AvNeil moments

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Chapter 24:

Avni was sleeping in Neil's arm she wakes up and realised she is in Neil's room she look at him and finds him staring her.

Avni: good morning.

Neil kiss her forehead.

Neil: good morning.

Avni: when you wake up?

Neil: an hour ago.

Avni: what then why didn't you wake me up?

Neil: because you was looking beautiful while sleeping that I can't take off my eyes from you and more of that you was sleeping peacefully in my arms so how can i disturb your sleep.

Avni smiles she was about to get up Neil pulls her to him avni close her eyes with this sudden pull she open her eyes and and see He is looking at her lovingly.

Neil: where are you going?

Avni: in my room to freshen up why.

Neil: with out giving my morning kiss.

Avni: morning kiss?

Neil: yes morning kiss my morning dose so that my whole day went good.

Avni blush then Neil turn his face so she can kiss him she smiles and kiss his cheek.

Avni: fine now let me go.

Neil: wait wifey why in so hurry?

Avni: what what you said wifey?

Neil: yes now I will call you by this name through out the life.

Avni's smile vanished because tomorrow is her surgery Neil notice this so he thinks to divert her mind.

Neil: wifey you gave my morning kiss right now it's my turn.

Avni looks at him he turns their side avni open her eyes their eyelock he kissed her whole face then the lips after that he looks at her and smiles to see her red cheeks and closed eyes.

Neil: I love you.

Avni open her eyes.

Avni: I love you too.

She kissed his other cheek Neil smiles.

Avni: now move a side I have to go.

Neil: ok.

Neil takes the side they sits on the bed avni remember something.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: hmmm.

Avni: Neil we didn't tell mamma for our marriage now she will be angry with me?

Neil: oh yes It also slip from my mind we should told her earlier.

Avni: yes but now what will we do?

Neil: relax she will understand.

Avni: yes she will but she will angry with me and what about Shweta aunty she had so many dreams about your marriage and I spoil every thing I am sorry Neil.

Neil: relax avni I will handle her she loves me a lot so she can't angry with me for a long time so relax I will pacify her and she also loves you a lot so I don't think she will react infact I think she will be happy by knowing about it.

Avni: are you sure?

Neil: yes I am and we will marry again with all rituals when you will be fine.

Avni: will I be fine?

Neil shocked and look at her with teary eyes.

Avni: Neil you always fulfilled my wishes can you fulfil my another wish.

Neil understand what she will say.

Avni: Neil tell me will you fulfil my another wish.

Neil: say.

Avni: I want to live Neil.

Neil shocked he knew she will say this.

Avni: I don't want to die now I want to live with you please neil save me please.

Tears falls from Neil's eyes he hugs her both cries.

Avni: please neil please.

She was not afraid of death but now she want to live with Neil she wants to make more memories with him she always hide her feelings because she was afraid that what if she forget every thing and start dreaming about her future her happy family and now her fear comes true now she wants to live both was crying by hugging eachother.

Neil: nothing will happen to you you will be fine.

They hears the knock at the door they breaks the hug and wipes their eyes.

Neela maa: Neil

Avneil shocked.

Avni: mamma now what will we do?

Neil: relax let me think.

Again neela maa knocks the door.

Nm: Neil.

Neil: yes aunty 5 minutes I am changing my clothes.

Nm: ok come fast for the breakfast.

Neil: ok.

She smiles.

Nm: liar.

She went from there.

Avni: oh no now she will go to my room now what?

Neil shocked.

Neil: I am going to stop her.

Avni: ok go fast.

Neil went from there to stop neela maa.

Neil: aunty?

Neela maa turns to him.

Nm: yes Neil.

Neil went to her.

Nm: Neil you didn't change your cloth.

Neil shocked neela maa control her smile.

Neil: aa aa actually I remember something so I came.

Nm: oh what you remember?

Neil: aa aa yaa moooom mom wants to talk to you so she asked me to tell you call her.

Nm: ok why she wants to talk to me anything serious.

Neil: no no just to hi hello.

Nm: oh I thought she wants to talk about your and avni's marriage.

Neil blush avni was looking at them by hiding behind the door she also blush.

Neil: no it's not like that.

Nm: ok Neil give me her number actually by mistake her number deleted.

Neil: ok aunty I will give you number.

Nm: what do you mean by will give you give it to me now come let's go to your room.

Avneil shocked Neil shout.

Neil: nooo.

Neela maa look at him.

Nm: what happened?

Neil shows fake smile.

Neil: no nothing actually my phone's battery is dead so ones I will charge it I will give the number to you.

Nm: ok so you go and freshen up I am going to wake up avni.

They shocked again.

Neil: aaaunty.

Nm: what?

Neil: let her sleep she will wake up herself.

Nm: no Neil it's already 08 am she have to wake up now.

Neil: aunty.

Neela maa holds her ear.

Neil: ouch aaahh aunty what I did.

Nm: what I did hmm from past 10 minutes you are making excuses to stop me from going to avni's room.

Neil: aahh nooo why will I do aaahh.

Nm: to hide your crime you both get married last night and didn't tell me.

Avneil shocked.

Neil: how do you know?

Nm: I will tell you first call your wife.

Neil: aaahh yaa yaa avni come here please save me aaahh.

Avni comes there Neela maa look at her and leave Neil's ear avni was looking down.

Avni: I am sorry.

Nm: avni how could you do this?

Neil: aunty it's not her fault I asked her to marry me.

Avni looks at neil and smiles.

Nm: you didn't find the need to ask from me ok forget about asking you didn't even told me.

Neil: I am sorry aunty.

Avni: no mamma it's not his fault I asked him.

Nm: shut up avni.

Avni looks down.

Neil: aunty don't scold her it's no.

Nm: Neil don't come between us.

Neil look at her then at avni.

Nm: how could you do this avni?

Avni: sorry mamma.

Nm: I am very angry you both didn't invite me in your wedding.

Avneil shocked she smiles.

Avni: mamaa you are not angry with me.

Neela maa went to avni.

Nm: no baby i understand it's the demand of the situation at this time we all are going through an emotional phase and anyone at your place wished the same thing i understand but I am angry with you why you both didn't invite I was at the home.

Avni: sorry mamma we forgot in the flow of moment.

Nm: I will forgive you both but on one condition.

Avneil: what.

Nm: Neil will call me mamma not aunty.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok aunty I mean mamma.

Neela maa spread her arms avneil hugs her she kiss avni's hair then they break the hug.

Avni: but how do you know about it.

Nm: actually.

She told them everything they smiles.

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