Chapter Twenty-Four

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Song Of The Chapter: I Don't Care by Ed-Sheeran and Justin Bieber.

Just before the whole running around thing began, the kids voiced out their complaints about not having the tools for laser tag. Obviously, their concern wasn't about running about in the park.

When Jamie had said those words to me, I immediately started to decline but I should've known better than to do that in a place where Nico and Kyle were. It didn't take them long to convince me to join them and that automatically made me on their team. Jamie had explained to us that we were going to improvise by using our hands as a makeshift gun.

At first, when the game began, I was wary because the park was filled with people and to be seen running around in the park like kids was plain stupid but when I saw the looks of Jamie and Kyle's faces, I lost myself in th game. I was seeing a lot of sides of Jamie today and I didn't want to miss it.

By the time we got to the car, we were all pretty exhausted. Well, speaking on behalf of the three boys who voiced out their complaints about three times in a row.

We weren't able to decide a winner because at some point in the game, we lost count of the scores.

We met Natasha at the car and Jamie was about to get into the driver's seat when Kyle hopped in, offering to drive. Apparently, Jamie and I weren't the only ones in love with his car.

Jamie stood by the door of the passenger seat, waiting for the rest of us to get in the back. Natasha was the first to get in through the other side so that she sat directly behind Jamie's seat. Nico scrambled in from where we stood and I followed.

Kyle switched on the radio before he started the car and Jamie grumbled immediately at his friend's choice of music.

"What the hell? Turn that thing off."

As he moved to shut off the radio, Kyle slapped his hand away. "You're the only one complaining."

Nico popped between the two seats, grinning at them both. From our time together, I came to the conclusion that he enjoyed watching banters between the two friends.

I smiled at that and as my eyes moved to look out the window, Jamie's caught it through the rearview mirror. I didn't know why but I couldn't force myself to look away. His eyes held the hint of a smile and maybe a question?

We stayed like that for a few seconds before his ringtone blared out, giving me the chance to quickly avert my eyes.

"Hey man. You just had to change the ringtone I personally set to your phone. That hurt my feelings." Kyle removed his right hand from the car wheel to hit his own chest dramatically.

"And then you had to use background noises from The Grudge as my ringtone to get back at me." Jamie snorted.

"That'll teach you to use Dora the Explorer theme song as my ringtone." He retorted before bringing his phone to his ear.

After some seconds of listening to whoever was on the other end, he spoke, sounding confused.

"McDonalds? I didn't order any- Granny, is that you?"

Kyle chuckled. He seemed to know what was going on.

"Come on, Mrs. Willows, I fucking know it's you." Natasha shot her hands forward immediately to smack Jamie's arm. Apparently, the phone in her hand didn't stop her from listening in on Jamie's phone conversation.

"You're busted, old lady Quit pretending to be someone else or I'm going to hang up on you." He laughed aloud and for a second, I thought he was someone else.

"Don't be such an ass, Jamie. You could've just pretended you fell for her prank." Kyle spoke to Jamie.

"I heard that!" We all heard a shriek from the phone, making Jamie grimace as he hurriedly put the phone on speaker mode before tossing it on the dashboard.

"God, old lady! Are you trying to damage my ear? I bet you're the reason grandpa uses hearing aids."

"Shut up kid and let me speak to that traitorous friend of yours." She said instead and Kyle spoke up.

"'Sup granny."

"The sky is!" She exclaimed and I covered my mouth as I laughed at his detriment. The others in the car seemed to do the same.

"What happened to our plan to ship Jamie off to England to get back at him for the prank he pulled on me?"

"Mrs Willows, that isn't funny." Jamie sounded serious but the woman didn't seem to care.

"Why did you put me on speaker phone? I wanted to speak with Kyle, not the both of you." She snapped.

"I wish I hadn't told Kyle about my prank. He's a snitch."

"Come on, that wasn't a real prank. In just a couple of seconds, I knew it was you." Without looking at him, I guess he had his signatory smirk on. "Just wait till I visit, Mrs. Willows, I'm gonna prank you so bad you'll go crying to grandpa for help."

"I'll rather cry to my dead mother for help, kid. Kale is just a useless old setting here that needs to be changed soon."

"I heard that." We heard another voice say from the background.

"Why would I be speaking out loud if I didn't want you to hear that? Thanks for confirming, though. I have to go thank Frank for the good job he did getting you those hearing aids." She spoke to the person I guessed was Jamie's grandpa.

"You boys should come over. I've missed you so much. This old man is boring me out down here. He's such a killjoy and any prank I pull on him may send him to the hospital."

"Grandma, I think you forgot someone." Nico frowned.

"How could I forget my little boy? Of course, I was talking about you and your ugly brother."

Jamie gasped dramatically but I had a feeling he didn't take her words seriously because he was so sure of how he looked.

"We can spend the whole of spring break there. Yes, yes." Nico grabbed Jamie's forearm.

"No, no. I'm busy, kid." Jamie replied to his brother.

"And here I was thinking you were gonna extend your invitation to your favorite ally." Kyle spoke again.

"That's only if you help drive Nick bear over. Then, you two can come. Jamie, go to hell."

"But I thought you just invited me there-to hell."

"For the last five minutes, the smile on my face hadn't dissipated, all thanks to the phone call. The atmosphere felt light now.

"If you get me all riled up, I'm going to hit your grandfather against the head with a pan and leave the one with your fingerprint lying near his unconscious form when I call the police." It took a second for me to understand what she meant and when I did, I felt slightly terrified.

"Should I be bothered that-" Kyle began and Jamie intercepted.

"Geez, Mrs. Willows, you're such a creep. The last time I used a pan over there was like two years ago." Natasha scoffed at Jamie's words and I guessed the woman heard that because she spoke, ignoring Jamie.

"Well well. If it isn't Natasha, the girl who's always on Jamie's side even when he's being an ass."

"Well well. If it isn't the granny who wears G-strings." Natasha replied as though she was bored but I had a feeling she was happy to be involved in the conversation."

The boys laughed so hard I was scared Kyle was going to get us all killed. Nico laughed along, though I doubted he understood what that meant.

"You didn't just say that in front of my little boy!" She exclaimed. Did this woman ever speak quietly? But from all I've heard her say in this conversation, she was the coolest grandma I've ever heard speak in my entire life. And craziest. Dad lost his mom when I was three and then, his dad some months later, so I barely knew them. Mom's didn't live in the country and since mom left, we lost all contact of them.

I heard them laughing again and I guess the woman must have said something funny again.

"-but I'm being serious here. You boys should come over. I've missed you so much. This old man is boring me out down here, I might just burst into tears. He's such a killjoy. Any prank I pull on him may send him to the hospital. Jamie! Get over here so I can prank you till you wet your pants like you always did till you were twelve."

This time, I couldn't hold the laughter that erupted out of me.

"Liar." Jamie grumbled.

"He acts like he's so cool and collected for someone who didn't stop wetting his bed until he was twelve. How did he manage to survive middle school?" I muttered and he looked back at me, glaring.

"Now, I know Natasha's laughter sounds like a flock of sea gulls calling out to their mates. Exactly how many of your friends are listening in on our conversation, you mannerless kid?" She spoke and I stopped abruptly, unsure if she was being serious but then she continued, like she asked a question.

"Omigee, I've never met someone who said something as insulting to Jamie like myself. It's really not Natasha."

"It's one of these three. They're either scared of him or they worship him or they're too nice for their own good." I said, eyeing Kyle through the rearview mirror.

I felt Natasha's glare on me but I didn't care. Obviously, she was one of those who worshipped him.

"Please introduce yourself. We should do business together in the future." She said in an official voice and laughed.

I shifted awkwardly in my seat. It was weird that I was now the topic of discussion when I was barely involved just a couple of minutes ago. Suddenly, I longed to feel left out again.

"She's Annabelle, that doll from the horror movie." Jamie spoke up, smirking victoriously at me. He was such a kid.

"You weren't the one I asked boy. Zip it."

I snickered and replied. "Well...I'm Annabelle but please call me Annie." Nice to meet you over the phone. I thought.

"Ah..but you aren't the one to choose what I'll call you. Zip it too."

After a couple of seconds, she spoke. "I'll call you Belle."

"Hang up now, Mrs. Willows. We're home already." Jamie interrupted as Kyle slowed the car to a stop in front of the McLanes. "Speak to you never." He mumbled for added effect. Apparently, he was still mad at her for saying something so embarrassing about him.

"You're stuck with me for a long time boy. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." She answered Jamie and asked.

"Nick bear, when does spring break start?"

"Tomorrow." Nico answered. He looked like he needed a nap.

"You should spend the entire week here. Kyle and his sister can drive you here. If Jamie doesn't want to come, it's his problem."

"Belle should come over too. I need more company." She added.

I wondered how many of her grandson's friends she knew.

"Annie, what do you think?" Nico grabbed my hand. His eyes seemed to light up.

I looked at him, confused. "It's not up to me to decide if you should go-"

"No, I mean you. Are you coming with us?"

"She didn't-"

"She was talking to you. She called you-"

I realized before he even completed his sentence.

"-Belle. That's me."

A/N: So, uhm. There's a sort of issue here. I kinda like someone else. New Favorite Character Alert: Grandma/ Mrs. Willows! She's sassy and definitely classy when you meet her.

In your honest opinion, what topic in the whole conversation in this chapter do you think should've been prolonged?

Also, tell me something funny you've discovered about your grandparents. #reminiscingandlaughing

PS: Busy week. It's almost Friday. Happy weekend to you all.

Till the next update.

Hugs and kisses,


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