Major Payne's Arrival

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It had been 3 weeks since Major had left, and the platoon had become a wreck, but again, Stone was nowhere in sight which of course wasn't a surprise.

"Alright, squad, FALL IN!!" Hayden yells, as the whole platoon slowly does as told, making him and his second in command groan, before either of them could spout out a command, another voice popped out from the silence.

"So you scrotum sacks are my platoon?" The voice echoed, they all turned to see a marine Major standing behind them.

"Hello sir, I'm cadet Dawson, you must be our new commander-" Dawson started before getting interrupted

"Both of you fall in, I can deal with these introductions myself" This new major had a kind of crazy and creepy demeanor to him but he just pulled his second command into the platoon. The major started walking back and forth, eyeing down the entire platoon.

"My name is Major Benson Payne, and I am your new ROTC commander!" Major Payne annconues, everyone in the platoon was already feeling a tiny sense of dread at just hearing him. He started walking to each one of the cadets, as Stone was walking down to meet up. He hadn't put on his uniform, because quite frankly, he just didn't care about it since there was no Major to tell him otherwise. Once he had gotten close enough, he seen half of his platoon doing various different exercises and someone yelling at them.

"What the fuck..?-" Stone mumbles as he now starts running, once he had gotten down there, he was met face to face with Major Payne

"Who are you girly mouth?" Major Payne snarls, Stone was a bit taken aback but just shook it off

"Sir, Cadet Alex Stone, sir-" Stone replies, making obvious joking hand saltutes and stupid gestures

"You got a sense of humor? You know, I got one too" Major Payne states with one of his uncomfortable smiles, after only three minutes the whole platoon was bald

"Way to go, Stone!" Hayden yells, pissed off

"Oh shut up!" Stone yells back

"You two twinkle fagfucks shut up!" Major Payne yells

"Fags?! We're not gay!" Stone yells as his face turns bright red

"Then why is your face so red?" Cadet Wuilger jokes

"You all shut up!" Payne yells, the platoon fell silent as Major Payne stood in front of them, he looks at all of the cadets before finally asking

"Who's the platoon commander here?!" Major Payne yells

"Me, Major." Stone replies

"Alright you, fall out and lead the platoon through PT. And don't piss me off" Major Payne orders as he and his second command fall out to do PT.

"Alright, we will do a circuit course, over there is 10 pushups, here is 15 flutter kicks, over there is 20 4-count side straddle hops, and finally we will have 30 second planks. Choose a buddy and STICK with that buddy!" Stone yells

"FALL OUT!" Hayden commands as everyone groans before stumbling off to find a battle buddy, Hayden groans when he sees the only person to do PT with was Stone.

"I can't believe I have to be stuck with you.." Hayden glares as they start running, Stone following

"You were stuck with me before, it isn't different." Stone replies, raising a brow

"Ugh whatever, I just hate that new major." Hayden says, watching Payne walk away

"Yeah I agree with that, fucker shaved us bald." Stone groans before stopping at the first PT station

"I wish there was a way to get rid of him.." Hayden sighs, laying their hands on their knees

"You know.. I could do that. That is if you'd work with me." Stone says, giving them a serious yet devious look, Hayden stares at him for a while before sighing

"What's your idea?" Hayden asks, standing as Stone smiles

"We'll all meet up in the barracks and I'll explain the plan." Stone replies with yet another devious smile

"I never imagined myself working with you in my life.." Hayden sighs, moving into the grass to do sit-ups

"Neither did I, but I have to admit, it isn't so bad." Stone replies, groaning a few parts from him talking in the middle of the exercises, Hayden grew quiet, they always thought Stone hated them, more than anything really and there it was. Him admitting that him working with them wasn't.. So bad.. It was confusing out of everything.

"What? Are you mute now?" Stone asks, standing. Hayden hadn't even noticed that they spaced out.

"I just spaced out.." Hayden mutters, shaking their head.

"Here, let me help you up." Stone says, holding his hand out to them, Hayden stares at his hand before grabbing it, Stone helps them up and starts jogging. Hayden catches up to him and stops him by grabbing his shoulder

"Stone, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? When Major was here, you hated me." Hayden says, frowning in confusion as Stone sighs deeply

"That's just it. Major ISN'T here anymore. He's replaced by some dick, he doesn't know about what my dad does to me, and hell nobody knows my sexual oretation!" Stone rants as Hayden stares at him, they frowned.. He was being genuine.. He acted differently when Major was around because he knew Major would disapprove.

"So you never hated me..?" Hayden asks, still frowning

"No!!" Stone yelled before sighing "I truly care about all you guys and I'm getting rid of this asshole." Stone adds as Hayden smiles sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder

"That's the.. Most genuine thing I heard you ever say.. I'll be happy to do this with you.." Hayden says, smiling as Stone slightly smiles. This was the most comfort he had since Major had left, and with a person he had never expected it with. 

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