Shaman of Kakariko (Renado x Lost Reader) (Twilight Princess)

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Your POV 

Move it! Faster! They're going to catch you! 

I panted heavily. There was a group of Bulbin archers after me. I was originally trying to find my way towards Kakariko before they started to attack me. Now I was heading there, a little faster than I had wanted. 

Running as quickly as I could, dodging the arrows they shot at me and trying my best not to trip. That would certainly be my doom. I had gotten into the village and could just barely see the spring for the spirit Eldin. 

"Help! Someone!" I screamed. My words only coming out barely. Running to the nearest building, the sanctuary. Pounding on the door as i looked to see the bulbins gaining on me. "Please! Let me in!" 

Before I could do anything more, I was hit with something. Falling against the door, I slid to the ground. I stayed awake enough to see a bomb get thrown at the creatures, warding them off. There was some fast footsteps to be heard, that was before I saw a man with eyebrow piercings, and a long robe see me. Turning he told the other man something before he ran off. The man with the long robes came over and looked at me before picking me up, as everything went black.


I awoke with a start. Touching my head, as it was killing me I noticed that I was drenched in sweat. Wincing in pain as my head had pounded in my ears. 

"You should be lying down." 

I turned to look and saw the same man in the robes. He stepped over to me before he dabbed a wet cloth against my head, making me lay down again. "My name is Renado, I'm the village shaman. You had given us all quite the scare, running into the village like you did." 

"I'm sorry, I-" 

"Do not apologize. I would have done the same if I was being chased by those vile creatures. Do you remember your name?" he asked as he sat down on a chair nearby. I looked at him and thought for a moment. 

"It's (y/n). How long was I asleep for?" I asked as I looked at the man. He was handsome no doubt, but I wasn't here for that. I was looking for someone. 

"You have been unconcious for about, two days. It's good that Barnes heard you when he did, I fear that I would have found you in worse condition if he hadn't. My daughter has been watching you in my absence. I will fetch for her in a moment, she will be glad to see that you're awake." 

I nodded as I looked at him. He had a daughter, so was he married? Who was his wife? How old was his daughter? I had so many questions. Turning to look around the room, as I laid there. I heard the door open again. Looking to see who it was, the shaman came back in, accompanied by a girl. She had the same black hair, it was short and framed her face. She wore similar robes to her father. 

"This is Luda, my daughter." 

I nodded gently as she came over. "Thank you for taking care of me." I said. She smiled and nodded gently. "You're welcome, my father has been teaching me how to heal people" she said as she sat down. 

"You do quite well for your age." I said. Smiling wide she ran off for something and Renado came back over and sat down. "I would like to keep you here for a little while longer. I would like to keep an eye on your condition, to make sure that nothing arises from the hit you took." 

Nodding as I looked at him, my stomach growled. Blushing gently, I put my hands on my stomach. He released a chuckle before he stood and walked over to another room. Bringing me back what I thought was soup. 

"Here, you need your strength if you want to start moving around. There are some children in the village that would be happy to keep you company." he said as he handed me the soup after helping me sit up. 

I ate the hot contents of the bowl slowly. I didn't want to cause myself anymore injury. Being hit in the head was far enough. It was good, really good. Having to thank whomever made it later. Looking at the shaman as he glanced to me. 

"I can't thank you enough for helping me. There are people in this world that would have just left me there." 

He smiled gently. It was a warm and gentle smile. I felt my heart thump a little. "That is not necessary. I'm a shaman. I have a duty to help those who need it. Once you're finished you can get some more rest. Tomorrow we can try and get you to move around a little, all right?" 

I nodded gently before I handed him the bowl and laid back down. He helped me with the blankets before he made his way out of the room. I turned to my side as I thought for a moment. Why would I be falling for him? He only was doing his job, he's a shaman. Then why did my heart jump like it did? I shouldn't react that way. 

Shaking my head, I pushed the thought from my mind. Looking around the room for a moment before I fell asleep again. Hopefully, my feelings will be under control in the morning. 


The next day, I was woken by Luda. She smiled down at me and apologized for waking me, but we had some work to do. She helped me sit up, and turn to her. Taking the blanket from my legs, I shivered a little from the room as it was a little colder than the bed was. Smiling at the young girl that was in front of her, she grabbed my hands. 

"We should try and get you to stand." she said as I nodded. Using her for balance I was able to stand slowly. She smiled wide before she called her father in. He was tall as he entered the room and walked over to me. Letting me wrap an arm around his, he put his hand on my waist. Turning a little to the side we made our way to the door, leaving the room I was in. 

There was some stairs to the side, and we were heading towards them. I was nervous that I might fall and he noticed. "Don't fret, I won't let you fall." he said as he looked at me. We made our way down the stairs, one step at a time. Reaching the bottom there was clapping. Smiling but blushing a little I looked over to see a group of kids. 

"You did it!" 

"You're okay! Those monsters did a number on you!" 

I smiled gently as Renado rose a hand. "Not so loud children. The noise could give her a headache." They nodded as they quieted down. They were fine, I knew they were excited that the newcomer was all right. 

One little boy walked over to me as he put his hands behind his back. "I'm Colin. I found these for you" he said before he handed me a couple flowers. Smiling I took them, sniffing them gently I looked at him. 

"Thank you, they're very pretty. Do you guys wanna play hide and seek when I feel a little better?" I asked. They nodded as they smiled wide. Watching them leave the building to go play the shaman spoke up. 

"You're very good with them. The only other person that I knew to be as great with children before you, was my late wife. Luda's mother." he watched the door for a moment before he turned to look at me again. 

"She died while Luda was young, a tragic age to lose a parent. It's been only Luda and I since then. I've often been asked why I don't date and remarry, but I don't want to replace her mother." 

I frowned a little before I tilted my head. "Why would you replace her? I don't believe that it's possible to replace a first love, only find more. The second may not be as great or as thrilling than the first one, but a love nonetheless. I can see that Luda holds you in high regard, you do very well when it comes to her. Even I, a perfect stranger, can see it." 

He smiled. That same warm one as the day before. "Thank you, truly. I guess I've been waiting to see if I can find the right person to help me raise Luda. She's so smart and such a happy child. I don't want to crush that if I meet the wrong person." he said. 

I nodded gently. I understood what he meant. My father had remarried after my mother's death. Being certain that he was doing it for my sake and not his own, but that woman was vile. She ended up being none other than someone who searched for money. Wanting to control me and my father. 

I furrowed my brows, and looked at the Shaman as he spoke up. "How long are you staying in the village for?" he asked as he looked at me. 

"I was looking for a place to move, so I thought Kakariko would be a good place to relocate to. I've always wanted to visit, and now that I'm here I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon. Everyone is so nice and thoughtful."  

He nodded as his smile grew. "Thank you for those kind words. Being so close to the volcano, not a lot of people visit in fear of it erupting. Although the volcano has never been able to throw anything down to us, and the Goron race is always so kind to us." 

Nodding as I listened. He looked at me and leaned over for a moment. "You're welcome to stay at the inn and help my daughter and I run it if you do decide to stay." I nodded gently and smiled at him. Holding the flowers again I sniffed them once more. 

"Thank you, I think being here will be good. I can always help you with the small army of children and keep an eye on them for you." he nodded gently and helped me back inside before putting the flowers in water. 

"Talo, Malo, Beth, and Colin have all been here for a few months now. They were taken from their home in Ordon and have been here ever since. Their friend Link comes by every once in a while for supplies and to check in, since he's trying to defeat the evil of hyrule and get them back home." 

"They're from Ordon? They're so upbeat I thought they've been here their entire lives. May I ask what had happened?" I looked at him in shock and disbelief as he spoke. 

"They were kidnapped in the middle of the night, we aren't sure why it happened but we just know they did. Link has been trying to get them home for a long time, he found them here when Twilight had fallen over the region. We were in the Sanctuary when he found us. Colin is the bravest of them all, he's always been certain that Link will save them and take them back home, and I trust he will as well." 

Nodding gently I could feel the fatigue come back again. "I think you should get some sleep you've had a busy day." he said before he helped me get back into bed. Making sure I was comfy I looked at him and smiled gently. "I'm sure Link will be here to help the kids, while we wait, I'll help take care of them with you, Renado. Thank you for all you've done for me again." i said before he blew out the candle and smiled. 

"Get some rest for now, and we can decide what to do in the morning. Goodnight." he said before he closed the door behind him gently. Looking at him and then closing my eyes I fell asleep and was asleep for the night. 

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