Chapter Six: Pizza boy is actually Pizza Vampire

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The two (Flight and Belle) stayed in each others embrace for a while.
" offense but you're kind of disturbing your would you doing that here?" Air asked. Flight glared at him.
"Shut up man. It's called love." Flight said and let go of Belle.

" that why don't we get back to work?" Bolt suggested.
"Yeah. Lots to do." Flight said. He looked at Belle and smiled.
"So anyways..what do you think?" He asked.

Flake looked across the room at Bolt. He's so perfect. I wonder if he would ever like me back. He's handsome,mature,bold,strong,and just so perfect...that's probably why all the girls in the lower class have a crush on him. I know Icey likes Thunder..and Snow doesn't like what if I have a chance with him?

About an hour later Air came in and face planted on the table.
"That's it! This is exasperating! I'm tired of this work. Can we take a break?" Air asked.
"Hmm, I think we should. Everyone stop your work. We're taking a break." Flight said.
"I know,how about we order a pizza? There's this really good place down a few blocks and we could order a few pizzas from there. I'm not paying by the way." Air added.

"I didn't think you were going to. That's fine. I'll pay." Sky offered.
"Get three." Flight ordered.

Sky called the place and the next heartbeat,the delivery boy was there.
"That was fast." Sky said. He walked over to the door and opened it. The boy had a scarf over his mouth and his hat covered his eyes.
"What the fudge? What are you wearing? Are you sick or what? Do you need some pills?" Air joked.
"Air! Don't be so mean!" Icey hollered.
"We'll pay with check." Flight said.

"Oh..there's no need to pay with check..or cash..or credit..that's not what I want.." The boy said.
"Um..excuse me? What are you saying." Sky asked.

The guy stepped in followed by another dressed the same way.
"Excuse me. I'm going to have to ask you to please step outside." Flight said.
"That won't be necessary... Sir." He stepped towards Flake. He put his finger on her neck and rubbed it. He nodded his head to his partner.
The partner jumped into the air and sprayed a pink mist. All the masters were knocked unconscious. I was the only one hiding behind a large box.
"Do you smell anyone's presence?" The first guys asked.
"No. We can take off our scarves and caps now." The other one said.
"Good. Now. I choose this girl. She smells of flowers. What do you pick to satisfy your hunger?" He asked.
The man pointed to Icey.
"That one. She looks tasty." He chuckled.

They both took off their covering and opened their mouths wide. I saw fangs! And their eyes were red!

They..they look like..vampires! No! It can't be! Vampires don't they?

I saw the first pierce his fangs into Flake's neck. The second followed and they started licking their necks. I had almost fell unconscious just watching them.

I didn't even notice Speed come in. He looked at them and sniffed the air. His eyes became red too and fangs came out of his mouth.

No! It can't be! No way Speed is one of them!

I saw him get drawn near Flake. I could tell he was trying to fight the urge to enjoy the blood with them.
"Stop..Ash..Ray...that's've already had your filling.." He said grabbing his neck so he wouldn't join them.

The one I guessed was Ash looked up, blood dripping from his lip. He wiped it off.
"So, Speed..this is your school aye? Pretty nice place." He let go of Flake and let the blood drip from her neck on to the floor.
The other one let Icey's head fall to the floor.

"Have you come to enjoy the scent of blood? Quite enticing is it not?" Ash chuckled.
"Shut up! I will never drink her blood..I'm not as iniquitous as you are. I do not find pleasure in penetrating people's skin for the sake of blood." Speed hissed.
"In this case it's for the sake of lunch." Ray interrupted.

"How can you be so vicious?" Speed asked.
"The real question is how can you be so meek? You know you want it. Come here." Ash motioned. Speed could not resist the spell Ash had tricked him into. He approached Flake and bent down.

"That's right. Fill your stomach. Just bend down." He grimaced.
"" Speed said as he sucked on the spot where Ash had bitten her.
"Stop messing with him. Let's go before they wake up. " Ray advised.

"I'm not messing with him. I'm doing him the favor. His body needs it. He was craving it for a long time." Ash said. He pulled Speed's head up and wiped the blood off of his lips.
"That should suffice. Besides,you made it quite clear that you don't want to kill her. I wonder why. And by the way..she has feeling for another guy.." Ash smirked.

Speed's eyes became normal again. He looked at Flake and touched her opened skin. Once he touched it, the holes were gone. He went over to Icey's wound and licked it to clean it and did the same to her neck holes.

"You should go now, guys. I'll see you tonight." Speed sighed.
"Really? I didn't think you actually came anymore." Ash said.

"It seems as though I have no choice." Speed sighed again.
Ash came over to him and lifted Speed's chin.
"Look stupid, you're a vampire and you know it. Stop trying to evade your true identity. Whether you like it or're still a vampire." Ash said and walked towards Ray.

"I know. I know that I'm a vampire. I can't seem to forget. Ever since I learned I was a vampire in the 6th grade, I've hayed myself for knowing the true beast I really am. I tried to run away, but that didn't work. I still hate myself,knowing what I do. You wouldn't understand." Speed said.

"You're right about one thing. I wouldn't understand. I've known I was a vampire since I was born, and I have adjusted quite well to being a vampire. I enjoy being a vampire. If that is all I will see you tonight and good bye." Ash said.
"Likewise." Speed answered. The two boys left and took the pizza money with them.

Speed just sat there surrounded by unconscious masters. He put a finger to Flake's neck and felt the beat. He went to Icey's neck and felt a slight beat.
"Man.. Ray sure took a large portion of her blood. I wonder if she'll be ok. He picked her up and washed the blood on her neck. He then picked Flake up and put her next to Icey.

" I'm surprised." Flight happened to be standing at the door.
"Flight? What do you you mean?" Speed asked.
"I thought you would take more. But you didn't. I'm proud to see you used some of your healing power on them. They should be just fine. As for the others,they'll wake up in 20 minutes or so. Except for Air. He got hit pretty hard with the spray. He should be up by tomorrow. But the only thing is there's a high risk he might be sick. Now I want you to take care of Flake and Icey. Your friends messed them up so it's your duty to fix them. I'll let everyone have a break today. But just because of what happened." Flight said.
"Oh..ok.." He looked at Flake. Does she really have feelings for some other guy?
"And Speed? I don't want any talk about what happened. This mishap stays in the room and no one finds out. We only allow vampires to go here because you leave during the night. And your the only one here." Flight said.

Why do I have to be a vampire? I never asked for this...

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