered. Avni smiled and kept her down. She gave a clean little broom and a collector, the two then got busy in their task.

"Breakfast?" Avni asked, moving close to Neil. "No, I'll miss the flight." He replied, taking Avni's hand. Neil took s deep breath, switching his glance to Sophia and Marshall. They were his heartbeat. "I know they'll be in your control, even in my absence. Lady Don you are." Neil teased Avni, receiving a fist punch in return. She hugged him tightly, not wanting him to leave. "I'll be back soon, yeah?" He kissed on her hair and caressed on this side of her face. "Daddy's leaving?" Marshall's voice broke them apart, Sophia right behind him. Neil lowered himself to their height. "For now, yes. But I'll come home soon. Promise." He said, picking his ears from both hands. Sophia pouted her lips, which dropped both Neil and Avni's heart. He quickly hugged his little girl. "My baby.." Marshall took Sophia's hand. "Girls have to be strong too. Look, Mommy is very strong." He pointed at Avni. "Come on Sophie." He tried his best to divert Sophia's mind. "Lets go bring Daddy's suitcase!" He took Sophia's hand and both of them ran to Neil and Avni's room. Neil sighed and looked at Avni, who gave him a smile. "Marshall's right. You are the strongest! And.." Neil took her hand and slipped on a ring. Avni gasped. "Why? Didnt realize this time even, that it was gone?" Neil laughed. Avni looked at him, she really was taken by surprise. Neil took her hand into his and said, "its three bands now. Us, Marshi and Sophie."  Avni pursed her lips, tears streaming down from her eyes. Neil captured her lips for a passionate kiss, showing her how much he loves her. Avni responded equally. As the moved apart, Neil wiped off her cheeks lovingly. "Our journey is so far so beautiful, and it would continue to be, god wills. I'll be right here with you, for eternity." Avni nodded her head and hugged Neil. Sophia and Marshall came from behind and hugged Neil's leg. The hug then turned into a family hug!

——————-THE END——————

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