Goodbye, My True Love

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Hey, Readers!!!!!! Just one more chapter after this until the whole series is over :'( I'm trying to have the whole series finished in one night so that you guys don't have to wait. If I don't have i don't have it all finished by tonite, i'll probs have it finished by tomorrow! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 22, ENJOY!!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ruining my ears. I opened one eye to see that it was already noon. Lucy wasn't by my side anymore. I touched her side of the bed to feel that it was cold, which meant that she left the bed a long time ago. I got up and walked over to the living room to see Lucy playing with the twins. She was making strange faces and noises, making the twins laugh. I myself laughed so hard I thought I would die. Lucy looked up in shock and blushed. "S-Stop laughing!"

"How can I not stop laughing! You're face is too adorable!" I kept on laughing. Lucy pouted angrily and looked away. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "Are you ready for today?"

I could feel Lucy's energy suddenly skyrocket to the roof. "Yeah!"

I smiled. "Then let's get ready!"

We changed into our summer clothes and packed up the twins' toys. Then we headed to Gajeel's apartment, which was just two floors under ours. We handed Louise and Elliot to Levy. "We'll be back soon, alright?" Lucy told them. The twins smiled and clapped their hands. We said our goodbyes and headed to the first train to Cilorthia. In the past, I would've refused any type of transportation what so ever. But now, I was quite comfortable with it, thanks to Wendy. During our train ride, I look to see Lucy staring out the window in deep thought. She looked absolutley beautiful in the sunlight. Her skin practically glowed like gold. She noticed me smiling at her. "You must be enjoying yourself if you're smiling like a fool." She giggled.

"I am, actually." I smiled. I rested my head against her shoulder. She rested her hea on mine, and we stayed like that through the whole train ride.

When we finally arrived at Cilorthia, if was very humid. The minute I stepped out of the cool train, I instantly began to sweat. "Aah! Why is it so hot!" Lucy complained, waving a fan by her face.

"I know!" I complained as well, taking off my shirt. I grabbed Lucy's hand and exclaimed, "Let's go get some sweets!" We stopped by one of the best bakery shops and bought ourselves crepes filled with custard, chocolate, and strawberries. I saw Lucy take a single bite of it and squeal. "So good!"

I took a bite and suddenly felt a burst of sweet flavors in my mouth. "It is!" We continued to eat our crepes as we walked on the shoreline of the beach. We dipped our feet into the water, which was neither cold nor hot. The perfect temperature. As I licked my fingers clean of the dessert, I suddenly water running down my back, giving me chills. I turn to see Lucy sticking her tongue out and waving her hand, winking at me. "Oh no you don't!" I growled playfully. I made splashed Lucy where she was wet all over her lower body. "Natsu!" She squealed. She chased my by the shore line, trying to use her Water Magic on me. To her surprise, I hoisted her up in the air so that she would stop running. "Because of you, we're both wet." I smirked.

"It's not my fault. You're the one who returned the attack." She said in her defense, sticking our her tongue.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Really." She winked, laughing at the end. Her face suddenly turned into a light shade of red. "Can we...head to the Library?"

I had almost forgotten about the Library, which was the main idea why we even came to Cilorthia. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Of course we can."

When we got to the Library, I noticed that it was still the same as it was almost three years ago. It was still ginormous, probably twice the size of Fairy Tail. Unlike most libraries, this library had not a single speck of wood. Everything, from the walls to even the bathroom, were made of unbreakable glass. "May I do the honor?" I asked Lucy in a gentleman like manner.

Lucy smiled, giving me a slight curtsy. "Of course."

I cleared my voice and said, "Take us to the Adventure section."

At that moment, the tile under us began to rise, and we were soon flown to the Adventure section. "WHOOO HOOOO!" I yelled.

"You never get too old for this!" Lucy laughed. Finally, after a moment of flying, we finally reached the Adventure section of the Library. Every still looked the same, as if we never left this place. I looked over at Lucy to see her face so calm, yet her eyes were a little watery. "So...this is where it all started."

"Yeah, it is." I smiled, going back through memory lane. "If I recall, you were carrying at least sixty-nine books until you fell."

"Y-You remembered how many books I was carrying?!" Lucy gasped.

"Well...yeah." I blushed. Tears fell down Lucy's face, along with a smile. I smiled back at her and walked up towards her, holding her by the waist. "I love you, Lucy Heartfilia." I whispered, using her maiden name.

"And I love you, Natsu Dragneel." She replied. I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. She kissed me back, getting more excited. I began to kiss her harder and drove her against the wall. I could feel her squeezing my back tightly. I stuck my tongue in her mouth, and I could hear her silent moan slip out of her mouth.She began to slide down the wall, dragging me down with her. Everything was going well, until a giant beep rang through the whole Libaray, startling Lucy and I to stop. Suddenly, a woman's voice appeared through the intercom. "Ladies and Gentleman, it is now closing time. Please leave the Cilorthia Library immediatley. I repeat, it is closing time. Please leave the Cilorthia Library immediatley."

I could hear Lucy's quick gasps for air as a wave of awkwardness fill the area. "Damn it." I whispered. "I was getting excited."

"I could tell." Lucy smiled.


"Natsu.." She said.

"Thank you so much." She whispered, sqeezing my hand tightly. "Thank you for bringing me back here."

I smiled and slowly stroke Lucy's face. I gave her one last gentle kiss on the lips. "You're welcome."

We walked out of the Library, holding eachother's hand. The sun was close to setting. Lucy rested her head on my arm. I smiled. "Let's head home."

Lucy P.O.V

I didn't want this day to end.

I never wanted this day to end.

When we finally got home, the moon was barely over the horizon. We picked up Elliot and Louise from Levy's house and thanked her. We got back to our apartment and rested on the couch. "What a day." I sighed.

"Yeah, I agree." Natsu sighed. The children began to yawn and drift to sleep in my arms. "I'm going too put the twins in their crib." I told him.

"Alright." Natsu replied. I took the twins to our bedroom and placed them in their crib. I put a blanket over them and watched as they slept soundly. One of the best parts about this specific crib is that it has an illusion field, so they see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. When I got back from the bedroom. I found Natsu in the middle of the living room, holding an electrical razor. "Why are you holding that?" I asked him.

"It's obligated that all soldiers shave their heads." He said.

"Oh.." I said silently. I would have to shave Natsu's perfect, pink spiky hair. "Alright then."

We stepped into the bathroom, where I placed a stool for Natsu to sit on. I placed a towl over his body and plugged in the razor. I turned on the razor, the sound of it's buzzing ringing in my ears. I slowly began to shave off his hair. Locks of pink hair fell onto the bathroom floor. I forced myself not to cry, but I was too weak. A tear was able to break free of my grasp and fall down my cheek. After ten minutes, I shaved off the last lock of hair. I looked at him through the mirror and gasped.

He looked so..different.

"Lucy, stop staring." Natsu said.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Of course." I stammered. I sweeped up the hair on the ground and hesitated to put them in the garbage. When I got out of the bathroom, I see Natsu sitting on the couch, staring at me. "We have to talk."

I didn't know what he was talking about, but I sat next to him on our couch, ready to hear what he has to say. He grabbed my hands and held them by his lap. "Lucy will you do anything for me?"

I nodded quickly. "Of course!"

"Then, do this one favor for me."

I nodded.

"If I.....if I don't make it back from Kiona, promise not to wait for me."

I didn't know whether I heard him right or not. "W-What?"

"I don't want you to stay lonely forever! I wan't you to be happy!" He exclaimed, almost yelled.

I felt tears streaming down my face, soaking up my face. "H-H-How could you even ask that!" I screamed. "You're the only person who can make me happy!" I buried my face in his bare chest, crying my heart out. "Don't ever say that again."

"Lucy..." Natsu said silently. Suddenly, he hugged me tightly, so tight that I couldn't even breathe. He buried his face on my chest. "I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I never want to leave you, not ever!" He cried.

"Natsu..." I gasped. I lifted his face from my chest. "You'll never leave me. Not in here." I whispered, placing my hand on my heart. Natsu touched that hand gently. His face was wet and red with tears, yet his golden hazel eyes shined brightly.

Soon, our lips were pressed together, along with our tongues. Natsu then picked me up, still kissing me, and carried me off to our bed. He laid me down and continued to kiss me, placing his knee between my legs. He put his hands behind my back and slowly began to unzip my dress. Soon, I was just in my underwear and bra. His hands began to explore all over my body, making me moan. Us making love consisted of two main emotions.

Our eternal love that could nevere fade away.

And our anguish for us being separated.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of our alarm blaring in my ear. I groaned and tried to sit up, but Natsu's arms were all over me. I took a glance at the alarm clock to see that it was only eight o'clock. "What the?"

"I did it on purpose." Natsu suddenly said. I turned around to see Natsu's face a quarter of an inch away from mine. I could suddenly feel my face burning up at the sight of his beautiful face. "Good morning."

He smiled, stroking my face gently. "Good morning."

"Why did you set the alarm so early?" I asked. "We still have another two hours until you..." I didn't want to finish that sentence. Natsu sighed. "I just wanted our last hour to be...peaceful."

I nodded, understanding what he meant. He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Last night was the last time Natsu and I would sleep together for three years. I moved to his side of the bed and felt the warmth from his body. The warmth felt so good, but it soon disappeared into a cold abyss. Suddenly, I could hear Louise wake up and cry. I got up, put on my robe, and walked up to Louise. "Hey, pretty girl. You're going to wake up you're brother." I whispered, gently touching her face. I picked her up and began to feed her. "You're not going to see Papa for a while, but you'll see him soon. I promise." I smiled. Louise continued to cry, but soon drifted back to sleep. I put her back in her crib and decided to get dressed. I looked outside to see it pouring rain. "Is that really necessary?" I asked myself. I put on a blue long sleeved dress and looked at myself in the mirror. I haven't fully recovered my former figure, but I was close. I heard the shower turn off, meaning that Natsu was finished. I opened one of the drawers to look for my headbands, but I found something else instead.

Inside in the very bottom of the top drawer was the blue ribbon I wore when I first met Natsu. "Boy, this sure does bring back old memories." I sighed.

"What brings back memories?" Natsu asked, only wearing his towel over his crotch. Startled, I placed the ribbon in my bra at the last minute.  "Oh, nothing!" I stammerd. He gave me a weird look, but shrugged it off. I decided to wait until he leaves to give it to him. Suddenly, both Elliot and Louise began to cry simotamiously. I rushed over to the crib to see them spilling tears. "Aww, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Let me try." Natsu winked. I handed the twins to him, and instantly, they stopped crying. They nestled against Natsu's bare chest, as if it was their new crib. "I got the magical touch." He winked at me.

I laughed. "Yes, yes you do." I winked back. I looked at the alarm clock to see that it was already eight forty-five. "You should go get changed. You don't have that much time."

He nodded. "Alright." He disappeared in the bathroom and began to change. I dressed the twins as well, making them look as good as they can be. I put a tiny bow in Louise's head and a little pirate hat for Elliot. They boh seemed to like it very much. "How do I look?" I suddenly heard Natsu asked. I turned around to see Natsu in his army uniform: A green and brown camaflouge suit that suited his new hair cut. 

He looked so...mature. "Wow..."

"Is it that bad?" He asked.

I gave him a sad smile. "You look dashing." I wrapped my arms around him and heard the sound of his heart beat. Surprisingly, it was beating very fast. "I still make your heart beat fast." I giggled.

"Yeah, you do." Natsu said, kissing the top of my head. "Let's head out."

We walked to Fairy Tail tolding hand to hand. I pushed a stroller with just one hand, and Natsu's in another. I pressed my head against Natsu's arm.  He held an umbrella over our heads, protecting us from the rain.  When we got to Fairy Tail, everyone's attention was on us. Some had tears, other tried to fight them. "Natsu.." Gray said, trying to fight tears. 

Natsu smiled. "Yeah, Gray?"

Gray's face turned pink. "D-D-Don't forget to kick Kionan ass for me!"

Natsu laughed. "Of course!" He wrapped his arm around Gray and gave him a noogie, and everyone laughed. I couldn't help myself to laugh as well. After that,  everyone drank for Natsu, saying their goodbyes. I swear, although it was still the morning, everone got drunk in a heartbeat. Everyone crowded over Louise and Elliot, saying how cute they were, or how much they looked like Natsu and me. I was enjoying myself, and I could tell Natsu was enjoying this party as well. As we all laughed at Elfman's jokes, I could hear Natsu's watch beginning to beap. His face slowly fell, and he looked at me. "It's time."

My heart fell. "A-Alright." I handed Elliot and Louise over to Levy and Erza, and Natsu and I walked out of Fairy Tail. The sounds of everyone saying goodbye began to turn into a distant sound as we walked further and further from Fairy Tail.

We finally reached the train station, where all the soldiers were already boarding. "TRAIN TO FIORE MILITARY BASE LEAVES IN TWO MINUTES!" The train conductor yelled. I handed Natsu's duffel bag to him and said nothing. "So, this is it." Natsu said.

I nodded, trying to fight back tears. I hang my head down so that Natsu wouldn't see my face, but that didn't stop him. He crouched down and looked up at me. "I'm going to feel terrible if you don't cry." He  said, grabbing my hand.

At that moment, all my tears fell out of my eyes. I jumped on Natsu, making us fall to the ground. I buried my face into his suit, crying my eyes out. "Don't forget about me!" I cried.

"How can I? You're the best thing that has ever happen to me." Natsu whispered. I continued to cry, until I remembered the ribbon. I pulled it out of my bra and tied it around his wrist. "What's this?" He asked.

"It's the ribbon that I wore...when I first met you at Magnolia." I told him.

I could hear a tiny gasp in his voice. He held my hand, intertwining our fingers together. He kissed the ribbon gently. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

I smiled, despite the fact I was still crying. "Your welcome." I got up and lent him my hand. I helped him up, giving him another hug. "ALL ABOARD THE TRAIN, SOLDIERS!" The train conductor yelled. I sighed deeply, relieving all my sadness. I looked up at him and smiled. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

"Yeah, but not forever." Natsu said. "Goodbye." He slowly began to walk up the steps to the train, and suddenly stopped. He jumped over the stairs and ran up to me. He pulled me close to him and pressed his lips against min. I kissed him back, sqeezing his shirt. I could feel his tongue in my mouth, and our tongues began to dance in our mouthes. He pulled away, allowing me to breathe. I looked up to see tears in his eyes. "Promise me you'll never stop loving me."

Tears once again began to fall down my face. "I will never stop loving you. You're mine and mine only!" I sqeezed him tightly. I could feel his body trembling, the sounds of his sobbing touching my heart.  "LAST CALL FOR ALL SOLDIERS TO BOARD THE TRAIN!" The train conductor yelled.

Natsu pulled away, and I wiped his tears away. "Tell our kids that I love them."

I nodded. "I will." Natsu began to back away, still holding  my hand. Our hands began to slip away from eachother as Natsu walked further away. He walked up the stairs, but did not jump off this time. He boarded the train, and I could see him take a seat by the window where he can see me. The train slowly began to move. Out of no where, my feet began to move, following the train. I began to run until Natsu noticed me running with the train. He pressed his hands against the glass, His face looking miserable. "FIGHT, NATSU!" I yelled, hoping he would hear me through the sound of the train's noise. "FIGHT FOR US!"

Thankfully, Natsu nodded, sqeezing his chest. Soon, I came upon the end of the platform and stopped running. The train, however, continued to move, until I couldn't see Natsu's face anymore. I fell to the ground, crying. "Goodbye, Natsu." I whispered. I could hear people whispering, see if I was okay. Although Natsu was gone, I had faith that he would come back. He was Natsu, who sacrificed his own life for the world.

He was Natsu, who defeated the Devil himself.

He was Natsu, who would always look on the brightside on a grim situation.

He was Natsu, who was able to save me from a castle.

He was Natsu, my best friend.

My husband.

The father of my children.

He was my true love.

I looked up at the sky to see it not raining anymore, but sunny instead. I smiled, knowing that God will protect him.

"Goodbye, my true love. Until we meet again." I whisered. And with that, I got up from the ground, and left the train station, waiting for tomorrow.

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