Emotional breakdown

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Chapter 19:

The whole day Neil tries to talk to her but she ignores him at night Neil saw she is sitting at the hall and playing with rocky he smiles to see her and went to her and sits beside her.

Neil: hi rocky how are you?

Avni ignores him Neela maa comes there.

Nm: Rocky come I will give you food.

Avni puts him down rocky went from there.

Neil: avni I want to talk to you actually.

Avni: I don't want to talk to you.

She get up to go but Neil pulls her to him.

Neil: what's your problem why you are ignoring me loving you is not a crime that you are behaving like this.

Avni: leave me.

Neil: no I will not leave you.

Avni: Neil leave me.

Neil: avni.

Avni shouts.

Avni: Neil I said leave me what you think of yourself I am not your slave leave me.

Neil shocked and leave her he went from there in anger tear falls from avni's eyes.

Next day Neil was waiting for her to come for the breakfast neela maa notice this.

Nm: relax Neil she will come she woke up just now.

Neil: but she is not talking to me from yesterday.

Nm: give her some time Neil everything will be ok.

Neil nodes yes then avni comes Neil smiles to see her but she ignores him and sits on the chair Neil's smile vanished but he compose him.

Neil: good morning avni.

No response.

Nm: avni neil is wishing you good morning why you are not replying him and by the way why you didn't wish me morning Hmm.

Avni: good morning mamaa good morning Neil.

They notice her anger neela maa sits on the chair after the breakfast.

Neil: avni today you are going to the hospital for checkup yesterday I collected your reports and also got the appointment so be ready on time ok.

Avni: you don't worry I will go with mamma.

Neil shocked.

Nm: avni I am sorry I can't come with you I have a meeting in office so please go with him please.

Avni: ok.

She went from there Neil is looking at her.

Nm: Neil relax I told you this will happen.

Neil: yes even I knew that.

Then they went to the doctor he was checking the reports avni was hell scared Neil saw she is playing her fingers he hold her hand but she takes her hands back Neil shocked.

Dr: as I said before surgery is the only option so its confirm now.

Avni: how many percent chances.

Neil looks at her doctor also look at her.

Dr: 15 to 20 percent.

Avneil shocked avni was scared but more then her Neil was scared his eyes filled with tears avni notice this.

Dr: so think and tell me about your decision.

Avni: I am ready.

Neil shocked.

Dr: are you sure?

Avni nodes yes.

Dr: ok so we will do your surgery after 3 days because now it's is going to be  dangerous day by day so it's better we do the surgery as soon as possible.

Avni nodes yes then avneil went from there Neil is driving thr car but he was lost in his thoughts (Avni: how many percent chances Dr: 15 to 20 percent) these words are echoing in his ears tears roll from his eyes he wipes it avni is looking at him then she looks outside and cries soon they reached home without saying anything Neil went avni look at him Neil went to his room and close the door he leans to it and close his eyes tears roll from his eyes on the other side avni was crying in her room then Neil is standing under the shower he was in his clothes same thing is echoing in his ears 15 to 20 percent chances he covers his ears and shouts.

Neil: nooooo.

He sits on his knees and cries.

Neil: no nothing will happen to her nothing I will not let anything happen to her no.

Neil cries.

On the other side avni was sitting in her room.

Avni: that's why I want you to stay away from me i don't have much time i don't want to see the dreams which will never come true.

At night avni was sleeping she wake up by hearing a knock at the door.

Avni: who will come at this time.

She gets up and open the door.

Avni: Neil you this time is everything  alright?

Neil: come with me.

Avni: where?

Neil: I promised you that I will fulfill your wishes so it's time to fulfil another wish.

Avni: this time.

Neil: yes now come with me otherwise we will get late.

Avni: I don't want to go with you.

Neil: please avni for our friendship please.

Avni thinks.

Neil: please.

Avni: ok give me 5 minutes.

Neil: ok come fast.

Avni nodes yes she went to change Neil thinks.

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