Chapter 20

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          "Altan, wait!"
          Whatever warnings or protests The Prince was shouting fell on deaf ears as Altan charged forward, strides unfaltering even when the full figure of the towering bird came into view. The thunderbird shrieked, its eyes flashing an angry red as the beat of its expansive wings buffeted Altan and threatened to knock him over. It's leg was the length of his entire body and then some, and Altan just barely ducked out of the way as razor sharp talons slices through the air, cutting through a tree behind him like butter. The Prince had been dashing after Altan but tree crashed to the ground in front of him, clipping his side when he jumped back in alarm. The Prince was sent sprawling to the dirt, his leg pinned by a thick twisting branch. He gritted his teeth in pain, brushing away stray stands of hair plastered to his face by the wind and rain. Altan snarled in rage, stabbing the thunderbird in the leg causing it to screech in rage.
        "Altan, STOP!"
          Altan continued to ignore The Prince, instead heaving his sword up again. With one hand he grabbed a fist full of massive feathers, and with the other he swung up and slashed at the neck of the thunderbird in a mindless rage. It found purchase under the mat of slick feathers and dark red blood splattered across his face as the sword bit into flesh. The thunderbird stamped in fury, shrieking with its awful high pitched whistle and beating its wings wildly. Black lightning raced across its feathers, jumping to surrounding trees and the ground. As Altan staggered he was battered by a wing and sent flying backwards several feet into the nearest tree, white exploding behind his eyes as his back hit the trunk with an audible crack. He crashed to the ground, groaning weakly as the thunderbird thrashed about in a senseless rage. Lightning began cracking out in sporadic deadly bolts as Altan shakily reached for his sword.
          "Arghh, Alliges radix!"
           Roots systems from several nearby trees and bushes suddenly burst from the ground, snaking forward at breakneck speed and coiling around Altan's limbs and torso. They yanked him harshly to the side a split second before a bolt of lightning exploded the ground where he laid. Altans mind screamed in frustration and he shot a betrayed glare at The Prince as the roots pinned him against a sturdy tree, holding him in place. He began shouting obscenities to the air, the insults dripping with venom as he struggled against his bindings. He couldn't determine if they were meant for the overgrown chicken or The Prince, and frankly, could not care less.
       Ragged breaths tore through his throat as he was helpless to do anything but watch as several more roots erupted from the wet earth, dirt and water spraying everywhere as they snaked forward and began wrapping around the thunderbird, tying its legs, wings, and beak as it continued to cry out with awful muffled screeches. The Prince heaved the tree off himself in an impressive display of strength, blood dripping from his skull as he pushed himself to his feet. The thunderbird continued to thrash against the roots, red eyes gleaming wildly as its gaze locked onto the Prince, black lightning dancing and crackling around it in a electrical aura. The Prince marched towards the thunderbird, chin held high.
         "Avis vocum, auite!"
       The thunderbird shrieked, eyes transfixed onto The Prince. It stilled, though the lightning still danced along its body.  The Prince drew in a long breath, lips mouthing over uncertain terms, brow pinched.
      "Imperdei et custodiunt Gandryss, princex draco  proximam. Nul timebitis, nec ego vobis nocebit!"
       A streak of lightning shot inches away from The Princes head, thunder booming overhead as the bolt exploded against the mountain face. Then the lightning buzzing around the thunderbird began to calm, a subdued hum of energy vibrating through the air. A series of clacks and weak shrills emanated from the great bird as it slowly craned its head down to observe The Prince.
"Antiquir dextik meis: autem corruptius liberten! Relinqueram esset inet pace!"
With a flourish of his wrist, a halo of whitish energy suddenly encircled the head of the thunderbird. It pulsated once, twice, then shrunk and seeped through its feathers. Altan swallowed dryly as the thunderbird shook violently, eyes rapidly shifting between glowing red and white, red and white. A surge of electrical energy began building up around its body and Altan turned his head, shoulder hunching and bracing for an impact... that never came. He peeked just in time to see some sort of small semi-corporeal, worm-like creature fall to the ground and turn to ash on impact.
       As the the lightning coursing through his veins faded away, and the storm overhead began to clear, Altan watched slack jawed through a blurry lense as the situation resolved. The roots caging the thunderbird loosened and fell away and it flapped its wings experimentally, eyes now a rich brown. The fennecainx slowly crept out from the cave, ears pinned, as the beast clicked its tongue rapidly, looking strangely apologetic for a bird. It then turned to The Prince who nodded, and Altan could've sworn it actually bowed in thanks before crying out with a comparatively beautiful whistle and flapping its gigantic wings, lifting it self up and away, climbing majestically towards the sunlight breaks in the clouds. Altan craned his neck up as far as he could given the roots still held him fast to the trees, and watched it go with some odd mix of awe and reverence now that it wasn't trying to rip his head off.
And then a palm was slapping him across the face.
"OW, what the f-"
"No, NO. Silence!" The Prince spat, the roots squeezing him uncomfortably tighter to the tree. He advanced into Altans space, and Altan resisted the urge to spit on him. "Listen closely to me. If this is going to work-and so far, it hasn't-you must cease running off headfirst into whatever situation your little heart desires! I am becoming extremely aggravated of your impulsiveness, Altan, and having to bail you out of situations that were otherwise completely avoidable if you would simply shut up and listen to me! In case you have not noticed, this world is not as accommodating as the one you are used to." He motioned to the ring on Altans finger, "Daddy is not here to pull strings and buy you out of every rut. Here, in Arcrose, life is cutthroat. Especially now, with Centurion's corruption and Xorvad's monstrosities running rampant! The safest thing around here is the assumption that everything and everyone wants to hurt you. Therefore, next time you decide to go adventuring off into a cursed mountain, or attack one of the most sacred creatures of this land-no matter how out of control it might be-I will not intervene and you can experience the consequences for yourself."
Altan's face twisted in rage, and he swore he could shoot his own lightning as his blood pressure climbed with each condescending word. He spoke lowly, tensing against the roots that bound him. "Is that a threat?"
"It is a promise."

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