Moving with the flow

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Avni climbed up the stairs slowly. It was late in the night, she was sure that everyone was fast asleep. She could not catch up on a speed. She was tired. Very very tired.
Neil was picking up a pillow from the bed and turning to walk out of the room, when he noticed Avni. "Avni..!" He rushes to her, while Avni took a few steps backward. "I.. I'm sorry I was caught up on some work at office.." she replied. Her face was red, probably for crying for so long. Her voice trailed off.. Neil knew she wasn't honest. "Misti wanted me in her room tonight, so.." Avni didn't know how to respond. She just pressed her lips together, nodding her head. Neil moved forward to cup her face, but Avni just had to walk away. Sleep had Bid farewell to her that night. She spent hours on sobbing, cursing the life she had to live. She had so many complaints to god..

Next morning, Avni went down for breakfast. Everyone was at the table, waiting for her. She was about to take her seat, when she noticed Juhi sitting beside Neil. Her heart skipped a beat. However she gave a quick smile and moved to the chair at the end of the table. Prakash first noticed that Avni was dressed in normal clothes and questioned her, when she was forcing herself some food. "Avni, are you not going to the hearing today? I heard Raizada Case was scheduled for this morning." Avni shifted in her seat. She felt Neil's eyes were on her. "Yeah the case is on. But my colleague would be taking over for today." Everyone, especially Neil was shocked with her response. Avni never left any work of her firm unattended, that too personally. And this case was important for her. She gave a weak smile and left the table. More than half of her food was still plated. She was upset, really upset. "God knows what she is going through.." Bebe thought to herself, she've lost her appetite now. Neil got up from his seat to follow her, but had to sit back, because of Misti.

It was mid noon, when Neil finally came to his room. Avni was asleep on bed, cuddled under a blanket. A file was lying down on the floor near her. Neil walked to her and slowly caressed on her face, taking his hands back instantly. She was burning with high fever. Then he noticed her red face, and the uneasy expression. Neil rushed to bring some medicines. And went downstairs to fill up the empty bottle with water.
Avni opened her eyes when she felt someone caressing her forehead. Misti was sitting beside her on the bed. Just then Neil returned but quickly stepped aside to give them some time. "Are you sick?" Her tiny voice melted Avni's heart. She slowly got up and sat on the bed. "Just down with a fever." She smiled, trying to comprehend Misti's face. "You should rest. And get well soon. Superman would be sad if you fall ill.." Avni was startled with her response. "But.." "I know that you are his Supergirl, not Aunty Juhi. She is trying to keep me away from you. But I want your company.." Misti moved closer and hugged Avni tightly. It took a moment for her to process everything. Then she hugged back Misti. "She's Neil's child. Loving Neil would be loving his whole existence. And I shall support him in this grave circumstance." Neil let out a huge sigh, he then noticed Shweta and Bebe standing right beside him. He could see how content they all were feeling right now. Avni accepting Misti, was a wish that came true.
The three of them then walked into the room. "Come on Misti, you can be with Supergirl once she is fine. But for now, let her rest, okay?" Misti quickly nodded to Bebe's instructions and got off from the bed. "Bebe, its fine. She can be here.." Avni protested. "Shush.. what did you think? You won't tell any of us that you are ill, and we won't know? So now you have to rest all day." Shweta responded. Neil sat beside her, handing her the medicine and water. "I'll go to office and come home soon. You should get ready, to go and see a doctor when I return." Avni again tried to protest, but it was three against one. Avni was fast asleep when Neil got ready. He gave a quick pack on her forehead and left, this was noticed by Juhi who was passing through the corridor. Her hands clenched into a fist, her hatred clearly visible on her face.

It was almost dinner time. Everyone was waiting for Neil and Avni to join. They came home a while ago, after consultation. Juhi was annoyed with the respect everyone pays to Avni. She thinks Avni has stolen her place in Neil's life. Hence she'd do anything to get rid of her. Shweta's phone rang, Neil on the other end spoke. "Mom, Avni is asleep. I dont want to wake her up for dinner. You all can carry on. I'll take her down once she's awake." Shweta agreed and informed everyone. They all started on dinner, except Juhi, who stormed out.

It was almost Midnight but, Avni was still asleep in Neil's arms. He held her close to him, and looked into her face. The fever isn't any better yet, but he was in love with how her skin was all red because of the body temperature. Neil checked the time. It was  time for her medicine, yet he didn't wanted to disturb her sleep. He gently pecked on her lips, making her stir in her sleep.

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