The Fun in Skyloft (Link x reader)(Fluff)(Skyward Sword)

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Link's POV

"Link! Wait up!"

I turned gently after helping a young boy catch a Stag Beetle. I looked to see (y/n) and Zelda. Two friends of mine. We've been the three musketeers since we were little. So I guess you can say we've been inseparable.

I smiled as they wrapped their arms around me. "We should fly together today!" (y/n) said happily.

Zelda smiled gently at us before it turned into a frown. It was because of Groose.

"Hey, Zelda. How about you come and have some fun with me instead of those two weaklings you call friends."

(y/n) turned around and started to walk over before I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back and held her hand tightly. Zelda walked over and looked at Groose dead in the eyes.

"Weaklings? Is that what you called my friends? I'd rather hang out with a couple of weaklings than wake up every day to hang out with you! You cannot even call yourself a gentleman, not with the manners you are so lacking. So from now on if I so much as hear that you've been picking on either one of them, I'll have my dad kick you out of the Knight Academy before you can say 'Sorry'!" she said.

She turned and marched away as (y/n) and I stuck our tongues out and chased after a fuming Zelda. She looked at us and gave us her signature closed eye smile and began to run. We looked at each other for a moment before we followed to see her jump off the diving platform and called her Blue Loftwing.

(y/n) and I followed and I called my Crimson one as she called her (f/c) one. We landed on them at once and smiled as we giggled.

I looked two the girls as they laid on their birds and sighed. (y/n) looked at us for a moment before smirking.

"Wanna see a new trick that (lo/n) (Loftwing's name) has been working on?"

I looked at Zelda and she shrugged. (y/n) stood on the saddle of her Loftwing and held her arms out as if she was an airplane. I smiled and looked at Zelda.

"Be careful, (y/n)" she said worriedly.

(y/n) smiled as she looked at us and fell off the side of her loftwing. Zelda and I gasped as we both soared down diving after our beloved friend. She was on her loftwing waving and giggling as we caught up to her. We landed on a nearby floating island and sighed deeply.

"What is wrong with you?!" Zelda asked as protective as she is.

(y/n) was busy looking at her loftwing to make sure it wasn't hurt. She looked over and hummed.

"What? I'm fine and so is (lo/n)." she said calmly.

I sat down next to my loftwing as he laid with me and let me lay on him. I sighed as I got comfy this was going to be a long argument.

"I'm fine Zelda, calm down." she said.

"Calm down? You seriously want me to calm down? You could have gotten seriously hurt, or you could have hurt your loftwing, or worse you both could have died!" she said.

(y/n) sighed gently and looked at me. "Link has gone off to the surface a few thousand times. I do one trick on my loftwing and you act like I cut myself with the Master Sword."

"Link was chosen by the goddesses! You weren't."

"Compared to you two i'm nothing special. You're the freaking goddess herself and he's the chosen hero, and yet I'm just an ordinary girl!" With that, she got on her loftwing and flew off creating enough wind to knock off my cap.

I stood slowly and went to Zelda. She looked at me and sighed.

"I feel like a parent of a rebellious child." she sighed.

I hugged her gently and smiled wide.

"Your smile never lets me be in a sour mood. Now let's go find her."

I grabbed my Crimson loftwing. We began to fly back to Skyloft where (y/n) was being hassled by Groose.

She was trying to ignore him but he kept following. I landed gently and walked over to Groose. Zelda got off and watched. I grabbed his shirt and looked at him.

He got the memo and jumped off the diving platform with Cawlin and Stritch. I sighed and gave a small nod before looking at (y/n). She turned and ran off to the Academy probably to hide in her room. I looked at Zelda and sighed.

"Another day another dilemma."

I looked at Zelda and she nodded as she took our loftwings to get food and water as I went to go get (y/n). I knocked on her door as she was right next to Zelda on the bottom floor.

I walked in to find her room empty. Shaking my head lightly at her childishness I walked to her wardrobe. I opened it and moved the clothes over to find her holding a small picture of her parents. They've been missing since she was little. Many said they fell off Skyloft and fell to the surface.

She was never exactly the same when she heard the news. For a long time, she never believed it, I still don't think she does.

"Do you think they died?" I heard.

I looked at her for a moment. She looked up at me and sighed gently before pushing herself out of the wardrobe and closing it with the pictures safely inside.

"When you first went to the surface, I had hoped that you would have found them. Something of them at least to give me hope that they're still alive. But with every day you return empty handed without any news, and the more my hope begins to dwindle."

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her gently. She sighed deeply as she hugged back. "You've been spending time at Pumpkin Landing, haven't you? You smell of Pumpkin Soup, next time you go out, will you bring me some? It would help me feel better."

She smiled sweetly as I nodded. I blushed as she planted a kiss on my cheek. She smiled a little before grabbing my hand. "Let's go find Zelda, I'm sure she's worried." With that, we left the Knight Academy.

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