Blowing up stuff's fun!

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'So this was his house huh?', i ask . We are standing in front of four's old house in Florida .

'Yeah, we are here to destroy everything, and i mean everything , lets go ,' she says  , gesturing me to go in .

She goes in the house and starts throwing things around , I follow her lead and start digging through the closets , they had spare blankets , I tore up the pillows and throw them on the ground . I feel bad for destroying their place , so many  memories could have been made here. 

'Ariel!,' I heard Six call.'

As i enter the kitchen , i see six turning on the stove and letting the gas flow, she puts a chewing gum into her mouth and turns on an  Incandescent Bulb and places the chewed gum on the bottom. 

'Lets get out of here ,' she says,' we don't wanna be here when this thing blows up .

We get out of the house , Just as the house blows up she pulls me into a hug and uses her powers to block all the fire and wood from hitting us.

' Okay , time to plan what we're gonna do next ,' says Six ,' it's gonna take us about four days to go to Ohio -

'That is if we don't meet some Mogs on the way,' I interrupt.

'Right , ' she takes out a map from her bag and spreads it ,' So we need to take four stops-

'Why don't we just steal a car? ,' I ask ,interrupting her once again.

' Are u crazy , we can't steal a car !,' she says.

'Sure we can! and it'll be easier, we don't have to go to some shitty motel , we can just stay in the car !,' i say, trying to convince her.

' Okay , okay , fine,' She says , sighing .

We get on the bike and drove to the nearest gas station , which had a billboard titled 'MOBIL'  and bought some snacks and two sunglasses. A man in his 30's got out of his car probably to go buy something from the store . Me and six ran to the car with our bike , lucky for us the car's trunk was big enough for the bike. We got in the car and six started cutting and twirling a bunch of wires .

'Hurry up,' I say , clutching my teeth.

'Don't rush me,' She replies .

I see the guy , paying for his food .

'Sis need i remind you, we are stealing a car , the guy is coming! faster!! ,' I start to panic.

'Done!,' She exclaims .

'Done? , well start the car then ,' I say as the man , walks out the store , He sees the car and drops the food in his hand.

'Hey!! That's my car!!,' He yells .

'Drive!, Drive! , Drive!, Six go!!,' I yell.

She pulls out the parking space and slams her foot on the gas , making the car go at full speed. The man runs to us for a while until he realizes , it's hopeless .Once we are a few blocks away , I burst out laughing .

' What's so funny ,'asks six  confused , but smiling.

' ......the ......most fun.....i so long,' I say between laughs .

'I feel bad for the guy we stole the car from,' says Six .

' We are trying to save someone's life, I'm sure he'll understand,' I say , grinning .

we have been driving for about 13 hours now , and by we i mean six.

'hey,' I call six , spotting a diner ,' Look can we stop for a sec and get something to eat?,' I ask.

'Yea sure,' she says parking .

We entered the diner , it was small and cute, there was a   small stand and it had the  title of the diner ' Prespeion' it said.

( A/n : i know prespeion is a fancy restaurant but in this story it's a shady diner )  

'what do u wanna eat', i ask her as we sit down .

' A burger and a hot chocolate maybe ,' she says

' yum, i'll have the same!,'i say.

The waiters came up to our table .

'¿Que te gustaria comer?', She says.

'What? we do- 

' Dos  hamburguesa y un poco de chocolate caliente , por favor,' I cut six , we both have different talents , I have always loved learning different languages. 

As the waiter  puts our plate's down . I see the world's saddest burger and some cold fries .

(look at the pic)

Well I guess that's what u get for being on the run, at least the hot chocolate  looks okay.

We start eating our food in silence , out of the corner of my eyes i notice two guys in big long cloaks , i get a view of their faces from the metal tissue box in on the counter top , they were very pale . Shit , i realize , mogs....

' Six, look over to the counter without anyone noticing ,' I whisper    

' What why ,' she asks confused.

'Just do it!,' I whisper yell.

'Okay,' She drops her fork by " Accident" and sees the guys.

She looks back at me , eyes wide,' Mogs,' she says.

'I know, what do we do? ,' I ask.

'Nothing,' is all she says .

' What?? what do u mean Nothing??,' I ask still whispering.

' They probably came to get some food, if we get up now , they will notice us, just finish your food , we'll stay here until they leave,' She explains , calmly .

'Okay,' I say slightly panicked , isn't she worried they may have come for them? i thought.

She just continues eating , guess not.  

We just continue eating , when i notice they got up to leave . They pay the lady and leave.

'Hey  , they left ', i say to Six.

'Wait for about 10 mins,' She says.

We waited for 10 mins and six got up. I follow suit, she pays the woman,' Gracias vuelve otra vez,' she waves . I smile and wave back.

We exit the dinner . I hear a 'click' , ' Turn around slowly', says the mystery person.

A/N : Hope you liked the chapter!

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