Chapter eight: Mysterious man

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Back at JPA Flight stood there looking out the window clenching his fists to the desk.

" you.. need something?" Belle nervously asked.
"He is such a f-" Flight started.
"Language my dear..." Belle said and went to go get him a coffee.

All the masters and I were crowded behind the door trying to hear what was saying.
"Move it fatty! You take all the space!" Thunder yelled.
"Oh really? Why don't you think about stopping by the gym sometime. You could lost the extra..that." Air pointed to his stomach.
"Hey! Look who's talking." Thunder retorted.

"I'll have you know my body is in an extremely good shape." Air boasted.

Bolt couldn't care less he was over on the other aide if the wall talking with Flake.
"Do you think Flight will be mad?" Flake asked.
"No, he's already mad." Bolt answered.
"Yea..but..." Flake started.
"Stop talking Flake I'm doing something now. Talk to me later, shoo." He slightly put his arm out motioning her to leave him alone.

She sighed and nodded her head. Bolt put his hoodie on and turned the other way.
"Should we go inside?" Ocean asked.
"I wouldn't... When he's mad, you're not supposed to go near him." Dawn reminded.

"Who cares. And who said you could answer, I wasn't talking to you anyways." She snapped.

Ocean hated Dawn for one reason. They both liked the same guy; Air. I do have to admit, I thought to myself, he is pretty good looking. Ocean always gets what she wants.

"Well how about this. Ocean and I will go on patrol, Dawn and Bolt will take floor and janitor duties, Echo, Sky, and Speed will go to the security room for check ups, Flame and don't you..uh...oh yea! Someone needs to train the Officers, Generals,and Hosts. Nevertheless we cannot forget about the apprentices and girls. That just leaves Torch, Aqua, Snow, and Flake. Didn't Flight say he wanted someone to go on patrol to the other side? that." Air ordered.

Ocean smiled at Dawn but more in a 'I-Hate-you-I'm- going-to-kill-you' type of smile. She got what she wanted as usual.

"Hey where's vitamin and makeup?" Thunder asked.
"What?" Bolt said lifting up from his corner.
"It's the name I gave those and Jessica I think." Thunder chuckled.
"Um..ok? They're both in class, they should come up here soon." Flame answered.

"Gah! I hate Eagle so much! I wish he would just die!" Flight threw his paper on the floor.
"Honey, settle down please. It's going to be ok. Oh...and um...he's coming tomorrow..." She tried to escape.

Flight lunged at her bringing her down.
"WHAT?!" He tried to keep calm." Why didn't you tell me this?! Argh! " Flight got off of Belle and walked towards the door.

As he opened it all the masters tumbled out.
"What the?! I thought I told Air to give you the jobs! What is this?!" Flight screamed.
All the masters were taken aback and fast walked away.

Belle chased after Flight still trying to calm him down.

"So, Bolt." Flake walked by his side.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be helping the others?" Bolt asked.
"I guess so...I'm sorry that I bother you a lot..." She looked down.
He sighed and slightly slapped her cheek.
"Lighten up already. You know I like it better when you're here dummy." Bolt joked.

Flake looked up at him and smiled. She hugged him but Bolt shoved her off.
"No Flake. I don't like hugs." He tried to pretend to be mad atr her.
Flake put her hands up to her face.
"Oh! I'm so so sorry!" She cried.

They were near a pond and Bolt pushed her in.
"Ahhhhh!" Flake yelled as she was about to fall in. So something as fast as Speed bolted behind her and caught her. The strange man carried her bridal style on the floor.

The mysterious man's face was covered with his hoodie and he was wearing dark clothes. He set Flake down and spit the toothpick out of his mouth.

Still not looking up he said," Not a very nice thing to do to little miss here.." He chuckled.

He gently stroked her hair and touched her skin. He pet up and down her cheeks. This caused Bolt to get defensive.

"Who the heck do you think you are?!" Bolt clenched his fists.

The man chuckled softly "Feisty are we not? My name is nothing you need to worry about."
"Ok then,Mr. Nothing you need to worry about" Bolt's voice got deeper," Get your dirty hands off of her."

"Hmm, I think I'll be the judge of that." He picked her up.

Bolt looked even more mad and white started to show as he pushed his nails on his skin.

"Let me put her to bed first, she looks sleepy." The man smirked.
"Wha- what? It's ok I can do it..." Flake blushed.
"Shhh...quiet." The man answered.

Bolt's POV
I noticed how she was blushing and that ticked me off.

"Well it seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He chuckled.
"Shut up. Put her down." I ordered.

"Is little grumpy here ordering me around?" He laughed again and started towards the door.

Flake was blushing even more.

Flake's POV
He was a handsome man. Very. I couldn't help myself. Bolt seemed extremely mad and I started to feel bad.

The man walked in the girls' dorm.
He's not allowed in's girls only..should I tell him?
"Um...sir?" I shyly began.
"Call me Jake." He ordered glaring at me.
"Oh..I'm so's're not-
" Shut it sweetie. I know. Which is your room?" He asked me.

"478." I answered.
Wow...he's a little controlling...
He brought me over to my room and knocked.
"No one else lives-
"I thought I said to be quiet? I just assumed you lived with someone. Don't all girls?" Hs asked.

"Not always.." I said.
"But you're always in the bathroom together..." He smirked.
"Um..that's different." I blushed.
He reached in my pocket.
Omg...what is he doing?
He pulled out a key.

"This is where all girls keep them." He smiled at me and opened the door.

Wait...what is that...
I saw him get something out of his pocket. It was a ring. A black one with red diamonds. He put it on and suddenly his body changed.

He started charging at the window but as he passed me he grabbed me and jumped through the window...
"What the..." I said before I passed out. The world around me went black...

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