Chapter Three

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A/N: I tried everything possible (and I mean everything) to update yesterday. But here it is finally. I hope you like it!

Chloe arrived at my home on Saturday evening looking all dressed up for the party. She literally ordered me to get dressed and I obliged feeling that I needed the distraction since I've been feeling emotional lately.

Thirty minutes later, I sat in Chloe's mom's car, all dressed up next to Chloe in front of a club. Chloe's mom had borrowed jer her car fo today.
"Is this where Tiffany's having her party?" I asked though it was obvious it wasn't Tiffany's party. Instead of answering my question, she stretched her hands towards the backseat to grab her purse. She opened it and pulled out two ID cards from it. She handed one over to me and I received it, sighing. I already knew what it was. The fake ID we had gotten last year.

"I told you it will come in handy," She said, referring to the ID's. "Tiffany's party was cancelled. Her parents needed her to come over to Italy for the weekend" She stated, answering my previous question. "Trust me, it's not that bad" She said before getting out of the car and shutting the door. I got out also and she pulled me in with her, waving her fake ID to the hefty looking security men. I followed suit and was glad my luck hadn't run out.

Music boomed from loud speakers and it felt like there was an earthquake. This was my first time being in a place like this and so, I stuck to Chloe wherever she moved to. I didn't know how Chloe was successful at persuading me today among all other days that she'd resulted to pitiful begging for me to come along with her.

The music thudded so loudly that for her to speak, she had to scream into my ears. "I'll be back". I cringed at the deafening sound. The dim disco light in the room made me feel dizzy and I wandered off to look for a seat .I was glad to find one sitting by the far end corner of the room, away from the drunken teenagers who had probably also showed fake IDs before coming in. I relaxed comfortably in the seat and scanned the whole area for Chloe. I noticed that there was an actual party going on here and someone had invited Chloe and some kids from our school.

I busied myself by watching the guys who sat at the bar having a contest on who took the most drinks. When one of them caught me and I pretended to look away, he got up and strolled up to me. "Hey" He said, not in the nicest way possible. I looked up at him to study his appearance. He looked just as handsome as the rest of them were. He had blonde hair with black roots; he was tall and a bit skinny. His eyes were an icy blue with cold stare. He looked like he had just stepped out of a vogue magazine with his appearance and all.

"Hi" I replied a few seconds later feeling uncomfortable. "Do I know you?" He asked skeptically, his brows raised. "No" I replied quickly. He continued like he didn't care about my answer. " It's rude to stare" He said glaring at me.

I noticed one of the other boys got up and walked over to where we were. "Hey, Jamie, stop picking on the chick and let's get back to the others" He said to the guy still glaring at me. "Come on Jamie, you've had so much to drink. Let's go." The guy, Jamie turned his glare to his friend before strolling back to the others. I looked at the guy now standing before me, grateful for his help.

"I apologize for my friend's attitude-I'm Kyle". He said, extending his hand for a handshake. "He's Jamie", he added; pointing a finger towards the direction his friend took. "He's just been having a rough day". "I'm Annie", I said, taking his hands nervously. It's not like I asked for information about his friend, anyway. "As in Annabelle, but you can call me Annie. I definitely don't like being called Annabelle." I could see a small smile playing on his lips. "So, see you around." He said before strutting off to his friends who had been watching us from where they were seated.

"Excuse me, you're in my seat" I heard a voice command from behind me. "Get up". I whipped my head around, towards the direction the voice came from. Behind me, staring furiously at me was a blonde girl who looked elegant but showing a hint of drunkenness. I had had enough of this. I decided to get up in search for Chloe pretending I had something important to do rather than picking up a fight over a comfortable sofa.

I wandered to the restroom and found a couple making out in the hallway only that the girl was-"Chloe!" I shrieked causing the boy to grumble before parting from Chloe. "Chloe, you didn't tell me..." I trailed off, mouth hung open.

"Was this why you brought me here? To accompany you to meet with your boyfriend?" I asked a guilty looking Chloe. As I turned to leave, she came after me and grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Look, I'm sorry, Annie" I turned to look at her as she continued. "Well, not sorry that I have a boyfriend, but sorry I didn't tell you".

I started walking towards the exit with Chloe close behind. I inhaled the fresh air deeply when I stepped out from the club. The air was cool and somehow silent because the boom of the speakers inside could still be heard. I didn't know why, but I felt that Chloe had betrayed me and she didn't trust me anymore; We've been friends for this long and we've never kept anything from each other-well, except for this one and God knows what else Chloe was hiding.

"I had a reason to hide it from you, Annie" I jumped at the sound of her voice. I had forgotten she was still behind me. I didn't reply and so, she continued. "I knew this was how you were gonna react to it and I didn't want you chastising me for it. I felt that if I kept it from you for a while, I could come up with an excuse. You believe that boys break hearts but you never know what it feels like. You don't even know the happy feelings you have before the heartbreak". She paused to take a deep breath. "Try to find out if the love is worth the heartbreak. Sometimes in life, you got to take the risks. Get a life, Annie!" Though, I understood her to some extent, I couldn't help turning my back to leave for home. The club was a fifteen minute walk to my home and I decided to walk despite the cold air that blew against my skin. I knew Chloe had gone back into the club because she didn't call me back to give me a ride.

When I got home, it was just 8:00pm. Dad was not yet back and so, I went upstairs and curled up in bed with my diary.

Dear diary, Saturday 8:05pm

What does it feel like to be heartbroken? I always feel that someone can also be heartbroken when separated from a loved one

You know the feelings I hate most? Being betrayed or kept waiting (being expectant) by someone you have so much trust in. Can this feeling be referred to as heartbreak? Perhaps, I don't know what that word is. I'm so dumb, one would think I'd been really betrayed but this is how I felt.


What do you think about this chapter? Let me know. I'ld love to know, so I can improve on imperfections.
What do you think will happen next?😉

This chapter is dedicated to @haddieharper for her encouragement. Thanks!


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