Meeting John Smith

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We get to Ohio and Six thought it would be a good idea to check the school first . She was right . By the time we got there , the school was falling apart , fire everywhere, reporters swarming around the building, cops trying to keep people out. Its not gonna be hard to get in . With everyone distracted .

Me and Six   go by the back and broke a window leading in to a classroom . It was a computer room, they were all destroyed. 

'C'mon lets go find them,' Saya six.

We run down the hallway of the school when we heard some voices. I see two mogs standing facing a door pointing blasters  . Number four must be in the  opposite end of that door.

' U go to the other side of the door and stop him from coming in i'll take care of the ones here,' I say.

'Wait are u sure?, maybe u should get Four,' She suggest.

' No , turn yourself and four invisible  before you come out,' I say.

'Okay,' She says , she grabs my shoulders ,' Please stay safe.'

' I'll try not to get stabbed again,' I grin.


'Dont worry, i'll be fine.'I reassure her.

She nods and starts walking towards the back quietly . 

I turn my attention back to the door . the first one will be easy to kill , but by the time i kill the first one the second one will notice.

I run up to the first one as quietly as i can and snap his neck. He makes a sound when i snapped his neck . The other one turned around , I use my telekinesis to pull the blaster out of   his hand, hitting him on the face with it. The Mog hisses , grabs the side of my head and slams it on the wall. I feel blood running down my face already . He punches me in the stomach causing me to lose my breath and fall down, The Mog turn to get the blaster from the ground.  I grab my knife from my shoe's getting up and  stabbing  him on the back. The Mog screams as  i push the knife deeper into his back. He falls down with a thud .

I open the door and see nothing.

'Six?,' I breath out.

Six and two other people i dont know materialize in front of me .

'You killed them?,' she asks.

'Yeah, and i didnt get stabbed!,' I say, grinning .

I turn to the guy who i guessed was Number Four.

'Hey! Im Ari-,' Suddenly i hear a gunshot , we duck in to the room and shut the door. 

'YOU SAID U KILLED THEM!,' Whisper-yells Six.

'Guess I missed one , sorry!,' I say.

' its okay, come lets go out through the window ,' She gestures the window.

Six turns to Four and the girl.

'How far do you live from here?,' she asks.

'Three miles.'He says.

She nods

'Do you have a Cêpan?,' she asks.

'Yes, of course. Don't you?,' He asks.

I look down. I miss my  Cêpan , she was an amazing woman , who tough me everything i know.

Six pauses before speaking, as though drawing strength from some unseen entity. 'We did,' she says. 'She died three years ago'. 

'Its just been me and Six since then,' I say, sadly .

'I'm sorry,'He says .

'It's a war, people are going to die. Right now we have to get out of here or we'll die as well. If they're in the area, then they already know where you live, which means they're already there, so it's pointless to try to be secretive once we're out of here. These are only scouts. The soldiers are on the way. They have the swords. The beasts won't be far behind. Time is short. At best we have a day. At worst they're already here.'Says Six.

'He's at home,' He says.

'Who?,' I ask in confusion 

'Henri, my Cêpan.'

'I'm sure he's fine. They won't touch him as long as you're free. It's you they want, and they'll use him to try to lure you," Six says, then lifts her head towards the barred window. We turn and look with her. Speeding around the bend coming towards the school, very faintly so that nothing else can be seen, is a pair of headlights that slow, pass the exit, then turn into the entrance and quickly disappear. Six turns back to us. "All the windows are blocked. How else can we get out?'

'We can get out through the gymnasium,'  Says the girl. 'There's a passageway beneath the stage that opens like a cellar door in the back of the school.'

'Really?,' Asks Four.

Isn't he supposed to know bout his school? I think to myself .

'Each of you take a hand," Six says.Four takes her right, the girl her left. 'Be as quiet as possible. As long as you hold my hands, you'll both be invisible. They won't be able to see us, but they'll hear us. Once we're outside we'll run like hell. We'll never be able to escape them, not since they've found us. The only way to escape is to kill them, every last one of them, before the others arrive.'

I take a hold of her shoulders. 

 'Okay,' He says

'Do you know what that means?' Six says.

He shakes his head , i sigh.

'There's no escaping them now,'she says. 'It means you're going to have to fight.'

'Never mind sneaking out,' she says. 'The war starts now.'

She rushes up and thrusts her hands forward and the door breaks away from the jamb and crashes across the hallway. Splintered wood. Shattered glass.

'Turn your lights on!'she tells Four.'

He snap them on. A Mogadorian stands amid the rubble of the broken door. It smiles, blood seeping from the corner of its mouth, where the door has hit it. Black eyes, pale skin as though the sun has never touched it. It throws something that I don't see and I hear Six grunt beside me. I look into its eyes and a pain tears through me so that I'm stuck where I am, unable to move. Darkness falls. Sadness. My body stiffens. A haze of pictures of the day of the invasion flicker through my mind: the death of women and children, my grandparents; tears, screams, blood, heaps of burning bodies. Six breaks the eye contact by lifting the Mogadorian in the air and hurling it against the wall. It tries standing and Six lifts it again, this time throwing it as hard as she can against one wall and then the other. The scout falls to the ground twisted and broken, its chest rising once and then becoming still. One or two seconds pass. Its entire body collapses into a pile of ash, accompanied by a sound similar to a bag of sand being dropped to the ground.

'What the hell?', Asks Four.

'Dont look into their eyes',I tell them. 

Two other scouts sweep towards us from the end of the hall. A shroud of darkness surrounds them, as though they consume everything around them and turn it into black. Six stands tall in front of me, firm, chin held high.  Both Mogs stop where the hallway intersects with another, their teeth bared in a sneer. My body is tense, muscles burning with exhaustion. They take deep, rasping breaths, which is what we heard outside the door, their breathing, not their walking. Watching us. And then a different noise fills the hallway, and the Mogs both turn their attention to it. A door being shaken as though somebody is trying to force it open. From out of nowhere there comes the sound of a gun blast, followed by the school door being kicked open. They both look surprised, and as they turn to flee, two more blasts boom through the hallway and both scouts are blown backwards. We hear the approaching sound of two sets of shoes and the click of a dog's toenails. Six tenses beside me, ready for whatever is coming our way. There was a guy  standing in the door way.  He has a double-barreled shotgun. There was a dog at his side, and he comes sprinting towards Four. He crouch down and lift the dog off the floor. He licks wildly at his face, I smile, it was a cute sight. 

'Four?,' I ask , hoping he would introduce us.

'Oh yea ,this is Henri,' he says. 'My Cêpan.'

Henri walks towards us , looking like he's gonna hit Four but instead he hugs him.

There is a boy about my age behind him. 

'I'm sorry, Henri. I didn't know this would happen.' Explains Four.

'I know you didn't. I'm just happy you're okay.' He says, 'Come on, we have to get out of here. The whole damn school is surrounded.'

'Shit,' I curse, under my breath.

The girl leads us to the safest room she can think of, which is the home economics kitchen down the hall. We lock the door behind us. Six and I move three refrigerators in front of it to keep anything from entering while Henri rushes to the windows and pulls the blinds down. The girl walks straight into the kitchen , opens the drawer and removes the biggest butcher's knife she can find. The boy watches her, and when he sees what she 's doing , he drops the Chest to the floor and grabs a knife of his own. He rifles through other drawers and removes a meat-tenderizer hammer and tucks it into the waistband of his pants.

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