Lucy's Love, Anastasia's Anger

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Hey, READERS!!!!!! I am uber excited yet sad about almost ending this story. Because the end of this story equalls the end of the whole series. Which then equalls no more NaLu :'(. I want to know if u guys still want me to make NaLu stuff? Comment on what you think! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 19, ENJOY!!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

I feel useless.

am useless.

All I'm doing is sitting in a floating bubble, while my wife is about to fight for the world's fate. I stare at the battle field and realize something.

No walls. The floor is probably only only the size of our living room back at our apartment. "What do you mean this is Purgatory?" Lucy asked.

"According to Catholic Religion, this place is where souls who have an equal amount of sin and purity. They pay for their sins before going to heaven." Anastasia explained.

"Oh.." Lucy said silently. She looked up and her eyes were wide. At first, I thought she was looking at me,  but her eyes weren't at my direction. I followed her eyes and saw what she saw. I gasped. What I saw were two ginormous golden gates being hovered my big fluffy clouds. I could feel a serene vibe from it. But then, I could feel a dark and evil vibe from below. I look down to see nothing but fire. I could smell the scent of burning flesh through the bubble, and I could hear the screams and moans for forgiveness. I could see Lucy shiver with fear. "The rules are simple." Anastasia announced. "The first one to fall to hell looses. You can't receive any help from your husband or friends."

Lucy nodded. "Alright."

Anastasia smiled. "We will start when we hear a little girl's scream from hell."

Lucy nodded and got into an attack pose. Anastasia did the same thing. For a while, they just stood there, giving each other intense looks.

"AAAAAAAAH!" A little girl shrieked.

Suddenly, as if by the speed of light, they began to attack eachother. "Bubble Shot!" Lucy chanted. The magic bubbles aimed straight for Anastasia. But as if it was nothing, Anastasia just stood there and took the attack. "No way." I gasped.

"Is that all you got?" Anastasia smirked.

"That's only the beginning." Lucy smirked a little. Anastasia ran up to Lucy and began and chanted, "Death Orb!" A black ball appeared in Anastasia's hand, and she was about to ram it into Lucy's stomach. "LUCY!" I screamed.

Lucy jumped upin the nick of time, barely making contact with the deathly sphere. "Water Dragon's Roar!" Lucy screamed, a gush of water silling out of her mouth. This made contact with Anastasia, making her slide back a little. "Yes!" Erza exclaimed.

"Nice one Lucy!" I exclaimed with glee. 

Anastasia was only slightly bruised on her right cheek. Her face began to turn red with anger. "Oh? So kitty wants to scratch, eh?" She made a running start, and I was expecting her to use another spell.

But instead, she began to choke Lucy. Lucy tried to claw her off, but it was no use. "LUCY!" I screamed, trying to break through the bubble.

"Now it's time to finish you off." Anastasia growled.

Lucy P.O.V

Oh God, this woman seriously wanted to kill me.

I couldn't cast a spell with her choking me. I tried to breathe and remover her hands from my throat, but she was too strong. She began to push me back further and further towards the ledge. "COme on, bunny girl! Fight her off!" Gajeel screamed. Fight her? I thought in my head. Then, memories of how Natsu and Gray would fight sometimes with not magic, but with pure strength. Arms, dont fail me now! I used up most of my stamina and punched Anastasia in her face. She flew up and fell hard to the ground. I shook off the pain of my hand, sqeezing it tightly. "Yeah, Lucy!" Erza cheered.

"That's my girl!" Natsu shouted. I smiled, but then realized now was not the time for the feeling of praise. Using my Blood Magic, I made Anastasia stand up and made her walk towards the ledge. "Do you really think you can win?" Anastasia laughed.

"Do you see  where you are at this time?" I reminded her.

"Let me tell you a fun fact." Anastasia spatted. "Darkness isn't just a spiritual type of essence."

"Huh?" I asked, confused. SUddenly, something was happening to me.

I couldn't move.

"W-What?" I stammered. I couldn't move my legs or arms at all, yet Anastasia was free from my grasp. "B-B-But how!"

"Dark Angels control all dark escence, including shadows." She winked. I look down and see my shadow connected with strings. "Now, I guess it would be easy to just kill you now and push you off the ledge." She smiled. "But, I want you to feel the pain I've felt for the last ten days!"

Suddenly, she placed her hand on my face, sqeezing it tightly as she can. I screamed out with pain and began to feel something on my face. Anastasia let go of my face, but I still felt something crawling and scratching my face. "MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed.

"Lucy, there's nothing on your face!" Natsu told me.

"IT HURTS!" I screamed. "IT'S TOO PAINFUL!"  

"YES! Feel the pain that I've felt, the horrible, horrible pain!" Anastasia screamed.

"Lucy! Lucy, listen to me!" Natsu called out. "There is nothing on your face!"

"Yes, yes there is!" I screamed. "Something big, and sharp, and it's clawing me to death!"

"Lucy,look at me." Natsu said calmly. I hesitated, but finally looked at him. His eyes were calm as he was flashing his warm smile. "There is nothing on your face."

The pain on my face slowly began to disappear, and I was finally calm. I took a deep breathe and gently touched my face.

Just like what Natsu said, there was truely nothing on my face.

"Well, thanks to you, Mrs. Dragneel, I was able to figure out your weakness." Anastasia said.

"You haven't found nothing." I snarled.

"Oh really?" She smiled. She slowly touched the ground and began to whisper a spell in a foreign language. "What are you doing?"

She smiled. "I'm about to turn your nightmare into a reality."

"What?" But it was already to late.

Suddenly, my vision disappeared.

"What?! Why can't I see!" I yelled with fear.

"Say goodbye to everything you know of." I heard Anastasia's voice echoe in the darkness.

 "W-What do you mean!" I screamed Suddenly, I began to see two images in the distance. "Who's there!" I screamed.

I began to run towards them, but they were getting farther and farther away. "Wait! Help me!"

"Lucy!" I heard Natsu yell, but I couldn't see him.

"Natsu? Hello!" I yelled. Then, the two images became more and more clear.

At first, I thought they were just a random man and woman.

But no, I was off.

Way, way off.

In front of me, giving me their eerie smiles, were two eople who made my life a living hell. Two people I never wanted to remember.

Two people that were now dead.

I didn't have the strength to speak. But when I did, the only thing I could say were their names.


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