Chapter Seven

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Song of the chapter: I knew you were trouble- Taylor Swift.

      "Where are your manners?" His mother asked him as she smacked him upside the head. I winced in pain on his be behalf. "Be polite" she said in a warning tone.

      "Now, we didn't go over what we did in there for an hour just to flop it here." She snapped at him. She turned to face me, smiling as if she didn't just lost her cool a minute ago.

      With a meek, but at the same time pretentious smile, he turned around to face me. "I'm Jamie and this is-" He gestured to his little brother. "Nicholas", the little boy piped up. He looked to be about five or six years old.

      "We're your new neighbors", they both chorused emptily, hands spread out wide before them.

     I stood there, speechless at how much influence their mom had over them. They both strutted off without glancing back.

      "Don't mind their attitudes. They can be naughty at times but they're...sweet kids." Her hesitation at that last part made me think otherwise.

      "Thanks, Mrs..." I paused, waiting to hear her last name. "McLean, but I'd love you to address me by my first name, Nicole." She said, before suddenly pulling me into a hug. She was weird Really weird.

      "What's that smell?" She asked, sniffing the air. Oh, the chicken. I totally forgot!

      "Thanks, Nicole. I'll see you around, I guess." I said quickly, hurrying into the house and shutting the door behind me.

      The chicken was already burnt halfway as I brought it out to survey. Now, Dad and I had to order out this night. Nice work, Annie.

      Dad got back home, earlier than expected. Thankfully, I'd ordered Chinese takeout twenty minutes earlier. During dinner, dad asked about how I was taking it, now that Chloe had moved away. I told him that I was taking it as best as I could. It'd been a while we had conversation like this, during dinner as a normal family. Who am I kidding? I meant as a normal 'broken' family.

      After dinner, I cleared the table and went out to empty the garbage. Looking at the house beside ours, I couldn't help but think if they were having fun unlike me. Being an only child sucked, especially one with a broken home.

      At the McLean's, lights were brightly lit in almost all of the rooms I could see from where I stood. There were only two kids and it seemed like there were many of them. I heard loud clattering of plates, followed by a loud voice, swearing. I recognised his voice instantly - Jamie. The mean guy I'd met at the club that day.

      Using my foot, I kicked the lid off the garbage can and dropped the bag in. Shivering from the cold night breeze, I put my hands into the pocket of my pajama pants. On my way up the stairs, I met dad in the living room, perched in front of the TV screen, currently receiving a call. As he turned to look at me, I gave him a quick wave before bouncing up the stairs.

      I wanted to call Chloe. She would've been pretty settled in by now. I hopped on my bed, my head barely missing the headboard.

      She answered on the first ring. "Hey Annie, just wanted to press the dial button." Her usual first sentence anytime I call her. She rarely ever called me. I was the one that always called. We argued about it severally and so, whenever I called, she always said that to make me think she was about to call me.

      "But I did first." I replied casually. The same usual response. "How is the organisation coming?" I asked almost immediately.

      "I did a little unpacking today. I love my new room. It's more spacious. You'll love it when I'm through organising." She shrieked with excitement over the phone.

      "I'll come over after school on Monday." I replied. "I have a lot to tell you, Annie. The boy next door is so cute", she cooed. Now, I knew it was pointless to have gotten mad at her when I discovered she had a boyfriend. She'd always acted this way. She'd had a crush on almost every guy in middle school. One time, she had a crush on two brothers. Now, she was talking about her neighbor. I chuckled.

      "Speaking about neighbors, I met the new neighbors today." Saying this, I knew I was ready for tons of questions.

      "Oh, you did? What do they look like? Do they have lots of kids?..." Laughing, I zoned out until she was through with all her questions.

      Just then, I heard loud music burzt into the room through my window. I'd totally forgotten. I hadn't stopped to think about who would occupy the room facing mine, where Chloe used to stay.

      With my phone still in hand, I , marched over to my window. Shutting it wasn't making much of a difference. I was annoyed at the person's choice of music and also annoyed at how loud it was.

      Standing before my window, I tried to take a peek at at the person who had just emerged from the bathroom, wiping his hands on his jeans. Oh, heavens, why?

      He was disturbing the whole neighborhood. The neighbors here didn't take their time when it came to reporting offenses.

      Getting up to stretch from the chair he'd just bounced into, he turned directly to the window, as though he knew that he was being watched and then, he turned away and sat back down like he hadn't seen me.

      I was getting furious and the music seemed to thud louder. His choice in music was horrible or maybe he was doing this on purpose, knowing that this could put anyone on edge.

      I looked down at my phone. Chloe was still on all this while. Hanging up, so that my explanation of what happened could be shorter, I texted her a quick message.

      'I'll call back'

      I saw him approach the window again as I was texting another message to Chloe.

      'Something urgent to take care of.'

      If I'd said that out, I'd have backed it up with a triumphant smirk. He was going to apologise and I was prepared for it.

      Seeing that he had gotten to the edge and he was staring directly at me, I folded my arms across my chest and stared back at him.

      Then, the most shocking thing happened. Ever so slowly, he began to pull the curtain from both ends of the window close, with a giant smirk curving at the corner of his lips.

      "Goodluck, loser." He mouthed before finally closing the curtains.

Dear Diary,                                                                 Sunday, 8:15pm.
So mad I don't even know what to say.


Super early update! Two days in a row! Yay for me. What do you think about this chapter? Comment and let me know your thoughts. Please, remember to vote also.

QOTC: What do you think about Jamie?

Lots of love,

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