Chapter nine: Possessed school

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Jessica and I walked over to the master's office like we usually do after classes. I felt something strange was going on at JPA.

"Hey, Jessica? Have you noticed anything..strange going on around here?" I asked.
"Oh,you mean like how Travis put James in the waste basket?" Jessica replied.
"No..he usually does that. I mean Air and Thunder have been really nice lately. And Jet is always boasting about himself in class, now he doesn't. And did you see how all of the nice people are being really mean? Like Ava just dumped all the trash on Mr. Lopez's desk and then Lana put butter on the study hall desks and slid across them! Also did you see Taylor put a whoopee cushion on Jason's chair?" I told her.

"Oh yea. That's what that noise was. I guess I have. Let's go tell Flight." Jessica suggested.

We raced up all the stairs and got to the office.
"Flight! We've got to tell you something!" Jessica panted.
"Where is Flight anyways?" I asked.
" that him..Over there.." Jessica giggled.

Flight was running around in a chicken costume throwing popcorn everywhere. He put a chocolate bunny on Air's head and then knocked it off with a bat. He was holding a bowl of salad with him and was sticking little pieces of lettuce on people. He poured honey over Flake and Icey and stuck another piece of lettuce on their noses. He went over to a tree and started licking it and calling it names. Thunder walked in and Flight immediately stuffed him in an inflatable pyramid. The two walked around and Thunder went over to a bush and carved a bunny out of it

"What the heck are they doing? This doesn't seem like something Flight would do." Jessica said.

Flight went over to his brand new Porsche and ripped the tires up. He grabbed a piece of it and started munching away at it. He went to the back of the trunk and pulled out the gas container. He put it up to his mouth and drank the liquid.

"Isn't that kind of dangerous? Don't people die after eating tires and drinking gasoline?" Jessica asked.

After a while of watching Flight ridicule himself he fell down.

"Did he just faint? Should we go see?" Jessica asked.
"I think so." We walked over to him and saw his motionless body.
"Is he dead?" I asked.
"Woah..look at his eyes. They're all weird." Jessica pointed out.
"Yea...those aren't his...they're someone else's." I said.
"Hey! Neither is his personality!" Jessica added.
"Oh...yea...anyways. Should we tell someone?" I asked.

"I don't think we should. Everyone seems a little bit out of the ordinary..we should keep this to ourselves." Jessica advised.
"You're right. Let's go see what we can find at the library." I said.
"Why the library?" Jessica asked.
"Because in all the mystery movies they go to some resource place to get info." I answered.

"Yea but what are we even looking for?" Lucy asked.
"Well it seems like everyone has been possessed by something. How about we look under P for Possession?" I suggested.
"And how about W for We're never gonna find it. But whatever." Jessica sighed.

We paced all the way to the library and looked in the P section.
"Prophecy,Pregnancy, Pox;Possession! Here it is!" I excited.
I flipped through the book and landed on a page titled:


"Hmm...Possession Day? What's that?" I skimmed through it.

     Possession Day is a holiday for mythical students. It is a gathering where all mythical schools meet up for an assembly about possessing other people's lives. Each student practices on a young human from other schools. This day is held on October 9 and lasts for 6 hours of possessing the student's life.  It starts at 3:00 a.m and ends at nine p.m. While the pupil is under this spell the possessor may do what they please.

"Wow! This is weird! First the vampires and now the Mythical students?!" I yelled.
"What vampires?" Jessica asked.
I gulped. I forgot she didn't know.
"Um...never mind... Anyways.. Isn't today October 9?" I said.
"Yes. It is! That means they're all here! Most of them. We need to get rid of them! Now!" Jessica shouted.
"Wait! What time is it!" I asked.
"It's 6:15." She answered.
"That means there's two hours and 45 mins left of Flight being a total maniac and Air being so different. How do we get rid of them?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure we're supposed to have five people to do this. It's some sort of word thing we have to say." Jessica explained.
"Well who? Do you have anyone in mind?" I asked.
"Yes. We need masters from the other school. We need Cloudy,Windy,Swift,Eagle,and Ray." She answered.

My stomach turned inside out. I remembered the name Ray. He was a vampire...

" do we get them here? And why do we need five? Don't we need three?" I asked.
"No, because we aren't masters." Jessica explained.

She went over to the control room and started tapping away at the keyboards. Soon a screen appeared and a face on it. I could tell it was a master because of his appearance. He had half of his hair white and the other half was brown his right eye was black and his left was brown.

"Hold on,Windy, I'll be right with you! I'm getting a call from my bratty brother. Hope this doesnt take too long." I could hear him say over the screen.

"Hi Eagle. It's not your bratty brother, it's Jessica. I need you and the others to get over here A.S.A.P. Bring the others." Jessica ordered.

"Yeah..ok..can you be more specific little miss? I have 11 others with me. Which do I bring?" He asked.
"The usual. Four others." Jessica turned the screen off.
"They should be here in 30 seconds." Jessica said.
"Only that? But aren't they all the way across the country?" I asked.

"He can go almost as fast as Speed. He can turn into an eagle. He'll be here." Jessica replied.

" We're here. What do you want? I brought Cloudy,Windy,Ray,myself,and my man Swift here." Eagle said.

"It's October 9. Get into position." Jessica ordered.

"Yea. I don't care. Yesterday was the 8 tomorrow is the 10 ,not seeing what the problem is." Eagle scratched his head.
"No dummy. Don't you know? Possession Day!" Jessica yelled.
"Woah,kid. Simmer down a bit and take it easy. We know about October 9 already. We shouldn't be here. Flight's got it settled." Cloudy, a man with blue and white hair said.

"You don't understand! He's under the spell too! And so are the masters! Everyone is except us! Now get into position and do what you do idiots." Jessica shouted.

Swift stepped forward and everyone stepped back. He glared at Jessica straight in the eye.

"Listen kid. I'm in charge here and my guys listen to me. Not you. What I say goes. I'll get into place if I want to. Second of all who are you to speak to your superiors like that. If it weren't for Eagle we wouldn't be here. Second of all I'd like to point out how asking us to come here was extremely insulting for more than one reason. And third of all I just want to ask you where you put her. Nixie." Swift growled.

Swift walked behind her and held a sword on her neck.
He whispered in her ear.

"I have the power to take your life away from you. But I won't. I still love you Nixie. You didn't have to leave, you know that. I will let you go for the sake of our  former relationship..." He said in her ear.

"I left because I had to Swift. You wouldn't understand. You're too nice,Swift. That was always a problem. You would never let me take a punch. You'd always take it for me! Ash doesn't do that!" Nixie said.

"Who the heck is Ash?!" Swift yelled this time.
"Her boyfriend." A voice said. We all turned around to see someone with pitch black hair and red eyes. He walked closer to Nixie who had just ascended out of Jessica's body. He took her by the hand and held her tight.

"She's done with you, Swift. Forget it." He chuckled and rose his hand into the air. He pointed towards the mountains.

"Let's go guys. I am hungry. Master awaits." He marched away with Nixie close by his side and about a hundred more mythical students behind him.

" Wow. I guess you didn't need us, you only needed Swift. Speed is lucky to have such a great example." Windy praised.

"Shut up,Windy. You do not need to tell your lies straight to my face. Let us go." Swift snapped.

"Don't worry,Windy. He's just upset with himself and Ash. He didn't mean to hurt you. Just.. Let him be for a while until he calms down about the whole new boyfriend thing." Cloudy comforted his sister.

Once they were gone I turned to Jessica.

"Did you know she was inside you?" I asked. She nodded her head.
"I could hear what she was saying. I could tell every time she looked at Swift,her heart hurt. Swift was boiling when he left. I kind of feel bad for Windy. She likes Swift." Jessica said.

I could tell somehow I had a lot to learn about JPA...

Find out what happens next in JPA and River 92...

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