Does anyone recognize this deer girl?

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(partial transcription of a conversation I had with friends)

So this morning I had a dream about a girl with antlers and me taking care of her. She wasn't completely physical but I managed to take care of her. She was also a toddler.

About fifteen minutes ago, I saw her sitting on the couch on my leg and I can physically feel the weight on my leg.

I can see her but barely and I can definitely feel her weight and maybe some of Loki's unless she's actually that heavy and Asgardians do tend to have heavier/ denser bones if she's even his from a life of ours or something. She's also smiling right now.

Right now the antlers are maybe half that size and she looks like she's 3-5

About five mins ago, I mentally said 'mommy's got to get up' and the weight disappeared from my leg and it feels like she has a hand on my ankle.

Now that I'm up, she's just sitting on the couch and watching me. After I sat next to her, I felt a small hand on my leg.


Sorry for the cartoon image I couldn't find anything that matched her so I had to make one. Also she might have one green eye but I'm not sure.

Also I think she's mine but I'm not 100% certain and she actually looks a bit like the twin sister of one of our past life kids but that daughter died and she has a physical vessel in this universe so I'm not sure. But in that life Loki had a deer form.

I'm basically just asking partly for formality and curiosity but the rest of my reason isn't gonna be named.

She kinda looks a little homeless based on her outfit and she's trying to follow me around and stuff.

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