His little heart

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Avni woke up to a call of one of her clients. She talked over the phone for a few minutes and then dialed to Neela. "Dont worry about Marshall. We are at the park nearby, he's enjoying the swing. I'll bring him over in afternoon." Avni was content with the response and ended the call. She then looked at Neil, who was lying down on his stomach, in a deep sleep. Avni's lips curved to a smile, as she slowly got on top of him, and bit on Neil's earlobe. "You wouldn't let me sleep now, will you.." Neil mumbled, as he was woken up by Avni. "Yeap! Its almost 11, you have an 11 month old son, remember?" Avni said, getting up from bed. But she couldn't move further as Neil caught her hand and made her fall on next to him. "I do, and perhaps we shall work on making another." He whispered to her ears hugging Avni tightly. "Haha, no.." Avni tried to move out of his embrace, but could not, as Neil kissed her on the lips. Avni responded for a while and finally pushed him away. "We gotta move, or I'll lose another client." With that she went into the bathroom. Neil was still too lazy to get up. He scratched the back of his head and sunk back into the pillows.

"Marsh!" Avni squeaked as she saw Marshall, back at Neela's house. She grabbed him tightly in her arms and kissed all over his face. But Marshall was too desired for something else, so Avni had to move into a room and nurse him. "Neil didn't come?" Neela asked, walking in with Marshall's bag, which she packed a while ago. "Yeah, he was about to come. But after dropping me to office, Neil had to attend some work." Neela nodded. Avni left with Marshall after a few minutes. She had to drive on her own, so she carefully placed Marshall in the baby car seat and fastened the safety belts. On her way she came up with another plan, and took Marshall to a play gym nearby. Avni left a message to Neil before going in. Marshall enjoyed the indoor play area. His excitement knew no limits, as Avni placed him on the slide. The swings were lest favourite, Avni supposed its because Marshall felt dizzy easily. He jumped up and down in Avni's arms, and tried to slide down on to the floor when he saw a car. It was big enough and had a seat to climb in. So Avni placed Marshall inside and moved the car slowly. Marshall clapped his hands and laughed with excitement. "..we'll go in when that baby is done.." Avni turned around when she heard someone say. A lady stood there with her son, who was crying to go into the same car. He was too adamant and the lady could not take him away. "Oh you can come in!" Avni smiled to them and turned to take Marshall from the seat, who wasn't very fascinated with his Mommy's decision and cried out loud. "Shh.. We'll take turns, baby!" She took Marshall on her lap. "Its okay, you can let him in." The lady said, as Marshall was really cranky. "Oh no, no.. he's just too little. He'll be fine hehe. Please," Avni smiled and let the other boy in. Despite her constant try, Marshall refused to go into another. Not the slide, nor the horse. Avni then decided to take him home, who was still crying out loud. Neil came in, as Avni was collecting Marshall's bag from the locker. "Whats going on?" He rushed to them. "Bad Marshi. doesn't want to share with others." Avni made a face and Marshall stopped his crying, and looked at her with the cutest pout, trying to hold back his voice. "Huh?" Neil sounded still confused, so Avni had to tell him the whole story. "Haha, he'll learn slowly. Right, Marshi? Come here!" Neil took Marshall on his arms and nuzzled all over his face.

"boooommmm....booooommmm.." Avni heard Neil say, as she entered their room after cleaning up the kitchen, post Marshall's dinner. But the voice was coming from the bathroom so she moved in to see whats happening. Both Marshall and Neil was in the bathtub, riding two boats on the sea of bubbles in the tub. Avni laughed out loud, "What even, Neil.." "What? I just thought he would enjoy!" He replied, making Marshall laugh as Neil blew air on the bubbles, making it move towards him. "Then you'll have to give him a bath tonight." "Of course, I will!" Avni shook her head and went back in to Marshall's nursery, taking out his pyjamas and made his bed. "Shall we hire a maid? I mean she'll be able to help in cleaning and such chores, when you get busy with the cases." Neil suggested, dressing up Marshall. Avni shook her head vigorously. "You are married to me, not to that maid. Marshall calls me his Mother, not her. So there is no right of another person to do anything to either of you. As long as I am fit and fine, I wouldn't want a maid to come in and get engaged in my chores." Avni said everything in one breath, and Neil held up his hands in defeat. "I was just suggesting, man." He laughed at her reaction, but from inside, he was so happy to see how much she loved both of them. Neil placed Marshall on the bed in his nursery, which he placed as it would be easy for Avni and Neil to sleep in, if Marshall isn't feeling well. 

"What are we gonna read tonight.." He asked Marshall in a baby voice, flipping through the books he had. "Aha! The sleepy little alphabet!" Marshall clapped his hands, as Neil picked up the book and lied beside him. They both were indulged in the book when Avni walked in, after a quick shower. Neil had draped the blanket on both of them and tucked Marshall in properly. "Don't fall asleep with Marshall, without dinner." Avni said, sitting beside Neil. Marshall however didn't like her interruption, thus started crying. "Ugh, bad Mommy! Come here, my baby.." Neil pouted and talked in a baby voice, bringing Marshall in his arms. who in turn stopped crying and peeked out to look at Avni, as if he was trying to check if Avni was okay. Both Avni and Neil bursted into fit of laughs, as they understood little Marshall's gesture. He was really upset now, and started crying aloud! "Hahaha! okay, sorry, sorry... we are sorry.. haha. Wont laugh again." Neil kissed on Marshall's head and hugged him close. It took a while to calm down Marshall. Avni tried every trick she could do lighten up the little one's mood. He finally stopped and rested his head on Neil's chest. Avni got down on the pillow next to Neil, and jumped up in the next instant as Marshall softly mumbled, "Da-da.." She looked at Neil who was frozen in his posture, his eyes open wide. "Did he just.." Avni smiled and pursed her lips, and nodded in agreement. Neil then grinned ear to ear! But Avni gestured him not to shake up Marshall again, "We'll try to make him say in morning.. Let's just-" "Da-da?" Marshall said again, now looking at Neil's face. "Y-yes?" Neil replied, half smiling and half crying. "Dada!" Marshall exclaimed again, excited as Neil responded. "Yes little one!" Neil kissed on Marshall's forehead, "My baby..!" He hugged him more tightly, and looked at Avni, who was equally emotional.

"One of the best days of my life!" Neil exclaimed as he sat down for dinner. Avni just gave a smile, so he knew something was bothering her. Neil took her hand into his, "Care to tell me whats up?" Avni was surprised on how quickly Neil read her. "Um.. I.." Neil crooked an eyebrow, as Avni hesitated. "Tell me. I'm listening, love." Avni squeezed Neil's hand and started. "Neil, please don't get me wrong, but.. its not that I don't want to live alone, all by ourself. Neither do I want you to feel that I do not want enough privacy.. but I was just wondering.. its just my thought.. that.. maybe your Mom and Dad would want to witness these moments of Marshall too? I mean he's their only grandchild and you are their only child. I.. just feel that there'll be an emptiness back at home, as we have moved out. Aunty Maddy and Kareena isn't there either.. I just feel that they love us too much that they doesn't want to tell us.. " Avni finished and lifted up her head slowly to look at Neil. It wasn't easy for her to comprehend his expression.

(A/n: What do you guys prefer? Them living in the pent house apartment or Khanna house?)

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