Temple of the Ocean King (Linebeck xreader) (1) (Phantom Hourglass)

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(3501 words)

Your POV

Walking through the grass I made my way around on the northern part of Mercay Island. Located in the Southwestern Quadrant of the sea charts, it was home to some very wonderful and kind hearted people. Midori, he was the owner of the Milk Tavern that was on the South end of the island, not too far from the ship docks. Midori was someone you could have a drink with and he would listen to your tales of woe, like most bartenders. He was gentle and kind. He likes to call the boys on the island 'son'. Something that I had found rather sweet. 

Gazpacho on the other hand was more rugged and strong. If you needed help with your ship maintenance he was the man for the job. At first he came off as bull headed and stubborn but with time he would be a little calmer with you. A lot of people that showed up came around for his help on their ship. It was often that people would come to the island wanting a cannon for their ships. The seas had grown dangerous in the last year. 

I was snapped from my thoughts as i was met with the hard ground. Sighing, i sat up a little and looked to see what i had tripped on. There was a small patch of stones that were surrounded and overgrown with grass. Shaking my head and standing I brushed off my clothes and looked around to see how far i had wandered this time. Gasping as I had noticed the building that loomed over me. It was The Temple of the Ocean King. The very temple that I had been told never to go to as a child since it was dangerous. 

It was a temple right? So why would it be dangerous? Looking at the building I noticed that it had an ominous look to it. Sitting this far north of our small town, the rest of the inhabitants never really saw it. It was a distant memory in the long forgotten past. Walking towards the door of it I tilted my head as I looked at the weathered stone. 

Inside there were columns that had crumbled over the years. Looking around i stopped when i heard my foot hit something. Turning my gaze to the floor I saw what looked like a bone. Pulling my arms into my body I shivered a little as the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I continued walking a little more before i saw a skeleton that sat in a small pile. Jumping back I hid behind the closest column and held onto the damp and cold stone. Peering around I looked at the skeleton to see a small blue orb float above it. Blinking and rubbing my eyes i looked to see the ghost that had owned the skeleton. He turned to look at me and I went to back away before i tripped over another stone on the ground. 

"Please, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you" 

"Y-you're a g-ghost! 

"Yes, I wish to help you. You are going into the temple, correct?" 

Standing up slowly i looked at the ghost before i stepped closer, cautiously. 

"I was thinking about venturing into it, b-but I wasn't sure. I'm not equipped with anything!" 

He nodded as he looked at me. "You may not have any physical equipment, but allow me to give you some wisdom. In this temple you have to use an hourglass that has Time Sand inside it. This hourglass and sand  is your greatest strength against the evil that lurks here. Once you run out of it, the temple will try and take your strength from you." 

Nodding as i gulped I looked at the door shakily. "What do i do to prevent that if I don't have an hourglass?" 

"There are purple tiles that are on the floor. These are safe zones. There, the temple and other enemies cannot hurt you" 

With that he vanished. Looking at his skeleton I sighed gently. Turning to look at the archway that led it's way into the temple, i stepped through as I went to see what was up with this temple. Walking through the archway and into the first room i looked around as I noticed the smell that the temple had. It was that of a musky basement in old houses. Looking around at the walls i noticed that the stone was cracked and dirty. The floors were nothing but a dusty concrete with patches of sand here and there. 

Random vases were along the walls. I jumped when I heard shouting. 


Looking around the small area i was standing in, I put my hands in front of my face. "Please, Mr. Ghost! I'm sorry I kicked your femur! It was an accident!" Kneeling down I hid in my hands before I heard the voice again. 


Looking around I stood up and blinked as I noticed there wasn't a ghost anywhere. "What in the name of Hylia is going on around here?" 

"You! Kid! Over here, Kid!" 

Turning around I noticed a guy in a blue suit jacket. He was waving is arms around frantically as he was behind some spikes. Who is that? Why is he here? Why am here? 

"I'm talking to you. You came at the right time! You're lucky you found me! Lucky for me, but luckier for you. Now help me!" 

"What am I supposed to do? I don't have a sword or anything!" 

"Hey! Are you LISTENING! I said, HELP!" 

"Of course I heard you, it's hard not to with all that yelling! I don't know how to help you, I don't even know why i came up here anyway" 

"I know you're a kid and all, but try to listen up! I'm trapped in here and I don't know what to do... Normally, I'd free myself without a problem, but... I sprained my ankle and can't move. Will you help?"

Sighing gently I looked at the man that was behind the spikes. I couldn't just leave him here. Old man Oshus said to help someone in need no matter if you didn't know them or not. I've known him and Ciela my entire life. He would be disappointed to know that his teachings didn't affect me at all. 

"Can I at least know your name first?" 

"My name? Why would you want that?" 

"You want help? Tell me your name, or I'll just leave you stranded." 

He crossed his arms as he closed his eyes and turned around. "Fine, you must not want out that bad." I said as I turned and started to walk away. 



"That's my name. It's Linebeck." he stood with his hand on his hip and a hand behind his head. 

"Well, Linebeck. My name is (y/n)." 

"That's real swell and all kid, just get me out of here!" 

Sighing i looked at the spikes and hummed. "There has to be a way to disarm the spikes around here somewhere" 

I went to step out of the area i was in with the purple tiles but he stopped me before i could. "There's something i forgot to tell you. This temple will suck the life out of you!" 

"I already knew that, the skeleton-" 

"Let me finish! Don't go running away yet. I know it's scary, but it's not like the temple will suck the life out of you ALL of the time. I'm not sure why but as long as you stand on areas like this, you'll be okay." he said as he motioned to the tile he was standing on. One that mirrored mine perfectly. 

"I was already told all of that from the skeleton that was at the temple entrance." I said as i crossed my arms. He waved his hands at me and shook his head. "Stop dawdling, get me out of here!" 

Rolling my eyes I made my way out of the space i was in. Looking around I rose a brow before a sharp pain shot throughout my entire body. I jumped back onto the tile as I sat on the ground and hugged myself. Breathing heavily I heard Linebeck speak up. "I told you that it sucks the life out of you." 

"I didn't think it would hurt so much." Hearing the pounding of my heart in my ears I stood up slowly. Leaning on the damp wall I sighed gently as I regained my breath. Looking around the hallway that in front of me, I swallowed hard. Drawing in a breath I darted from the tile and ran to the left and around the corner and down the hall until i slid into another section of tiles. Standing up I looked at a rather large door that had a giant keyhole in the center of it. Taking in a breath I calmed myself before I noticed a large crystal ball that sat on a stand. It had a swirling deep purple smoke on the inside of it. 

Stepping closer, I tapped my nails on the glass before i looked at the a stone that was on the ground. Picking it up I used it to hit the orb. The smoke on the inside changed to a light green as i heard a noise from across the room. Dropping the stone, I ran around the corner and this time turned down a different hallway I found another purple space and dove into it. Looking at one of the vases on the floor, I reached my hand into one and pulled out a small heart. Yelping, I threw it down on the floor only for it to hover in place. Looking at it I watched as it floated over to me and was absorbed into my chest. Standing up, I furrowed my brows as I felt better than i did earlier. 

Looking around I found Linebeck. He was standing over by the entrance to the room. I made my way over to him as he was breathing heavily, slouched over. Standing next to him I heard him mumble to himself. 

"Phew... I think I can take a quick breather..." 

"I thought you said you sprained your ankle? You're walking just fine." 

He stood up straight and turned around to see me. He was taller than me. Quite taller than me. Looking up at him I noticed that his eyes were blue, he had a small goatee and a mustache. He was rather good looking. 

"You're pretty brave for someone so short. I mean, not as brave as me, but not too shabby. So, your name is (y/n), huh? That's a weird name. I'm a real man of the sea, impressive huh? It was smooth sailing for me in the beginning. But, then I got myself stuck in that trap. This place will suck the life out of you, if you let it. Blasted temple. What are you doing in this place anyway? What do you want from me kid?" 

"I wandered up here, I don't want anything from you, I didn't even know you existed before I met you in here. You're lucky I came up here, I saved your life and you haven't even given me a measly thank you. I don't know why you're in here or why you're so rude all the time, and even to people you didn't even know the name of. I wish you a happy life but maybe you should be a little nicer to people that you meet" 

He looked at me speechless as he stood there. Looking at him I crossed my arms. "What?" 

Shaking his head he put his hand on his hip and his right behind his head. "So, anyway... Here. Take this key with you, kid. I found this key around here, it might help. You know what you've got to do, now get to it. Oh and... Good luck in there kid." 

Turning around after I grabbed the key from him I made my way to the crystal orb that I activated earlier. Using the key in the giant door I unlocked it and pushed it open. Leaving the key in that area I made my way to the other side. Running to the north western side of the room I found another switch. Hitting that there was a faint clicking in the room. Thinking it was a timer I ran to the other side that was mirroring the corner. Hitting the orb that was there the timers stopped and I smiled a little. 

Feeling the ground vibrate I looked around to see some light coming from a new area. Walking over I found a giant gold chest that I opened up. Reaching inside I found a sea chart for the Southwestern Quadrant like the one that Oshus had in his house. Holding it I made my way back to where Linebeck was at. 

Getting to the small alcove he was at I groaned as he was gone. Shaking my head I rubbed my temples as I made my way out of the temple and sighed. Opening the sea chart I looked at it as I studied it. 

"Oh ho! If it isn't the annoying little girl. Slow getting the goods, huh?"

"Slow?! How dare you? You were the one that bolted as soon as the spikes were lowered. What, did the gratitude of me saving your sorry end heal your ankle in seconds?" 

"What an insult! I was merely running back to my ship! Any captain worth his salt puts his ship before his own safety, I tell you! But tell me little girl, what did you find in that treasure chest?" 

"You put your own ship in front of your own safety so much to not see it ever again since you were trapped only 15 minutes ago, and what I found in that chest has nothing to do with you." 

He was going to spout another insult at me before we heard someone call my name. We looked over and I noticed that it was none other than Link and Ciela. I haven't seen the two of them in quite some time. Last I saw them was maybe 8 months ago. Link had stopped by at the shop to get something for Oshus. 

"Ciela? Link? What are you two doing here?" 

"We were looking for Linebeck." 

"Why would you be doing that, Ciela? He's nothing but trouble." 

Linebeck made a face at me as I rolled my eyes and looked to link before he smiled and I ruffled his hair under his cap. 

"Grandpa said to find him because we need his help." 

"I don't know why he would say that, but what did you need?" 

"We need help finding the Ghost Ship, Linebeck should know where to find it." 

"What?! You're looking for the Ghost Ship?!" he said as he threw his hands in the air. He leaned back down and grabbed link by the shirt and started to shake him. "So you're trying to get your mitts on the treasure!" 

I looked at Ciela as Link was being shaken. "Treasure? What are you even talking about?! Link is trying to save his friend! She was abducted by the Ghost Ship! We came hoping you might know more about it." 

Linebeck let go of Link as he was dizzy and wavered a little bit.  "Oh. Really? Boo hoo. How sweet. I think I'm gonna cry. Oh I'm just teasing, kid" He said as he continued to shake Link. 

"If this is what this is about, I'm on board. I'm here looking for info about the Ghost Ship too! I was just a step away, but I sprained my ankle. Otherwise, I would have  explored this cursed place." 

I looked at Link as he was on the ground. Touching his shoulder to get him to snap out of it he looked at me. Ciela started to argue with Linebeck. "I think you were just scared and needed (y/n) to do it for you!" 

"Not a chance!" 

"Anyway, (y/n). What did you find in that chest?" 

Helping Link to stand up I held the map up only for Linebeck to snatch it. Growling at him a little I looked at him as he held it. 

"A map? Let me at it. Bah, what's this?! Some sort of boring old sea map? Oh, now I see! It is as we call it in the adventuring business, a treasure map!" 

With that he ran off back towards town. "Did he really just do that? He muscles in on our map, then just runs off with it." 

I sighed gently. "Tell me about it. I saved his tail and he didn't have the nerve to say thank you. Earlier he mentioned that he had a ship, so let's see if he's at the docks." I said as the two followed me. 

Getting back to town I sighed gently as I looked at Link. "What happened to Tetra? She was kidnapped by the Ghost Ship?" 

Ciela fluttered around me as she nodded. "She was, Grandpa said we should go get her. He even  gave us the sword." 

Looking at the sword i nodded gently. "Every sword does need to have a shield. Let's go to Ai's shop and get one" 

Making our way over to the small Tiki tent that was at the Southern part of the small town we went in and bought the shield. Letting Link put it on I looked at him and smiled gently. He was  quite the little adventurer. Making our way to the docks we found Linebeck at his ship. We got over there and noticed that Oshus was with him. 

"Well, look who's gracing us with his presence. It's old man Oshus." 

"The bridge has been fixed, so i thought that I'd check up on the youngsters here. You're an amazing lad to emerge from the temple alive, Link." 

"Actually, Grandpa. It wasn't us that got the Sea Chart. It was (y/n)." 

Oshus looked over to me and smiled warmly. "Good to see you, Honey. How old are you now? 17?" 

Smiling I looked at Linebeck who thought I was a child. "I'm 18 now, Oshus. I would have stopped by, but I've been busy helping my mother with errands." 

"You're what? 18? How is that even  possible!" Linebeck was in disbelief as he looked at me. Rolling my eyes i sighed gently. "Linebeck, if you wouldn't have liked hearing yourself talk so much I would have told you how old I really was. But all you've done since I've met you is talk over me." 

"Anyway, what did you find of the map Linebeck?" 

He looked to Oshus and sighed gently. "I've looked all over the map and there wasn't any secrets on it." 

"Hohoho. To the untrained eye this Sea Chart appears to be nothing but a simple map. But if you look at it there's a flaky part on it. Here Link, take a look." 

He handed the map to Link and I peered over his shoulder as we looked at the map. Finding a small flaky part we scratched it off and the symbol for the Goddess of  Power, Din was on an island. 

"Look at that, a hidden spot!" Ciela said as she fluttered around happily. 

Oshus nodded as he looked at us. "That marks the spot of an isle born of volcanic strife. It is the Isle of Ember. A fortune teller, named Astrid lives there. She sees far, Link. You should ask Astrid if she can see where the Ghost Ship might be!"

Linebeck, butted in. "Isle of Ember, eh? I've always suspected that something might be there. So it's as simple as sailing there and finding Astrid? So we're off to the Isle of Ember then!" 

"Ciela, I'd like you to go with Link, you'll be essential to his efforts. By seeing the outside world, you might also find your lost memories!" 

"Will do! Happy to help. Shame we have to pal around with Linebeck, though. Still, I'm glad to sail the seas and see the world!" 

"What? Don't tell me that I have to haul around with that twinkly bit of fluff too? Bah, fine then. Okay, the Isle of Ember  awaits. Ready to set sail?" 

"Wait! What about (y/n)? Is she going with us?" 

"Hmmm, she is old enough to decide that on her own. If she wants to help out she can." 

"But, I've been running errands for my mother. I can't be at both places at once." 

"I will see to it that your mother will be fine. Her errands will be done for her and she will not have to worry about you" 

Nodding gently I walked over and hugged Oshus. I haven't seen either of them in some time but it feels like I had never left. 

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