AvNeil miss each other

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Chapter 37:

Neil was sitting on his seat in the plane and was lost in his thoughts.

Neil's pov:

It's been 30 minutes the plan took off and I already missing avni how can I live without her after saying good bye i went from there and then she start crying she thought I left but I saw her from the glass and only me and my God know how my heart was aching to saw her crying I was already sad and after seeing her I felt a sharp pinch in my heart I just can't saw the a single tear in her eye and she was crying badly while hugging neela maa thank God neela maa was with her to console her then I went from there now I am missing her last night she said how she leave with out me same question was at my heart how can I live without her where my day start with her and ended up after making her sleep how can I sleep now how can I live without her.

Neil's pov ends.

Neil reached at the airport he wants to call avni but his friends were there they came to receive him so he decided to call her after reaching to his home where Shweta welcome him on the other side avni was waiting for his call.

Avni: why he didn't call yet he must reached till now then can I call him Avni why you are thinking so much just call him.

Avni dials his number Neil saw that and smiles he was sitting with his friends.

Neil: excuse me?

Ali understates.

Ali: Neil let it be yaar you are with us after months so leave that call.

Neil: Ali it's important.

Kk: why who is calling?

Ali: kk important call understand.

Neil smiles.

Kk: oh.

On the other side.

Avni: why he is not picking my call I hope he is fine.

At khanna mansion.

Neil went to his room and avni's phone cut then he call her back Avni immedielty picks that.

Avni: hello Neil how are you you reached home safely why did you inform me I was so worried Neil now why are you silent say something.

Neil was smiling.

Neil: avni avni I will say something when you give me the chance.

Avni: sorry now say.

Neil: yes I reached home safely I want to call you from the airport but Ali and kk were there so I decided to call you later but they are still here so I didn't get the time to call you.

Avni: you should send me a message I was so worried.

Neil: avni I tried but you know kk when he saw the phone in my hand he snatched that from me and gave it to me after reaching home that too after alot of argument then I decided to call you but you know friends how they tease when they get the chance again they started.

Avni smiles.

Neil: I am sorry I didn't inform you before.

Avni: it's ok.

Neil: so how are you did you take your medicine and food at time.

Avni: now who is bombarding the questions.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok sorry.

Avni: yes I took my medicine and food at time.

Neil: good.

Shweta calls him.

Neil: avni mom is calling me I will talk to you later.

Avni: ok.

Neil: bye and take care.

Avni: ok boss you too take care and bye.

She cuts the call and smiles.

Days passes avneil daily talk to each other Neil now join the business but with that Neil give time to avni sometime Neil sacrifice his sleep to talk to her and sometime avni do that but both tries to not disturb each other and the other one will take rest one night avneil were chatting with each other avni was sitting while her left hand was under the pillow.

Avni: so how was your day?

Neil: very tiring I am very tired.

Avni: ok then you take rest we will talk tomorrow.

Neil: no no I am fine you say.

Avni: it's ok Neil we will talk tomorrow.

She take her hand out and Neil shocked to see the bandage on her hand she again hide it but Neil already saw that.

Neil: what was that in your hand?

Avni shocked.

Avni: no nothing.

Neil: don't lie show me your hand.

Avni: Neil it's nothing you take rest we will talk tomorrow.

Neil said sternly.

Neil: avni show it to me.

Avni make sad face and take out her hand neil saw the bandage.

Neil: bandage what happened why this bandage.

Avni: relax Neil It's a small cut.

Neil: small cut avni we can't do the bandage for small cut tell me how this happened?

Avni: I was cutting the Apple by holding it and cut my palm.

Neil was angirly look at her.

Avni: I am sorry I didn't do that intentionally.

Neil: avni you are a kid that you cut your hand and why you was cutting the Apple where was mamma?

Avni: she was not at home at that time and now I am perfectly fine I can do my work myself till when mamma will do my work she handle the business even didn't let me do the household work she is also a human so I decided to do my work myself.

Neil: ok relax be careful next time.

Avni: ok now you take rest.

Neil: ok I miss you.

Avni: me too but it's ok after one month I will come there.

Neil: then I will not let you go anywhere.

Avni smiles.

Avni: even I will not go away from you.

Neil smiles.

Avni: ok now bye before you will bring another topic to talk.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok bye

She gives him flying kiss and cut the call then she smiles and she lays she hug Neil's jacket and kiss that on the other side Neil went to the cupboard and take out the red Saree.

Neil: avni I will give you this at the first day after our marriage opps we are already married I mean to say when we again get married with all rituals.

Neil smiles.

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