Another Download - 2/2/21

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Another meditation download.

"Numbers can lie so look for the truth. With lies comes greed but with truth comes peace, look for one and then find the other for peace is a follower and truth is its leader. Follow the animals, they know both the path to the shining stars and the journey to hear the voice of the earth. The dirt speaks if you listen but many are deaf. Uncover your ears and find the melodies of truth dancing around you that so many fail to notice. Follow the animals, chase the stars and listen to nature, that is the truth of life and with that comes peace. Do not abandon the wilds, they need you most now, but do not forget the humans; they may stray but they are blind and deaf and guided by the lies, you can show them the truth but too long in the darkness makes the light hurt and too long in the silence makes the noise deafening. Help them but do not hurt them."

I have a small headache now thank you very much but I'm glad I'm finally able to get the messages mostly clearly.

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