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Chapter 21:

Avneil are having the breakfast avneil are sitting together and neela maa is sitting opposite to them after that.

Neil: avni now go and take rest.

Avni: yes mom.

Neil look at her neela maa also look at her.

Neil: what you said?

Avni: mom what you are also behaving like mamma avni do this avni do that avni don't do this avni don't go there avni go and sleep avni take your medicine.

Neela maa smiles.

Neil: oh yea first your medicine then rest.

Avni gives him a deadly look neela maa laughs they look at her then they look at eachother Neil signs avni what happened she nodes don't know then they look at her.

Avni: what happened mamma.

Nm: you both are looking so cute I am so happy for both of you.

Avneil smiles.

Avni: mamma I am going to my room.

She went from there after her going Neil thinks the fear of losing her was clearly shown at his face.

Nm: Neil.

He look at her.

Nm: afraid?

Neil nodes yes.

Neil: as the time is passing the fear of losing is increasing.

Nm: I understand i am also going throw the same pain.

Neil: she will be fine right.

Neela maa is looking at him because she had no answer.

Neil: I am going to give her medicine other wise she will forget again.

He said this to change the topic she smiles slightly Neil went to her room and see she is looking at the dairy Neil went to her.

Neil: what are you doing.

He saw she croosed the line see the sunshine and wrote the beautiful experience at the next line Neil smiles and look at her.

Avni: thank you for fulfilling my wishes.

Neil: don't say this I don't want any formality between us and I am doing this because it is giving my happiness and peace so don't snatch it from me by saying thank you.

Avni smiles and hug him Neil close his eyes then caress her hairs then he breaks the hug.

Neil: now medicine time.

Neil gives her medicine.

Neil: now take rest.

Avni nodes yes he kiss her forehead and went from there avni look at the dairy and her eyes filled with tears.

At afternoon Neil was sitting in his room and thinking about avni.

Neil: I have only one day of tomorrow because after the day tomorrow avni will admitted in the hospital I have to fulfil her wishes before that I want to spend each and every moment with her.

Neil went from there he was about to enter her room then he saw Neela maa was sitting on the bed and was looking at avni and she was sleeping because at night Neil took her with him so now she was slepping neela maa is looking at her Neil comes inside and sits on the floor neela maa saw him then she again look at avni they didn't talk with each other they quietly looking at her neela maa puts her hand at Neil's head he look at her and the tears which he was holding from the long time now they find their way and falls down she caress his face he keeps his head at her lap she pets his head and kiss his hairs then both are looking at her Neil's head is on neela maa's lap both tries their best to control their emotions their tears but they are not in their control after 2 hours then they went from there as soon as they close the door avni open her eyes and tears rolls from her eyes.


Neil and neela maa is looking at her Avni moves her hand.

Nm: Neil we should leave now she will wake up any time and by seeing us she will understand our condition and we have to be strong Infront of her.

Neil nodes yes avni hears that but she acts that she is sleeping they are going from there Neil is looking at her while going then they went from there.

Flashback ends.

Avni cries and hides her face in the pillow so no one can hear her sobbing after some time she gets up and freshen up and came at the hall.

Nm: you wake up.

Avni smiles they look at avni and understands that she cried and they knew the reason so they didn't ask her avni went to sit with neela maa and keep her head at her shoulder.

Nm: what happened still sleepy?

Avni: no laziness.

Neil and neela maa smiles.

Avni: mamma please make a cup of coffee for me I badly need it.

Nm: ok Neil you want coffee.

Neil: offcourse.

Nm: ok just give me 5 minutes.

She went avneil look at each other and smiles after that all enjoys the coffee at night all are sitting in avni's room and decides to watch the movie they are sitting on the bed avni is sitting at the Center of the bed and Neil is sitting on the one side and neela maa at the other side avni keeps her head at neela maa's shoulder and holds Neil's hand and they enjoy the movie after the movie.

Nm: now sleep it's 12 o'clock.

Avni: please you both stay here until I sleep.

Neil: ok.

Avni lays on the bed and holds their hand and sleeps Neela maa and neil look at her and smiles Neil kiss her hand both sleeps their by resting their head on the board of the bed.

Next day avneil went to attend the salsa class and they did the salsa dance they are not perfect but they do it well all claps for them.

Trainer: awesome keep it up.

Avni was breathing heavily Neil makes her sit and rubs her back.

Neil: you ok?

Avni nodes yes.

Avni: ju ju st be cause of of the dance.

Neil's one hand is at her back and he holds her face by his other hand it's like side hug he kiss her head avni keeps her head at his cheat and hugs him.

Then they went back home avni went to take rest Neil thinks.

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