Chapter Twenty-Six

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Song of the chapter: Perfect to me- Anne Marie

At first, I had started to roll around slowly, hoping that this was just a dream but then, I stopped suddenly, trying to recall the state of my room this morning before I went to sleep. Worse was when I realized that I was still in my pajamas. Sighing in defeat, I finally turned around slowly and sat up, making sure the covers were around me. We were in this together.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"And who said you could come up here?"

He only snickered at my question. "Good to see you too."

I sighed in frustration and tried again after giving my face a rub.
This was like the first time I couldn't even pay attention to how he looked but what time had he never looked or smelled nice?

"What do you want?" I tried again. "Can I help you?"

I saw a quick change in his demeanor like he started to feel awkward.
I wondered if it was the calm way I spoke to him because he probably hadn't expected it. Or perhaps, had he seen something? Was my bra lying on the nightstand?

"My mom said to check on you. She'd been calling all morning to check if you were still coming to my grandma's." The look on his face showed that he clearly hated being his mom's messenger.

I patted the bed for my phone. True to what he said, when I found my phone, it showed that I had six missed calls from the same unknown number. Nicole was ever so persistent.
Just like mom. A little voice at the back of my head said.

"Ughh" I grunted. "Not this again." And immediately he opened his mouth to speak, I realized I'd said that out loud.

He made a face. "You don't have to come. She isn't forcing you." He frowned after a pause. "Or is she?"

"I wasn't talking to you." I waved him down, rubbing a few circles on my stomach.

"Are you...uhm" He started to ask but turned abruptly. He probably thought he was getting too emotional with me if he asked if I was okay.

"I'll just tell her you're sick."
I watched as he moved across the room.

If mom was here, I wondered what her reaction was going to be if she discovered that a boy was up in my roo-

Oh no! That was it! Any more thoughts about mom was going to drive me crazy. Starting now! What was it with me and my sudden thoughts of her. If going on that trip was going to take my mind off of her, then so be it.

"Wait!" I yelled as I scrambled out of bed, clutching my stomach as I ran out of my room to the top of the stairs. Curse his long legs, he was already at the foot of the stairs and he turned back to stare at me, in question.

I bent a little awkwardly, panting like I just ran a mile. Before speaking, I looked around in search of dad. I couldn't just leave for the whole week without telling him anything. I guessed he already left for work. He probably decided to let me off the hook today. Gosh, I sure hoped Nicole had already spoken to him about this trip.

"Can you give me just a few seconds?" I asked Jamie. When he still stared at me, I corrected.

"Minutes? I changed my mind."

He sighed, running his hand through his hair and clicked on his phone. "Will you be ready in ten?"

I shot my eyes wide open. "When I asked you to give me a few minutes, I didn't mean-"

"Nine..." He interrupted, making me turn on my heels, deciding to save the argument for later.

While running down to my room, I debated whether to get dressed or pack my stuff first. Thankfully, I'd had my bath this morning. I just had to wash the sleep lines off my face and that could come after.

Picking up my large duffel bag, I began to throw clothes in. It was a week-long trip. I had to make sure everything I packed was useful.

I made sure to pack my underwear first, topped by my nightwear, bathrobe, about three sundresses, three pairs of jeans, a pair of cargo pants, leggings, several t-shirts and then, sweats.

I was in a frenzy, thinking of how much I had to pack in such little time when I heard a knock on my door. Was it Jamie? Was my time almost up?

"Is my time up? Can I get five more minutes?" I pleaded. He opened the door and before he spoke, his eyes flew to my bed where my stuff was piled in the poor bag that looked like it was begging to be set free.

"Jesus, woman." He exclaimed.

"We're not going on a fucking world tour." Okay, he was exaggerating. A lot, actually.

"And earlier, I was wondering why your dad told mom to make sure you didn't uproot the whole house to bring along with you."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I replied sarcastically.

Adding a few things to the pile, I eyed him. "So, I'm guessing your mom already informed my dad about it and he gave his permission?"


I opened my eyes wide. "Maybe?!"

"Yeah, yeah she did give him a call." He rolled his eyes at my exclamation.

"And?" I prodded.

"And I quote. 'He agreed after much persuasion.' Said my mom."

I sighed; a bit disappointed that dad was sending me off probably because he thought he was too busy to be home with me anyway.

"What's this?" He pointed to the top of the pile on my bed.
I rolled my eyes. Was he serious?


Now was his turn to roll his eyes. "Of course, I know what it is. Why do you have two?"

I picked one up after the other. "Toothbrush, extra toothbrush in case the first one gets sprayed by a skunk."

"What the heck? You're going for a visit, not camping." He exclaimed again.

"And this? What do you need them for?" He questioned again.

"Sanitizers. Who knows what health hazards skunks could bring?"

He started to remove stuff from my bag, making little comments here and there.

My hair straightener, "Like your hair is ever straightened."

"Look, that's enough. It's either that or nothing. Stop digging through my stuff!" I stubbornly exclaimed, having a little fear that he was getting to the bottom, where my underwear were lying.

"Fine. Whatever." He straightened, heading out. "Your time's up."

Dropping my mouth open in shock, I shoved whatever I'd thrown on my bed earlier, into the bag, squeezing the life out of them so they could fit.

The zipper didn't go through and huffing out of exasperation, I exchanged the shirt I had on with a cleaner one, throwing a short overall dress over it, pulled the pajama pants I was wearing off, shoved my legs in fluffy slippers and headed out of the room. I ran back in a second later to wash my face.

I was going to do my hair in the car, after all, he'd seen me several times with the bed nest in my hair. I guessed he was serious about leaving me behind if I didn't keep to time because I didn't find him downstairs.

Before heading out the main door, I quickly fished out my phone and dialed dad's number.

Answering on the third ring, "Hey darling, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm okay now, dad. Nicole told you I was going-"

"Yes, she did. Do you think you're feeling well enough to go? You don't have to but I thought it's good that you go out. You haven't done that in a while now and-"

I heard someone speak to him in hushed tones in the background and spoke up instead.

"I'll go. I'll be fine. I'm already late. Love you and make sure to take care of yourself."

After hanging up, I hurried outside and was relieved to find Jamie in the driveway, on the hood of his car, waiting. At least, he still had some sense left in him.

He shook his head as he took in my appearance and he mumbled something along the lines of him having to give me the whole day to get prepared next time.

I scoffed as I walked up to him. Him, ever being the gentleman, ignored my panting as I pulled my bag towards the car. As if on cue, the boot came open and I heaved my stuff inside.
He was already in the car and I went around, getting into the passenger seat.

The first thing he scrutinized was my footwear but I decided to ignore him to tame my hair instead when he started the car.

Picking out the brush I'd hurriedly shoved in my pocket, I began combing my hair out, carefully rounding it up into a bun- a messy one if the mirror I'd pulled down was telling the truth.

"Where's Nico?" I asked, snapping the mirror shut. "I thought he was going with us?"

"Thanks to someone who couldn't make up her mind if she was coming along sooner, they had to leave without me." He said bitterly, in a way, answering my question.

Instead of replying to the jab he made at me, I asked.
"Who's 'they'? Kyle and his sister?"

"Yeah." He grunted, clearly not in the mood to give a reply. Oh, bummer! Now, I had to deal with his annoying girlfriend. I sighed.

A minute later and I closed my eyes, I began to feel uncomfortable with the air-con he'd just put on. The pain in my abdomen decided to kick off again and I leaned back into the seat, giving it little rubs. If only I'd pulled my jacket from the bag before I dropped it back there. I thought. I needed the warmth.

Most definitely not sensing my discomfort, Jamie had to put on the radio, making me feel worse.

"Can you turn that down?" I said, irritated and without waiting for his response, I clicked the button and everything went silent again. He didn't say anything but I guessed the right word to describe his expression was irritation.

"Do you have any painkillers here?" I cracked my eyes open after a while.

"I don't think so. Why?" I swore his voice was softer this time.
I sighed, almost dramatically.

"How long do we have till we get there?"

I spied a smirk playing on his lips. "What? You're already exhausted? You can go ahead and nap all day. We aren't getting there anytime soon."

"You must be kidding me." I muttered. "Are we driving to freaking Asia?"

He scoffed.

Turning to face the window, I tried to get comfortable and soon began drifting off to sleep.

The last thing I felt was something soft and warm draped over me.

Aaaaand I'm back, lovelies. Happy New Year? How was Christmas and New Year's celebration? Mine was great! I should apologize for keeping y'all hanging but it's starting to get too often, right? I should quit with the fucking apologies and start typing more instead. Clock's ticking!
I'm definitely writing more and achieving more goals in this year, 2020.
Love y'all,
Hanie. :*

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